Winn Dixie

"India Opal," Daddy said when me and Amanda and Dunlap walked in. "Are you here to sing some songs with us?" "Yes sir," I said. "Only I don't know that many songs." "We'll teach you," he said. He smiled at me real big. It was a good thing to see. 'That's right," said Gloria Dump. "We will." Sweetie Pie was still sitting in her lap, but her eyes were closed. "Care for a Littmus Lozenge?" Miss Franny asked, passing me the bowl. 'Thank you," I told her. I took a Littmus Lozenge and unwrapped it and put it in my mouth. "Do you want a pickle?" Otis asked, holding up his big jar of pickles.

"No, thank you," I said. "Not right now." Winn-Dixie came out from underneath Gloria


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