Which town?

But where does the continuity of the experience and its coherence come from? Those who stood in front now step back or move away, some appear to resign or make a vow of silence and others to convert and reform – chameleons and moles or, as in the times of his harangues, “the mongooses and the snakes” cited by S.; new batches of candidates come in and lend themselves to the various pressures and either adapt from within or rebel and decamp or, often, deliver new approaches and initiatives, the children grow up, bodies tire and age and, from all sides and all the time the influences of the great wide world prowl, creep and steal in and level out and, now and then, contribute and complement. But from one year to another it is not really the same grouping of individualities : although the issues of choice, direction, attitude and priority do recur from stage to stage, the configurations of the participants are in constant flux – how then does a progress of awareness transmit or incarnate?


They had each, She and He, evoked the necessity of simultaneity between the evolution and transformation of one or several entirely consecrated individuals and the general progress of receptivity in a group, a collectivity conscious of the evolutionary stakes and committed to serve. And She has also given Her city the eventual task – the function – of a cradle for the new race = an appropriate and favorable environment for the pangs and very first motions of an unprecedented metamorphosis, a milieu of welcome and perceptive accompaniment, dedicated and collaborative. For such an environment to form concretely and dynamically, it seems that certain conditions or capacities of receptivity, peace and resolution of all conflicts must be realized and practiced – and the ability to unite opposing


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