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However, after these years on the site working with solid, durable and precise materials to obtain a perfection not only of the form but of the substance as well, many of the workers objected to the use of such materials of which neither the durability, the safety, quality or solidity were evident or proved. The whole team thus returned to those criteria She had once enunciated = solidity, safety, durability and harmony of the proportions. And, while a solution acceptable to all was being sought, PC. was increasingly concentrating on the realization as exact and perfect as possible of the complementary elements of the inner Chamber – for which one had to learn everything anew = the cutting and laying of the marble, the manufacture of the white woolen carpet, the preparation of the twelve columns, the installation of the heliostat at the top of the sphere, the casting of the symbols and, even more hazardous, of the globe of glass crystal which would one day receive the vertical ray of sunlight, the object of the concentration and the symbol of the action of the Truth-Consciousness through the awakened psychic being.


And, too, the whole of the infrastructure had to be studied, created and assembled, beginning with the conditioning of the air that would circulate inside the Chamber, where a total silence must reign : the structure of the Chamber offered few openings (the two doors, a gap set between the floor slab and the walls, a round opening at the apex of the roof for the passage of the ray and another, smaller one, in the floor underneath the globe to let out its heat and, eventually, redirect it downwards all the way to the pond underneath the sphere) and, in the current state of knowledge and techniques, it seemed impossible to control both the air circulation and its humidity levels without the assistance of machines, which would have to be located far enough from the Chamber.


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