Which town?


When one declares that this – this land, this house, this temple, this bicycle – belongs to the Divine, is the Divine’s property, when one states it with sincerity, in a conscious act of joining, of yoga, one effectively places it under the determinism of the only real liberty, that of the true consciousness.

This is what She had done.

This is what She was teaching us to do, in everything, for everything and at every moment.

We then only are the guardians and happy users or beneficiaries.


One relies upon the Grace.

This is to say that one hands over the asset, whatever it may be, and the relation one has with it and the circumstances around it, its destiny and all that concerns it, to the Grace, to the supreme determinism = but it must be kept activated, for any neglect and ill-treatment produces an interference and a distance. It is with care and reverence that the relation must be maintained = then there is no limit to the possibilities of protection, blossoming and becoming.



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