
association news

Call for SPA Board nominations Speech Pathology Australia’s Board of Directors are responsible for the strategic development, implementation and evaluation of the Association’s policies and procedures within the rules of the Constitution. Three Directors are elected to the Office Bearer positions of President, Vice President Operations (VPO) and Vice President Communication (VPC), which forms the Board Management Group (BMG). Under the revised Constitution Board nominations are currently being sought for four positions. Directors hold major responsibility within the Association and as such, many Directors have never previously undertaken a role with similar legal, financial and strategic management responsibilities. Every possible support and assistance is provided by experienced Directors, especially members of the Board Management Group, the Chief Executive Officer and National Office staff. This key leadership role offers a wonderful opportunity to develop new skills and contribute significantly to the strategic direction of the Association and the speech pathology profession. Directors are required to attend four Board meetings each year. Board nomination forms and an information package are available on the SPA website . Each nomination must address key selection criteria and completed nomination forms must be received at National Office by Friday 30 January 2015 . The appointments will be effective from the 2015 Annual General Meeting in May for a period of two years. Any voting member is encouraged to nominate, while retiring Directors are eligible to renominate. Elections will be held if more than three nominations are received. For further information, please see the Director Position Description, contained within the Policy and Procedures Manual, available on the SPA website or contact a current Director, or Gail Mulcair (Chief Executive Officer) by phoning 03 9642 4899.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) Project Officer – Literacy Clinical Guideline The role involves developing a clinical guideline on behalf of Speech Pathology Australia on the evidence for speech pathology services to promote development of literacy. Acquired literacy disorders are outside the scope of this clinical guideline. This clinical guideline will provide guidance to speech pathologists, employers, consumers, policymakers and professionals about the critical role of speech pathologists in prevention and intervention for literacy difficulties. The clinical guideline will discuss the current evidence for speech pathology services in the field of literacy. This clinical guideline will enrich and complement the existing position statement on Literacy. Interested members should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Senior Advisor Professional Standards (Stacey Baldac) by 7 November 2014 . Stacey is available to answer queries and provide the project brief to members. The written EOI should include the following: • Curriculum Vitae • Statement against Key Selection Criteria (available in the Project Brief from the Senior Advisor Private Practice) • An example of the applicant’s professional writing skills • The names of two referees For further information or enquiries regarding the above position, please contact Stacey Baldac by email: saps@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au or by phone on 03 9642 4899 .

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6 Speak Out October 2014

Speech Pathology Australia

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