Which town?

Besides, no one could ignore the necessity of learning to manage and administer the assets, resources and activities if the community was to develop in any way; if one no longer wanted the hold of this relatively exterior Society and if the central Government alone could provide an independent legal status, one would just have to face all responsibilities entailed and demonstrate the commitment of all residents. Moreover, actual solidarity - even if all present were not yet aware of its inner reality -, willy-nilly obliged everyone to participate since each individual action or attitude was bound to directly affect the whole, in ways that were still verifiable, as there were as yet only a few hundred aspirants.


Those who were led to function as interlocutors with the Administrator, as representatives of the community, soon found themselves exposed to simultaneous contrary fires – the expectations and judgments of their own often proving the most severe. Today, this situation is only more complex : a sort of wisdom unclaimed and unsigned seems to be operating, tenacious and fastidious, to neutralize any possibility of personal abuse of power. The strategic teams appear to be constantly replaced, the selection processes inviting each and all to pronounce on everyone and everything, so that virtually every single resident may have at least once the chance to “serve” the community, without ever letting anyone to settle down in any public role.



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