Which town?

There were thus several years of research, of trials and failures and heartening finds, till all the components of all the elements were proved, as far as possible, viable in terms of resistance to vicissitudes of time and climate.


When R. had, years earlier, proposed the construction of those twelve identical petal-like structures all around the sphere, each containing its inner room, She had accepted to name them after the twelve qualities of Her symbol of the Divine Mother and to attribute to each of them one of the colors of the prism such as He, long ago, had indicated = Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity, Progress, Courage, Goodness, Generosity, Equality and Peace – from blue through green to yellow towards red through purple to blue.

Each of these enclosed spaces would be inhabited by a single color, like a therapeutic immersion, a means to prepare oneself, to reinforce and balance one’s individual nature. Would that be their real purpose?


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