1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book

Books by Albert Stevens Crockett: • THE OLD WALDORF-ASTORIA BAR BOOK AU the cocktails of pre-Prohibition and Repeal, aJJd bow to make them. Pronounced by com· ptteJJt authoritiu the bu t and most ustfol book of iu aort evtr dtviatd. Nrw Edition, 177 pp. ; llluatraud; $2.00. By mail or txpreu $2. 15. PEACOCKS ON PARADE Th• 11ory of America's Agt of Strut, tht Gor1Jedll• Prriod berwern the World'• Pair and tht War, and of the Grand, Gaudy and Grott.aque Struttt r.s themselvu. most of them known prraooally to the author hcrt and in Europe. Lauded by rniewers from Coal! to Coaat. 31 + pp.; illu1trated with rare pkturu; $3.50; by mail or express, $3.65. WHEN JAMES GORDON BENNETT WAS CALIPH OP BAGDAD Pronounced by critict here and abroad, a "Great Pact Romanct of Jc111mali1m." The 1tory of a boy"• aspirations to become a newtpaper ma.a and bow th<•< wrrc fulfilled; aJJd hia adven· turrs here and abroad while workio11 dirtctly undtr th• tcctntric proprietor of the old Ntw York Hrrald. +1+ pp.; illuatrated; $2.00; by mail or exprcH, $2.15. REVELATIONS OP LOUISE A Narrative of a S1ran11e Paychical Adventnrc that befell the author and hia family d11rio11 aix weeks of the aummcr followio11 the death af hi• only da1111httr. 23+ pp.; with two illaa– tration•: $2.50; by mail or exprcH, $2.65. OLD WALDORF BAR DAYS The story of a unique American "Imtitution," and of th• notable, nouworthy and nondHcript fi1111ru that patronized it. Alao 11i•in11 the origin of many drioka. Bca11tif11l example of printing and biodin11. Out of Print. A few copies remainin11 will be aold to colltctou• • A. S. CROCKETT 781 Fifth Avenue New York

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