News Scrapbook 1962-1964
T oreros Play 'Brawl' Garn ~t Long Beach Special to The San Diego Union LONG DEACH March 9 _ University of San Diego anrl Long Deach tate played al basPball game• hPrr. today but no on• sePms certain just who won, if anybod>, 1 The gaJT11• ended In a not and according to reports from USD officials tlip um- pirPs took off m rapid fashion wi~hout making an o!fiPial <1e- cls1on on a play at tt,e plat,• that either dirl or didn't gb;e Long ilPa1•h a 4·'3 Vklory. USD SCOl'C'cl twic•p Ill tlw top of the ninth to tiP th, con• at 3 -all. A small argum nt took placl' at ti l tim!' whPn Dfrk Wilbur trip!!'
A Trip Around The Bose From Baseball Io Big Cars A few quick spins of the sports dial: Wanna guess who's being touted as an outstanding major league managerial candidate? Why, none other than Yogi Berra, the handy-andy guy with the New York Yankees.
Paul Rkhards. Hank Green- berg and Al Lopez all sing high praises for 1.he incomparable, "smarter than the average" Berra. "He i: far more intelligent than anyone realizes," s a y Greenberg. ''And, he has the gift of getting along with men." With Berra still in mind, this brings us to the topic of colorful and unpredictable ball players. Pos. ibly, umpires, managers and ol h r officials in h ball hav qu z d the life out of po- tential Babe Herman . Bahe Ruths. Rube \ ddell , Pepp~r Martins, Dizz Deao ii the
Yogi Rrrra like. The Ring Lardner or Damon Run) an t pes are hard to find these de.~·s but Pitt hu gh's Di ·k Stuart comes closest. Stuart is the first to admit he is a good hiller and discusses his own prowess without being abashed in the least. Usually calm pilot Danny ~iurtaugh has near fit when ,. i e wing Diek's antic's around the initial sack. The fight game could a few zany, talkative and publicity-conscious pugilists, too. Quiet I<'loyd Patter- son, unimaginative Harold Johnson, serious Gene Fullmer and workmanlike .Joe Brown have dulled the fans' interest. However, Cassius Clay. the young heavyweight who won an Olympic title and is still unbeaten profes- sionall:,, is making all the moves rout of the ring) imilar to another Archie Moore. Clay may be more on the brash side but has a s<>nse of timing where his remarks get the most mileage. · The young man predicts what he'll do to an op- ponent and can back ii up with his fists. His fistic time-table c a I l s for him t0 become the youngest world's heavyweight champion. Kear s Has 'Dream' Promotion While on the subject of fighting, where gents are often sent lo ''dreamland, ' wiley Jack (Doc) Kearns, chief ~econd m Ancit>nt Arch's corner, has a pip of a dream. Kearns, whose fighting days almost go back to such eras, would like lo see Moore and Fullmer en- gage in a "fight to the furl h" similar to the days of John L. Sullivan, Paddy Ryan and Jake Kilrain. "We would have to hold it in Tijuana, though,'' Kearns said. "But, just think of it. :'.\laybe, a bullfight in the morning, horse races in the afternoon and the Jong figh at night." The good doctor's mind doesn' slop a moment en.o the promjl1ion i£lp...,ic~·_ __,. ------The suu ct promotions s lo mina the ru- mor that San D;ego State is interested in obtaining a basketball game with the university of San Diego next season. Remembering the huge crowd that appeared at Aztec Bowl for the Torero-State football game last .-eason, the development of such a crosstown rh•alry would mean business at the Peterson Gvm box office. USD definitely would have been placed on the Aztecs' football schedule had the Toreros not dropped the sport. Or has GSD decided to change its mind? We understand the Very Rev. John Cadden, president of the school, has received several fine offers for the uniforms but they till remain in cold torage. Tuneups Start For Indy Cars Coming out of storage these days are the high- power d roadsters whi will he hitting high speeds at In napolis Speedway in May. Some mechanics, and car-builders egin plans for next year a the checkered flag is dropped. A I), Bruce Crower, Chuck Chenowth, Bob Hull, ;John Cro. thwaite, Al Dean and Charles Bowes are at work in one form or anot r in preparing for the big- est auto ra e ay 30. e chief :mechanics on driv- er Jimmy Rathmann's achine, Chenowth will try again to qualify his Chevrolet-powered car while Hull and Crosthwaite, of El Cajon, have been mold- ing the new car which will be driven by Mickey Thompson of Los Angeles. Dean, the van lines executive and former San Di- egan, will enter the car in which Eddie Sachs placed econd last year while Bowes, a La Jollan, will be su- pervising activity on the Bowes Seal Fast Special. Bowes, who is chairman of the Seal Fast Corpora- tion's board of directors. certainly hopes A. J. Foyt can win the big race for the second straight year. And, along the line of win-streaks, we hear on good authority that USD's scheduled press conference to- day · l erald the . igning of Phil Woolpert, the one- 1me mversity of San Francisco coach, as the new athletic. director and b rskPtball m ntor. Woolpert's ii;reat te at GSF in the 50's ran up a ,total of 60 consecutive ictories. Fifly. Say that' right. San Diego P dr trainer- traveling secretary L. CooR m t t hi 50th an- niversary in ba. eball, , •hen he le v f the Tampa, Fla. training camp Thursday. This c mpletes the C'ycle for thi
USO Seeks Repeat Over Cal Western Cal Western ancl Uru versity of San Diego, whose basket- ball teams haven't exactly set the world on .fire this season, are looking a hot time tonight as S:15 con Cal W D More than a month a~o. In that one, the Toreros ca mr fro'll an 18- polnt dE'f;cit to \1/1, in the closing seconds. Five Seniors USO has traveled a rocky road since then and now has a 6-19 record as both t e a m s clo e out the season, This win be the last college game for five Westerners and it looks 1 ke graduation losses are going to make coach Bob Kloppenburg's job pretty tough next year Toreros LosP Two Norris Greenwood, 6-2 for- \\ard, Art John on, 6-4 for- ward •. Chet Le\\iS, 6-1 guard ,, and Jiro Takahashi, 5-S guard, and H cy Hall 6-5 center ~II wlll be lost from the ~tart~ 1 mg five. The We terner lost 1 5-11 guard Duane Ba r n e s, through graduation after the ; first s mes'ter The Toreros come off bet- ter, but they'll miss John Rob- bins, 5-10 guard, and 6-1 for. ward Jim O'Neill. Robbins is aver ng 8.3 points and 6.4 rebo .· a game. USO statis- tics:
Toreros Gun For Fifth Win in Row The University San Diego baseball team will take a 4.-0 record Into tomorrow's (Friday) azne With Long Beach Colkge on the 4.9crs• ohd, The Toreros, On the brink of th r ! ne t son. wlll contin their northern trip Satur with 2 p.m. game ag&in the Tro ans of South- ern ll!ol'llL.'\ at Bovard Field Coa lists 13-1; Mlraznar and 10-7, and lege, 6-2. M w )las 11t Ing Dick Wilbur, m Goddard and Pat Hem!Iiger. Infielders Tom Salters and Rich Far- rell. both !r 3hmen have been Impre Ive in early aea- 11on play, aa hM Rudy Rud- zinski, who haa taken over the backstopping chores, Other team members In- clude pitchers Denney Shlelds and Pat B n r r y, catcher Wayne Faris, infielders Tim Leyden and Ron Cady, and outfielders Jolm Baumgarten Terry Loren?., Tom Ferrar~ and :R.lchard Hart. Tbe Tore r o s' scheduled game with San Diego state College Tue day was poned because of rain.
Torero Nine Beaten Twice By Whittier
Spec,c11 to T LOS A. 'GF:L la1·ch JU UrnvPrsil~ of S: on a b,,t- the USD Nine Takes 4th. In Row, 6-2 PA' \DE. ,\ Tom Godclnrct bur shar cl the l'nlve bas hall team herC' today a · the Toreros sco d a 6-2 , il'• tory over Pa dena College. USO \\as winning its fourth 'lralght \\lthout a lo USC Wallops T oreros, 9-3 ., to The San o,wr,;MT,:,r•• A "GELES, a ch 10- Universlty of San Diego suf- fered ts first official baseball loss of thf! season h re today when the University of South- ern California whipped the Toreros, 9-3. Tom Goddard, Pat Barry and Denni Shields spaced 10 hits While sharing mound duty for USD but two b- were home runs. The Toreros collected 11 safetie~ off two Troy hurlers. USO is now 5-1 pending an official decision on yester- day's game at Long Beach S~ate which ended in a riot with the umpires apparently refusing to make a call on a play at the plate in the bot- tom of the ninth with the score tied. 8~g ' ···· ·· 000 120 OOC>---3 11 l G d · .. • • · . 010 211 ll>t-9 10 2 o. dard, Barry r'l, Shields (8) and Rudzinski; Kenny, Goodrich c,) and H 1 lowell, Thompson (&}. o • Cravens Robb~ru Tritz Caputo Halsev Madsen W. Wical O'Neill Moyer C. Wical (6~" :3/ q/ 0 -y Cunningham Gets USD Cage Po ' John Cunningh m one-time' rector. W l,.,..,..;:'fc.--:.ft er Uni• prep scoring phenom fro m versity of San lsco and St. Augustine High, yesterday San Franc,sco alnts coach, was appointed assistant bas- was appointeq__ last Wednes- ketball co11ch at the Univer- day. it of n Diego by yery Cunningham • pected to Pa a• handle the Torero freshmen. He was the country's leading selected high school scorer in the 1954- Rev. John- Cadden, pres1dent 1 of the _College for Men. . Cunnmgham was am d on of,55 season when he pumped Phll Woolpert, new head ba~- :in 444 points. The Saints com- ketball coach and athletic. d1- piled a 17-6 record as an in- the recommendation ' dependent. Cunningham also played fot1r seasons at USF where he was team captain his senior year. Woolpert, who is believed to be on a recruiting tour with his new assist t in the bay area, is expected 1o re, isit San Diego next week. He does not assume his duties until April 1. Only three players were graduated from the 1961-62 Torero basketball s q u a d \\hirh compiled a disappoint- ing 6-20 overall record. Team captain and guard John Rob- bins, reserve guard J i m O'Neill and reserve forward Charles Wical will be missing. Top returnees for next sea- son v.-il! be starters Tony Ca- puto, Russ Cravens, Bob Tritz and Jerry Baisey and re- serves Art Wical and l..arry 11oyer. ePost UCLA Downs USD Nine, 6-2 THE SAN DIEGO UNIO 7 USD ine Faces Brigham Y ng Farr<'ll, .,._,,., ..- ........ Baumgart or University of San Dit>go1 here today as the Torero,, snappt>d a three-game bl\,!'· ball looing streak with a 1:1-·; conquest of Vandenburg Air For!'!' Base, Infielder Diek W bu c·ol- lected thr q 'D's 12 hits a trip! , a double' and a . m- gll', and batted in three runs. USO 001 002 m-n U 0 VandenbuMI APB 010 MO 002- 3 6 5 Barry ond Rudzinski, ea1.1m9art n (9), cKatvtr, Galvez {7), Jones { ) ano Chase. HR USO, Farrell, fllh, none on, Hort, Ith, .2 on Boumciarten, 9th, none .•.
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