News Scrapbook 1962-1964


USD Nine to ClasH WithCal Western The University o! San Diego baseball team will tak a tour- game win streak and a 13-10-1 sea.Bon record into its deciding game with crosstown rival Cal Western Unlver•ity this Saturday, May 12, at Beeson Field (MCRD). Game time Is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. In the final of a


Coach Mike Morrow's Uni- versity of Sa.n Diego baseball team P I a y s at home this weekend, playing a 8 I n g I e game Friday against visiting Point Mugu .Navy at Beeson Field (MCRD), starting at 3 p.m. The Toreros epllt In two games last weekend, losing to UCLA Friday, 6-2, and taking a 13-2 win from Van- denburg Air Base Saturday Morrow's nine ecottd first In the Bruin encounter on a Walk to shortstop Rich Far- rell and a triple by Dick Wil- bur, But the Uclans garnered three tallies In the fourth a.nd single runs In each of the next three frames to net the decialon. The other Torero run also was scored by Farrell who singled and was driven In by outfielder Tom F e r r a r a' 8 ,single. Rlght-h1111der Tom Goddard went ;the route for the Tore- ros, BUfferlng his second lose against two wins. Goddard gave up but six hlts, tanned two and Walked tour. Wilbur and Farrell led the S Dfegans In the hitting d rtment with two safeties In three at bats, Saturday's game with the Lal!Jlchers proved to be a dif- fer t 'Story as the Toreros won 'their fifth game of the 8 e a o n behind the six-hit pitching o! freshman p a t Barry,

three game series. The West- erners won the fimt outing, 7.2, and the Toreros captured the ;econd last Thursday, 5-4. • Tom Goddard and Mike Heminger will handle pitching chores for USD while Chuck Lea! Is expected to start for the Point Lomans. Both Torero hurlers went th& di nee in winning a. game a ece week God- dard pi ·hed a neat three- hitter ln blanking Loyola. Umv ity Saturday 3-0, in Los An eles while Heminger gave up but seven safetl"J!J ln galnlllJ e Westerner win. shman moundsman Pat Barry, a !ormer all-league ,Pick at St. Augusline High,

twirled Friday's 23-6 rout o!

Pasadena College.

Specfal to Tht Son DI LOS ANGELES The University of· baseball team tod· blanked Loyola Umvernity .of Los An. g~les,- 3-0, bC'hln

Barry scattered eirht h ts for the a e v en nning worked and struck out Dick Wilbur took over n t e eighth for Barry. O! the three Jrnrl rs, B Y ha.~ a 5-1 season m k and a. 3.19 earned run avera Heminger is 3-2 and h a. 2.90 ERA; a.nd Goddard Is 3-7 and has a 5.06 ERA:. Second baseman Tom Sol- lers, a freshman from Upland Hlgh School, ls leading the hit parade with a .386 aver- age. Solters tripled last week to snap the school mark of five held jointly by John Rebello ('511) and Dave Fox ('60). He I also tied the doubles mark o! j seven set in 1960 by Bob Keyes. Left fielder Curtis Hart put 1 forth he best effort at the plate last week with seven hits in 12 bats to up his 3 olnts to .376. seven for 15; te cl Terry Lorenz, !ho e sacntlce fly ln the bot- tom or the ninth scored the In n I n g run against the Westerners, htt tour for 12 to up h!s a.verai;-e to .:J25, ll.!) short.stop Rich Farrell rte "' ered from a Rll1mp to ba.t f for 14 and rais d his average to .313. b

Aztec RaHy Tops USD, 5-2, Behind Kramer

l,\(\t,(Y)\r 3 J

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USD Ploys C-W, oy Tackle BYU

Whittier Hosts USD For Po·r SHCial to The Sor!

Barry, a former All-East- ern League pick while at st Augustine High, proved to b~ highly effective, litriking out l0 and walking but th re 0 Launcher batter,._ The Toreros Jed by a mere 3-1 margaln going Into the ~eventh frame, but scored five in that inning and four more in the eighth to top the Air- men, Farrel) continued his hit- ting spree, homering In the e!ghth With none on. Out- fielder Curt Hart also hit for the circuit In the same frame v.ith two on, John Baumgarten wound up the Torero scoring with a ninth-Inning homer. Wllbur led USD batters ~th a three-for-three effort and first ha.Beman Tim Ley. den followed with two hits in four attempts. Scheduled games with Cal Western University and Brig- ham Young were canceled due to rain Monday, The Westerner fray Will be played at a later date. Freshman second baseman Tom Sollers ls leading the team in hitting with a .400 mark on eight hits In 20 at bats, He did not play In three games due to an Injury suf- fered In the Long Beach State game. Wilbur follows with a .375 average, with Farrell close behind at • 55. Baumgarten at · · the only othe; To t e .ZOO mark. OS are t to

"° Union

WHITTIER 30 - Whittier College, until today the only baseball team to de- feat San Diego Statf', takes on Univf'rsit) of San Diego in a d hleheader her, tomor- .Mar. h


arting at 1 ·30 pm. T HOS, 7.3 for

the P their pitching and Dick




Businessman Faces Un al State Count 1 one-time football star lllld formPr Uni, ersity 11f San coach, was indicted yesterday by t ,1(' grand ju1 of state income tax C\asion. He is accused of bilking the stall' o It of Gilbert J Kuhn, 6, a prom111c:nt <::an


S~lal to Z A Rudy Rud 1t ,run , a single and douhlr hPre today to p()W r Um ·er It) of San D1ego·s baseball team to a 20-7 triumph ovPr Azusa College John Baumgarten, who re• lieH•d Rudzinski, also horn erect as SD squared its sea- sonal record at 11-11. L i k P Rudzinski, Curti- Hart collect- ed four h1tS ,a&vu"m"To eros. 1



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Toreros Face Twin ill Whittier

USD Ni Navy Foe,

Rips 4-0

i,000 h) fa ii,1g to

file r turns in 1958, 1959 and lSJO. Kuhn of 731 Golden Park A e., is president of Ocean Ga1dt>n Products, Inc. He is expected to surrende1· for ar- raignment at 9 a.m. tomorrow before Superior Court Judge Ronald Abernethy. The secret indictment was returne er testimony of eight wit t . I IXDl('T. rnN ..'l'-l!M:R I However, it v,.as pub- lic by William .A. n, pre- siding Superior oµ, t 'udge, after Albert M. rand jury foreman, am puty Dist. Atty. No r b e r t Ehren- fruend recommended Kuhn be allowed to remain free without bail. Kuhn was not in court "We will have to issue a warrant," Glen dcdar d. "He will have to be bo k d like anyone else." Hm r, aiter learning Kuhn h retained an attorne.i,, GI t the ar- raignment for o rrow and withheld the wa ant. Dist. Atty. D n Keller said the tax evasion case is the first of its h-ind in the county in th, 16 years he has been in office. He said it was sub- mitted the grand jury based on an investigation con- ducted by the state Franchise Tax Board SUl'l' HINTED Keller said there is a pos- sibility of a civil suit in which the total amount "could vary substantially higher" than the 5,000 chat~ed in the criminal action. Kuhn has headed Ocean Products since it was formed in 1957. Before then he was assistant to the president of Marine Products. He was among All-American football players recently honored at a sports dinner in New York City at which President Ken- nedy was the p r i n c i p a 1 speaker. Kuhn played at University of Southern Cali- fornia.

, .. eva~ion charged

D Tally In 9th Nips Cal W stern Terr, .. -,,.,.,7, - with base in the b cha"L'd horn th wi,nning run for University of San Diego's 5-4 win over Cal 'Wrstern ves- terday at Beeson Field. • The victory e enecl t h i s crosstown serle~ at one vic- tory each with the rubber match slated Ma.i, 1 2. Lorenz' Hy brought in Ron Cady from third \\ith the win- ning run . C'ady was a pinch runner for 'l'orero first base- man Dick Wilbur who had got- ten aboard on a fielder's choice USO be Lo p.m. Lion.'

ztecs Edge

Torer San Diego State came up ,,1th two runs in the bottom or t'1e runth yestC>rday to edge l "nl vcr~ity of San Diego, 6-5, in a cro. town thriller that rP111forC'<'d th<' old adage •·play thl'm on!' at a time" Aztec coach Charley Smith dN·Hll'd to give each o[ his hurlers two innings workout in prepar11t for riday's game w1 th fr sno St, and nParly added a ti\ r lo. s to l'I clul) 152.· r ord. How clu by Dick lorn.on eel t f' nlllnlflnUIS •dge

The University of San Di- ego baseball team closes its 1962 season Saturday at West- gate Park when it plays host to Azusa College. The Toreros, who ha: a on r e c or d of 13- l-1, trounced Azusa, 21-7, o weeks ago at th Crusader's field.


sla and

University of San Diego to a 23-6 baseball victory o v e r Pasadena Collegf' YP•StPrday at :11iramar aval Air Sta-

USO Nine Rally Ties St. Mary's !OR

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