WSM 2015 Slides

Competitors’ shift to Clinical Decision Support creates opportunity for WK

Clinical Key

Elsevier MD Consult, Expert Consult, Nurse Consult

McGraw Hill Access Medicine


UTD dominates



Lifelong Learning

Clinical Decision Support

 Primary decision makers: faculty, Deans, course/program directors, CNO’s, librarians,  Primary end users: students, residents, fellows, faculty and course/program directors, nurses in practice  Offerings: Adoptable course content and assessment tools that are integrated deeply into teaching. Nursing training modules.

 Primary decision makers: Librarians

 Primary decision makers: Chief Medical Officers, Chief Nursing Officers  Primary end users: Clinicians/ practitioners (including residents and med students on clerkship rotations), and nurses in point-of-care workflow  Offerings: Workflow tools; clinically actionable content at the point of need

 Primary end users: Researchers; students, residents, fellows and clinicians in a research usage occasion

 Offerings: General references


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