Which town?

And so, without clear awareness of it, this adventure was entering a really unknown stage – were the Government officers, out of habit or tradition, going to play the roles of elders? Will the contemporary techniques of politically correct and duly fraternal and cooperative good behavior be able to manage and respond to all the questions existence poses – all of life’ disorders and hopes?


The power of the daily life, of the moment to moment absorption, is hypnotic = a sort of heroism is required to remain aware and conscious of a real aspiration and open to the supreme Shakti – so that each one, in the body, may learn a little of the true existence. The undeniable facts of this reality we share condition our conduct = the splendid sweetness of the light in the clearing, or the tidal wave, the cyclone, the truckers’ strike.

But the inner facts are of another nature and, in their invisible yet immediate and permanent network, the Grace is coursing.

It is for us to open the links and it is for the members of the team to watch over this communication.


“The city the Earth needs”

“The city at the service of Truth”

“The cradle of the supernam”


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