Frenchman’s Creek Ladies Golf Association Executive Board left to right:

Jenifer Weintraub, Tournament Co-Chair; Jeri Jacobs, Treasurer; Robyn Rosenblatt, Secretary; Ellen Gold- stein, Tournament Co-Chair; Wendi Adler, Vice Chair; Marleen Hacker, Chair.

Absent: Toni Smith, Ex-Officio Picture taken by Andrea Finkel


The first Nine Wine and Dine of the 2015-2016 season was held on Friday, October 23. Starting with a 3:00 tee-off, the large group of more than one hundred players in mixed foursomes played a nine-hole step- aside scramble. Following the fun format tournament was the even more fun wine and dine part of the day - a wonderful reception and luscious and extensive buf- fet dinner. Many thanks to Carol Smith and Joanne Weinbach and their committee and to our wonderful golf and dining staffs for a lovely day. We all look forward to the next one.

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