News Scrapbook 1962-1964
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Son Diego Union Photo by C. R, Lecrn Toreros' gym. Russ Cravens of USD stretches for ball as Lem Lemons of the Westerners defends. Cal Western took home a 72-57 victory.
Mike Jackson of University of San Diego reaches to toss in two points against Cal Western University as cross-town rivals met last night in
HEFNER, JOERNDT HIT 17 Cal WesternRaps USD Five, 72-57 By CHUCK SAWYER Cal \\ estern Univernily had little trouble running up its ixt 1 viC'tory in seven tries against University of San Diego as the We ·terners romped lo a 72-57 basketball succpss in the Torc>ro ' gym last night - •1 John Carlyle's basket Cal West<'rn returns to ils openc:rt the scoring and put home Goldl'n Gym to take CW m front to stay as the Westerners grabbed an early on Nevada Southern Univer- 9.4 advantage and never aP- sity tomorrow night while peared in serious danger al- USD travels to face Orange though USD did cut the deficit State College. to _three points one~ an~ four In last night's preliminary, pmnts on two occas10ns m the the USD Fr sh wh· d th first half O ippe e . · Cal Western yearlings, 69-60. Jim Hefner and Ashley ;:_...;.::,...:::...;:::;=,...:..-...,,.,,;::,,==__! Jocrndt each put down 171
JtliGOJ<;{} CAGt,R--)larl, Tel,mann, a 6-1 200-pound ,ophomort' fonmrd OR Coach Pnll \Voolpert'. Unh·er lty or San Dleiro ba,1,etball team, goe• In for a la~ -up ,hot <111rinir a recent Ponte t ,,itt, cro.-town fo" . an DIPgo tate ('ollrge. Thf' former all-~t11tr rager frnm Cinrinnati, Ohio, I awraginlt' 11.2 point, per i:-anw and \I UI be <·ountrd on to help pace the attack thi, •~kemt at U ·o gym \\here the Torero, \\ill plo.~ host lo PhibP,u·, Orange State College, and the 'an OIPgO \larine In the n, t (; ·o Im ilalinnal tournr,. .. . . . . . .. . . . Eir. ·t Annual lh·t.•ni Orange State Rated Favorite In U D I vitati onal Tour ey Power-packeu Orange State College \\111 tak
Lo ers of F'riday's con tl! ts " II meet at 7 p.m. Saturday, with winners battling for the tourney title at 9 p.m The Titans, 87-85 Jo crs to Chapman College in the finals of the Kris Knngle KlallSIC, December 22, feature a high-scoring brand of bas- ketball under Coach Alex Omalev, a former All-Ameri- can while at the University of Soulhern California. Finish Fourth The Toreros, fourth-place finishers In the eight-team Kris Kringle Klassic, were defeated by Chapman, 86-66, in the semlfinalq of that tourney. Coach Phil Wool- pert's five had shown con- siderable improvement in re- cent games although sporting a 2-7 season mark. USD's most recent \\in came at the expense of Phib- Pac last Saturday night when the Toreros captured a 73-5~ win over the Coronado team PhibPac, 12-3 for the season. made a strong sho\\1ng in the recent Cal We tern Holidav tourney, winning the se.-vic•~ bracket title and losing a close 67-58 decision to Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo, col- lege division winners, in the championship match. The San Diego Marines, while not enjoying their best year in many seasons, never- theless sport a. "inning rec- ord, 8-6, and have been beaten In close contests. The Orange Slate Titans, i-1 for the season, list four s tarte rs from last year's unit which went to the quarter- finals or the national small- college championships. Ex- pected to lead the Titans is 6-1 center Eclgar Clark, a small • college All • American
a on. Forward Len Guinn. a 6 ,, Junior, is ranked third nat,onally among small- college p· yers in free throw percentage with a 92 per cent accuracy. 20th in Offense The Titans as a team are listed 20th nationally in team otfen~e :neraging 86 points per gam The ho t Toreros will bank on 5-9 guard Lyrnond Wil- liams to spearhead their at• tack. Williams. cur re n t 1 y averaging 13.6 points per game, picked up 19 markers in Saturday's win over Phib- pac and .-et up numerous other points with his expert playrnaking, Other USO cageN hitting in double figures include for- ward Mark Teismann, anoth- er sophomore, with an 11.2 average, and classmate Larry Moyer, 6-6 center, with a 10.7 average. Leads in Rebounds Torero team captain Russ Cravens, recently shifted to a forward spot from guard, leads In rebounds \,1th 54 and is hitting at a 9.1 clip. Jerry Hal.ey, a 6-5 guard, and 6-6 forward Mike Jack- ·on will alternate In the USD li1Jeup along with the four mentioned. Phibpac·s chief offensive threat rests with 6-5 center Fred tims who scored 18 points and grabbed oft 19 re- boundR against GSD. Guards Jim McKnight, 6-0, and Gerry Feld, 6-2, give added support along .,,;th forwards Luther Toso!', 6-6, and Barry Pelton, 6-4. The Marine Corps Devil- dogs will count on starters Wayne Adams, 6-2, and Stacy Higgins, 6-4, al forwards; 6-5 center Bob Mealey; and guards Scott Iverson, 6-4, and Wally Sellers, 5-9.
l;Jnlversity of San Dieg~ In- Vitatlonal Basketball Tourna- ment, which gets underway at 7 p.m. Ulla Friday Janu- ary 4 in the USD gymna um. The TitaM 1ll open the t_,vo-day meet at 7 against PhibPac Navy or Coronado wh le the host USD Toreros ,~111 play the San Diego Ma- rlnes in the 9 p.m. nightcap.
p o i n t s to lead the winners With Carlyle adding 14 and Lem Lemons 13. Russ Crav- ens hit 10 for 11 at the free throw line en route to his 16 points, high for USD. M ark Teismann contributed 13 and Lymond Williams 10 to the losing cause. Both teams scored heavily from the charity line, Cal WcstPrn cashing in on 28 of 36 attempts and the Toreros 25 of 32. It was sloppy, care- less basketball for the most part with Cal Western con- necting on 22 of 55 tries from the field for 40 pPr l'cnt and USD 16 of 6.3 for a mere 26 per cent. It was the 13th against nine defeats for CW while the Toreros' cage for- tunes sunk to a low of 4-15. Leading by 15-12 midway of the first half, Cal Western suddenly caught fire to run up six quick points as Lem- ons, Carlyle and Tim Cun- ingham hit in order to make it 21-12. Later in the same half the Westerners moved from 29-25 to 37-25 on two buckets by Hefner and two free throws each by Lemons and Carlyle. Cal Western's biggest mar- gin was 22 points at 68-46 with about seven minutes left in the game. USD then ran off 10 straight points, eight of them on free throws, for 68- 56 but there was far too lit- tle time left for a serious chalJPnge. * • * Cal Western (72) USO <07) G FPT G FPT Treaster 0 1 , 1 Teisman 5 J , 13 Lemons , 5 3 13 Cravens 3 10 2 16 Carlyle 5 • 5 14 Mover 1 3 ,4 s Hefner .c 9 1 17Willioms 2 , 4 10 Joerndt 5 'J 3 17 Holny 1 1 2 3 Cunningham .c o J s Jackson 2 2 3 6 Beagle O 2 o 2Wlcal O o 2 o Crowell o o 3 o Kullberg 1 o 2 2 Deon 0 0 1 0 Madsen l 0 2 2 Totals 22 28 23 72 Totals 16 25 25 57 Halfllme score-Cal Western 41, USO 29. CW Frosh (60) USO Frosh {6') GFPT G F PT Johnson 0 3 4 3 Molerich 3 4 3 10 Peyton 9 1 4 19 Yavorskl 6 3 J 15 Robb 3 0 5 6 Price • 6 5 I • Bottenfield 8 2 3 18 Flax 2 , 3 a Nlclfa 3 4 4 l0Verlosky 8 6 J 22 Nf~fal_s 2,\i2~,:B~~fgr. 2a°2f1 1 a6i Halftime Score: Col Western 27, USO 25.
PHJBPAC Jim MrKnJght Ot>rr1 Fl"ld 16-21 Pnc1 Mims (6-5~ Luthl't ToMn 18-61 Barry Pelton t6-<{1 L Lymond \\Ulianu !~•9 Jerr Hal ey 16-51 1£rry Moyer 16-61 Cn,1.,:ens 16-3 ta.rt: Tet ml\nn 6-4 s.01
Jerrv Ewa.rt 16-11 RH~h Robinson 15-111 Edgar Clark 16-4 Jon Brettman 16-31 Leonard Guinn 16-2 Scott I\·erson f 6-4 Wa.113: Sellers fS-9 · Bob M~alf'!,,! 16-j Wasne Adam, 16-2 • Stae~• Higgins •6-41
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