Which town?

S., who still willingly shared his views, appeared to attribute this accident to a blind haste to build the outer temple, while the priority ought to remain an inner one, the construction being but a pretext to gather the energies and work on the unity of the consciousnesses. Nevertheless, everyone could directly and equally refer to Her insistence that the Matrimandir must be built first and the sooner, the better.


Certainly, the situation had changed and the atmosphere of the community was furrowed by the waves of a deep conflict which seemed insoluble = what were the implications in terms of priorities?


Yet the dedicated team, despite the harshness of the period and the intense exigencies of the task, felt or apprehended another position of apprenticeship – to become capable of offering one’s nature and all of one’s being to the change and veritable union AND at once and the same time to build this temple for Her Force, for the future.

The secret seemed to lay precisely in this “at once”.

Neither one nor the other must take precedence, both being equal parts of a single unique process – that of Her city.


Everyone had observed the conduct of those disciples She had entrusted with a certain authority in the adventure – it was hardly exemplary.


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