The SIAFU Guidebook

102 The SIAFU Network Guidebook

Handle Ongoing Chapter Affairs with Excellence

As you host your gatherings, you will need to make certain that you stay on top of the various business and affairs of the Chapter. This is the responsibility of the officers and leaders of every SIAFU Chapter. 1. Keep good records of all SIAFU business . Collect, record, and handle money weekly, keeping careful track of expenses and income. Report to your members on a monthly basis what has been received and what expenditures there might be for an upcoming project. 2. Communicate with members regularly and clearly. The officers should make sure that members are kept abreast of all Chapter business and issues, from the location of the next meeting, to the date of the next election of officers. Collecting phone numbers and e-mails is helpful, and a good way to write and inform all interested parties on upcoming Chapter happenings and events. 3. Plan out your service projects well. Determine what needs to be done for upcoming service projects, what announcements need to be made this week (e.g., what the project is, administrative details for this project – time, location, what to wear, what to bring, how long we will be working at this project; if over lunch, what we will do for lunch, etc.).

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