MS Theater Instructional Guide

4. Learn a structure for delivering specifc and actionable feedback that notes and includes both strengths and areas of growth. 5. Perform for one another and practice giving and receiving specifc, actionable peer feedback in a supportive environment. 6. Refect on the feedback received and incorporate it into their own improvement process. 7. Continue to refne your feedback skills as you actively participate in collaborative, ongoing peer feedback sessions. WISR CONNECTIONS:

Writing, Inquiry, Speaking, Listening CONCEPTS:


● Personal Experience ● Critique ● Feedback ● Coaching ● Constructive Criticism ● Refection

● Personal Experience ● Critique ● Feedback ● Coaching ● Constructive Criticism ● Refection

● Justify responses based on personal experiences when participating in or observing a work of theatre. ● Receive and act upon coaching, feedback, and constructive criticism. ● Describe and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of one’s own or group work.


The Kennedy Center: Teaching Student to Critique BYU Theatre Education Database: Feedback and Preview Ford’s Theatre: Warm and Cool Feedback Lesson Ford’s Theatre: Warm and Cool Feedback Video Ford’s Theatre: How to Coach Public Speaking Theatrefolk: Getting and Giving Feedback

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