Which town?

It is only by placing ourselves directly under the determinism of the Supreme alone that everything becomes possible and every situation can become a great opportunity for progress.


Yet, as if surreptitiously, or through the interposition of Governmental terms and shadows, the notion of ownership was creeping in and insinuating itself. For, was it not a status and a responsibility, was it not a realistic conduct and must not the community prove capable of managing its estates?

Be reasonable, at last.

And gratitude, self-offering, reverence, listening to the genuine inspiration, commit to the unknown future – all these “sentiments” were to be relegated to each one’s “personal life”.


And we were thus to become good entrepreneurs, managers and constructors and our efforts and perseverance would give us rights – and consequently a certain margin of freedom to choose, to decide and to act. On all sides it was so easy to slip and fall back in the old formations, to reconstitute, like an ultimate parody, the old social placement with its roles, its inequalities, its cruelties and its prides, its virtues and its straitjackets. And how difficult it was, and still is, to perceive, find and keep at each moment and in each action the right relation with the energies that are


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