Inflight Catalogue June 2017 for China Southern


Season 6

Vegas’ Most Expensive Mansion & The $100k Facial

See why Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé swear by the L.A. dermatologist behind the $100k full-body facial. Find out which businessman transported his dragon-mansion around the world.

America’s Most Expensive Zip Code & The $1,000,000 Junker

Be stunned by the beat up old junker that could be worth $1mil dollars. Tour the palatial penthouse with panoramic views of New York and a$50mil mega-mansion where everything is made from raw and organic materials.

Floating Mansion & “Glamping” with the Stars

Chopper to a Hamptons mega-mansion with a rooftop tennis court designed by Venus Williams. Go “glamping” at a wilderness retreat where celebs pay big bucks to sleep in tents rivalling 5* hotel suites.

James Bond’s Superyacht & Million Dollar Meal

Set sail like James Bond aboard the superyacht from Skyfall. Behold the $1,mil meals whipped up by a one-of- a-kind chef. Swim with dolphins at an exclusive Hawaiian resort where celebs and royalty are regular guests.

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