Which town?

During R.’s prolonged absence, a number of constructions had been realized – residences, communal buildings, workshops – of which he was obviously not responsible = he could either approve or deplore their existence, but he would have to take them into account.

What would his attitude be?

On that would depend the collective dynamics.


Nearly nine years had now passed : all kinds of experiences had been lived and gone through, each “success’ as each “failure” yielding its own teaching. Other architects and other creators too had tried to help materialize a little of the dream, a little of this future to be discovered. The relations with the land, with its seasons and its miracles, as the relations with the inhabitants of the region, had developed and refined and, at times, become more complex with unexpected or unforeseen factors. Would R. know to listen, to observe, include, integrate, propose and adapt, could he receive new inspirations in time and open a space for work and research that would be free of exclusivism and able to take advantage of all perceptions, advances and findings? On the territory, the outer appearance of the Matrimandir alone – the gold discs and the twelve petals – would bear his signature; those few buildings he had had the time to realize in the early years, works of art created on the edge of the plateau facing the ocean, were compositions in space that required constant and onerous maintenance : examples of a rarely equaled inspiration, which were yet hardly applicable on a larger scale. Would he know to open now to a comparable inspiration and propose realizable forms corresponding to the prevailing conditions?


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