Which town?


While the atmosphere conjured by memories and traces of ancient times when certain human beings, occultly developed, had known to command Matter through, for instance, the manipulation of high-frequency sounds or magnetic waves, was heavy with a weight of shadow and separate craving for power, this atmosphere emanating from these flashes of a future material unity was filled with joy, a joy at once wholesome, brimming and so light, a joy ever new. A joy which the present human condition was apparently very far from incarnating – being able to incarnate. Yet there we were = She had given Her children this harbor – this magic task for them to accomplish together as a community of souls, free to seek together for the new processes, the new forms and the new perceptions, free to open together to the new consciousness, helping and supporting one another, enveloped and traversed by Her Force. And in this haven, Nature was our companion, its living matter was a source of delight = everywhere on the plateau and around it grew the trees and plants and the songs of birds multiplied and everyone one could experience this gratitude for the harmony that accompanied each and all of us on the path.


And nearer to the temple too the trees grew, the low hills became green and one could already know this joy of constant discovery in the distances, proximities and relationships between these living trees and the sphere and the light of the sun, the moon and the stars and the changing clarity of the seasons.


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