

I Rainey Takes and Social Security Proscription I Stand for Dewey

Overcharges Bring Injunction Suit

Dewey Flays F. D.. R on Voting

~o~have outlined much of that way in Jim Lee, proprietor of the China 1 . Supplementing findings _of inves- Clipper Restaur311l, 2225 W. Burn- tigators, numerous complamts have side, was named defendant in a suit been received at the district OPA brought by the district OPA en- office from customers, including forcement division in the Circuit many labor union members, who Court of Multnomah County, askip.g reported overcharges by the res– for an injunction barring the res- taurant. frozen more than ceiling prices permitted during the period April 4-10, 1943, by OPA regulations, Cecelia P.Gal- Kaufman explained. Several menus Jagher, OPA enforcement attorney, brought to light by OPA investi- taurant operator from charging Restaurant prices were

I Juli~n R. Rainey of Boston,

"I say there is a better way. I

CHARLESTON, W. VA.-Gov. Thomas E. Dewey came to this southern state tonight to bea1·d the lion of colorphobia in his den and to expose the hypocrisy of his opponent on that issue. He was given one of the greatest ovations of the campaign before and after addressing an overflow throng at the Municipal Auditorium, where he was wildly applauded when he spoke in part as follows: "Beyond victory, what kind of a country will our American men and women come home to ? This elec– tion will decide that question. We have a fateful decision to make but that decision must be made, not on vague and irresponsible dis– cussion, but on the facts. On Thurs– day night of this week my oppo– nent repeated his charge that 'There are politicians and others who quite openly worked to re– strict the use ·of the ballot in this election.' "Now I do not know who Mr. Roosevelt means because he seems to lack the courage to name names and say what he means. So let's look at the facts.

1 mer duector of the Colored DlVI– detail. Ten million returning heroes sion of the Democratic National will dem'and that better way under Committee, declared his support the freedom they have fought to for Governors Dewey and Bricker win. Under divine guidance they today with the assertion that "a will have here a land of security vote for Roosevelt is a vote against with freedom and opportunity for the progressive welfare of the Ne-



gators r~vealed that Lee had at dif- !erent times changed and altered

Mr. Rainey, prominent in Boston announced today.

D. C. Housing Built For Negroes

"This is the beginning of an in-

legal circles, resigned last l<'riday

as attorney for the Office of Price tensive drive during which the his menus and listed the same food Administration in the New Eng- base period filings of every Port- and drink items at higher prices. 1 land area. land restaurant will be checked," Lee is sole owner of the China He presented his l'esignation, he Miss Gallagher declared. Clipper restaurant which lJUrpor-




than 10 300


. The investigation, made under tedly does business close to $100,- ~ons for. Negro war wor~ers are silent during this campaign while the direction of Charles Kaufman, 000 a year. He admitted to in- mcluded m the war. housmg pro- laboring unde1· the responsibility to OPA compliance chief, disclos'ed vestigators that he had raised ·his gram fo~ the Washmgton, D. C. protest against a most subtle and that prices on over a hundred prices above those permitted by metropohtan ~r~a, John B. Bland- i vicious plan to perpetuate in Amer- items served by the China Clipper regulations. On subsequent check ford, Jr., A~rmrustrator of the Na- ' ica a second-class citizenship for had been raised not once, but sev- of his restaurant, he was found tiona! Housmg Agency, announced I b 1 , I . Y peop e. era! times, resu!tin~ in overcharges still to be s:lling at excess prices, this week. . . , · Mr. Rainey was formerly As- to the public exceeding $7,000. Kaufman srud. These new accommodatiOns wlll l . t t C t' Counsel for -------------------------,--------- . . . . s1s an orpora 10n • be. m add1tlon to the _2,024 farmly J Boston and has served as special dent: 'accept our policy in dealing "It is naive to call these appoint- uruts and 1,376 dorrmtory accom-' attorney for Massachusetts in the with the Negro or we will wreck ments window-dressing. Seriously modations that had been completed I Departnlent of Juti'ce. He headed your whole legislative program.' d 3 they were vicious. They were rna e for Negro war wo~kers by July 1, I the Colored Division of the Demo- "Thoroughly have I tested the Mr. Blandford said. _At the same I cratic National Committee in the Democratic party. I find that its to look like progress, and in con– time, _work is .now bemg pushed ?n last four presidential campaigns. policies with reference to -the Ne- sequence snare and delude the col– the mstallat10n of .400 mobile Accepting Mr. Rainey's support gro are shaped by the South. Fo!' ored people. Whereas they were house~ and 3~0 dormitory accom- of Governors Dewey and Bricker, a while I believed that the South laborate steps in an overall plan ' saHI, because "I could not remam


"He sadly complained that_ not modat10ns, w~le 1~7. demountable Herbert Brownell, Jr., Republican wo·.:~Jd hide its fangs.


se re ation _


I believed of play Lall with the Negro in return I t the high that it would at least pretend to R .




.d t 'b t

enough people vote. But he pomted houses are bemg f1mshed for oc- Ch .



overall plan to establish a colore<1

fu e Mo


auman, pal


after movement

with pride to the fact that 'in 1940, cupancy



regard of Negroes or and added:




for his !Jupport at the polls. But I caste system complete m every de-


e vo ers . Suitland, Mel.

621h per cent of the e 1g1

find that the South would rathf'r tail.

"His voluntary action in declar-

The new 10,326 accommodations

Ol this nation went to the polls.

"And let me point out, my op- will include 5,425 units provided by ing "Since the organizations of the ponent is relying for his main s~p- private financing, and 4,901 units ticket is further evidence of the loss the war, than permit the Ne- Navy, Marine Corps and Coast port upon a solid block of votes provided by public financing. Of growing conviction among Negroes gro his constitutional 1l!,''1ts. Guard preclude the utilization of in states where millions of Amer- the privately financed family ac- that in the Republican party lies . "T?e South has demande


W. C. Rieder, R. T. Borcherding Thurman and 28th Ave. Br. 5513 Portland, Oregon

duties restricted to correspondence

ings of which 34,293 are being pri- Dewey and Bricker."





Portland's Only Negro Dentist


o wit Negro troops.

avmg to

The text of Mr. Rainey's state-

vately financed. Over 30,000 addi-

ROBERT N. JOYNER, JR., M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offices: 1415 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon VErmont 4404 or BEacon 3181 WILLIAMS AVENUE U.S. 0. 6 N. Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon TRinity 4615 WYATT W. WILLIAMS Attorney-at-Law 523-4 Lumberman's Bldg. 320 S. W. 5th Ave.-AT. 6871 Portland's only Negro I..awYer THE Medley Hotel ' 2272 N. Interstate Ave.

T. Arnold Hill was appointed as–

tiona! units were constructed by ment follows:

We deliver Tuesdays and Saturdays nearest in your needs

"I have resigned as attorney for sistant to the administrator of the the Office of Price Administration Office of Price Administration with

private builders, without priority assistance, during the earlier pe- riod of the defense effort. Public financed construction in- eludes 16,908 family quarters, 11,-

duties restricted to visiting colored



th t I




no .re- personnel.

. a

e. reason


mam silent dunng th1s campaign

I----------------------------- while laboring under the responsi- ' ~------------------------------,






to protest against a most

workers in dormitories or residence bility

. subtle and vicious plan to perpetu- halls, and 64 trailers that ~~e used ate in America a second-class citi- as stop-gap shelter. In addition 107 hi f 1 trailers and 400 mobile units have zens p or my peop e. recently been added to the stop-! ."I believe that the President is gap program.


fnendly disposed toward the Negro. What he would do, if he could, to-, ward extending to the Negro the latter's guarantees under the con– stitution, is unimportant. The fact is he can do nothing about it. In this matter he is as helpless as a page boy, for the Southern mem– bers of Congress hold at his head



J. and M. BAR-B-Q

(By Marine Cpl. Collie J. Nicholson of Winfield, La.) SOMEWHERE IN THE CEN– TRAL PACIFIC (Delayed) "Small World" Items.

Fried Chicken Dinners

a legislative pistol, and order him, Marine Private Wilbur L. Black– not only to keep the Negro in sta– man, colored, of 9~4 Federal Ave., tus quo, but to put in effect a long- Orlando, Fla., a switchboard opera- 1 h' h h f •t tor in an anti-aircraft unit went 1 range P an w lC as or 1 s pur- f · h th d '. t'h pose complete separateness based or a sWim t e o er ay m e ti di · · ti d t ff thi t 11 on segrega on, scnrmna on an wa ers 0 s a 0 • intimidation. They say to the Presi- While floating, he grazed an- other swimmer. MRS. BEATRICE REED It was his brother, John D.Black-~ Licensed Funeral Director lier that day on a Naval craft. Personal Attention at Holman .& man, a sailor, who had arrived ear- Lutz Mortuary , I

522 N. Broadway (near Interstate), at Broadway Bridge

Portland's Leading "Colored Hotel

HOWARD'S FUEL AND ICE SERVICE Hauling of All Kinds NOW AT NEW LOCATION 2707 N. Williams Ave., Above Knott Phone: GArfield 4456

MUrdock 9533

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