Which town?


A delegation was therefore sent to meet with R. in France : its mission was to resume contact, provide R. with all the descriptive elements of the current stage of the construction and of the options that appeared practicable and communicate the issues of coherence that preoccupied everyone. Various reasons and motives were mixed or juxtaposed in this course of action = prudence, respect or nostalgia for the initial hierarchy, the want of a guide or a master creator, the wish that all – all of Her children – be assembled again in the same service and the hope that time had softened and pacified and eroded the respective positions.

He accepted to come and make his own assessment.


He seemed at first to appreciate the work that had been accomplished, whether for the structure or for the environing area and its park of Unity. Endowed with natural charisma, R. could mobilize work teams and communicate a certain approach to form and aesthetics – to formal beauty – with particular attention on the relations between the elements of a composition so that each detail as well as the whole be a work of art.



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