News Scrapbook 1962-1964
'Red-Faced' Western Postpones USD Game Cal We tern up with ern has been reset for Feb. three blotchy-r d ces yes- 14, according to Torero coach terday a nd wa. forced to and athletic director Phil po tpone tomorrow's cross- town ba ketball contest with Woolpert. USO will entertain thP. Univer ity ot San Diego. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Threl' playe Bob Beagle, "Friday night. Jim Hclfner and Tlm Cun-1----,.-:.._______ nln ham - cam down with the three-day measles and the entire team has been ex- posed, accordin to Cal West-
USD Tops Sacramento For First , 53-51 On on h d f ats. < Ii k el ann's 18 points onds left gave r ity ll'i USO nst a team that, lof San Diego tt t asket- went to finals of last,; ! ball victory oft on here years CA small collPge di•1· yesterday, 5&- v r Sacra- vi ion tpurnament. Williams mento State In the tr t round chippNI In with 16 points for , of the annua Krl Kringle the TorPros and Russ Cravens · Tournament. contrlbut 4 11. I USO will take on the host! The ma clubs traded basket Orange State team tonight for ba~ke>t In the first half and and will be hard-pressed to'were ied, 26-26, at intermis• stay with the sharp-shooting sion. The pattern continued in Anaheim school. Orange State,the s!'cond half and was tied whipped Cal Poly of Pomona,' at 51-51 when Williams came 104-76, in its first te . lh1 ou •h with the clincher. 1 I In other games Chapman The Tor<'ros' edge actually ,beat Cal Aggies.' 71-61, and ca~P al th~ fou'_ linP wherP < 1 Atampda State whipped Ham- the, 1 ted lo out of 17 J line. 74-67. to amento's 1'i for 28. Williams' shot broke up a USO (52) G F p TSACRAME';';T? pl51~ - w gamta durin~ wnich wi~l~~~s ! 1 u :~~:r t 1~ lther club could buil~ more Mover I o • 2 Pur,uese , o 2 2 an a four-point lead The XYc~nn t' 1 1 r~kmoon 8 I 1 ~ 1 victory ,, a· the first for new ~~~!ln bb i Smll h 2 2 1 6 coach Phil Woolpert after five T0~~'1l11m.. 1 iu> 1 ~l 3 l~~~~men10 1 ~,1a51:W
IN KRISS KRINGLE Toreros Tangle With Sacramento Special to The San Diego Union ANAHEIM - The University o! San Diego basketballers try to get out of reverse gear today wh<'n they oppose crarnento State In the fir t round of the annual Kriss Kringle tournament. '!'he Torero~. who have
dropped five .straight, w i 11 pla Sacramento at 4:30 p.m. other schoolR PJltered i n • elude ho t Orange State Col- lefe, H a m 11 n e University, Cliapman College, Cal Poly of Pomona, the Unlvt>rsity o f California at Davis and Ala• meda. Phil Woolpert Intends to s'ta t with his usual crew of M k Teismann (6-4) a n d po ibly Mike Jack on <6-6) at rwards, Lary Moyer (6-6) at enter, Lymond Williams (5-9) and Russ Crnvens (6-3) at ards. All are sophomores except for Cravens, the team cap in, who is a senior. owever, Woolpert has ad- ditional problems. Tony C a . puto, the number six man on the squad, will definitely miss the tourney. He has con. tracted bronchial pneumonia and will be out of action 12 days Jae on, too, has been ill but Woolpert is hopeful the big fellow can play. If not Jerry Halsey, who turned in a fine effort against Whittier, will ove to the starling for- ward spot. Williams currently leads the Torer in shooting with a 55 per cent accuracy followed by Moyer with 46. The duo also share the points I e a d with l' per game. Teismann is close behind with 11.4 Losses this season have been to Whittier twice, 66-61 and 52_-51, to Loyola, 78-64, San Diego State, 68-49 and Pep- perdine, 82-66. Meanwhile, coach John Cun- , ningham's USO freshmen en- , joying a 3-3 record, have been 1 dismissed for the holiday. I Their next match will be Jan. 3 at Naval Air Pac. f9o f9m fta ftm rb pf tp av. Wllllorr,3 '7 26 14 8 20 19 60 12.0 N.qyer .S 22 26 16 20 22 60 12.0 ? g !~ 1i:: 4 ~°a~~:~" ~i 1 ; g ?J 1 ~ ~: l~ C~puto § 6 3 2 9 , 1-4 2:a J l 6 g I % J-l USO 26.5111102 67 187 110 291 58 2 Opponents 214121145104 206 &5 :k6 69:2 . USO Host I For Me~t; JC's Open Unnersily ui San Diego and l\larinP Corps RPcruit Dl'pot engage iq tournament play and the art>a',s junior college,; ta e: conferen<'e: ac- tion thi \\ eek as the 'ha~ket• ball ne11 ) ear begin ·. USO. winner o! t\\o of Its last threP starts, squa1 es off agarnst IC'HD in fhp hrst a1•nual lJSD im it:nional 1our- nty on till' To1·Pro court 111 the mghteap of a Fcirla night douhleheadl•1 61·angp Staie fal'e PhihPar in tlw opPnrr of th fout·•tt•am 1es1. 'for~l'(I", 'l'rilllllph Thr Tor Pl'Os b,·al PhihPa,• 73-54 .Satul'Cla1 ntght Ly'. rnoncl Williams, ;;.9 glWrd. SC'Ol'Pd 19 point to raise his a\ t>1·age to 1:1.;; points a ganw San DiPgo C'il~· C o I I P g e open8 .\T Ptl'OJJolita n Contt>1·- t>nce pla) 1-'ri
ern athletic cllrector Al Lewis. "The team doctor said the Incubation period i 10 to 14 day · o there . n po sibility w 'll' have to po tpone two other games thi \\eek," Lew- ls aid The Westl'rner are lated to play ho t to Po- mona College Friday night and tr vel to Chapman Col- le e Saturday night. Lcwls said he will make an announcement tomorrow con- cerning the other games M anwhlle, the USO home• corning game with Cal West-
ICal Western Foe Of D five lonighf By I (K A\\YJ:It Unlversl
S l U'l 1 versity of A;~AHEIM - o! San D I e g o, 11 unimpressive 4-14 San Diego tonight's semifinals o! the O r a n g e State Basketball Tournament following a 53-51 victory over Sacramento State last night for its first win of the sea- son. It was a jump shot-by Ly- mond Williams with 19 sec- onds remaining which decid- ed matters for the Toreros in the !irst round of the tour- ney. USO made good on 15 of 17 foul shots. Orange State won from Cal P_oly of Pomona, 104-76, last mght. Other games saw Chap- man beat the Cal Aggies, 71- 61. and A 1 a m e d a State t; o u n c e d Hamline, 74-67. l:SD-Sacramento summary: USO (SJ) SACRAMENTO (51] Cravens O Jt T G F P ?' Wlllloms ; 3 1 11 Rohrer ; 6 3 " Moyer f : 1 i J~k~r 5 2 l 12 i,1,ma, nn 5 I 2 11 sure... l g } 1l fO 1 1 2 3 Speakmann o os o U~Jiln i b 1 Smith 2 2 l 6 Totals . 11111, 53Totar, 11151 • 51 Halft,me-uso 26, Sacramento state 26. ls in T oreros Prep For Cal Poly Classic Start Cold_-shooting University of San J?iego returns to the home Pr!ictlce court today for a brief warm-up before depart- ing for foreign hardwood to- morrow The Toreros, who w e r e trounced by the University of N~vada, 73-47, aturday night will t'.avel to Pomona tomor'. row n_ight to face Whittier Col- lege m the opening round of . th e two-da_y Cal Poly Classic. , After winning two on the road, coach Phil Woolper's cagei:s froze with a frigid 23.6 shooting percentage against/ the Woolpack at Reno. USO hit 17 of 72 attempts while Nevada canned 'l7 of 69. USD, now 4-11 for the sea- I son, also was outrebounded 5?·38. Bill_Robinson paced th~ victors with 27 points while st eady Lymond Williams led the losers with 13. Torero Mark Teismann, normally the hot-shot, hit only one of 11 field goal tries and had to/ settle for five points TUS 10 (47) G F PT Nevada (;5) e smonn 1 3 1 s }l~~g?s t 51 3 13 Johnson ff 11 c 2 J Heward • 3 2 11 J~~k:;~ 5 8 ~abjnson 811 1 27 J{ J o~~r':-7eth j g : Cap to O O 0 2 Schebler 1 o o 21 Madsen 2 0 1 ° Pollard O 2 O 2 kullberg I o 3 ~';f I t[ 0ck jg f 1 g I Totals 17 l3 11 47 Hlllygus OO l O s~?~g 1 me score: Nevo~'t:~ 1 f, uJi 1 ] 8 ~ 4 15 claiming sea. on record, hope. al- vage some respect from th pre ent ba ketball cnmpa with one of j rare v1cto over cros wn rival We tern Univ rslty ton! the Toreros' gym. Freshmen tf'ams from the two schools II open th pro- gram at6:15 pm. The Weste ers, with a 12·9 figure, will he !avored to col- lect their sixth victory In sev- en meetings with the Tor os dating back to the 1959-60 sea- son. USO's lone triumph was a 64-63 verdict In the first of two games last season DELAYED BY l ,ASLES Tonight's game was origi- nally scheduled for Feb. 6 but was postponed when several Cal Western players c a me down with the measles. USO will have a distinct height advantage led by 6-6 centl'r Larry Moyer. T h e I Toreros will probably start 1 .Mark Teismann 16-4) a n d Russ Craven (6-3) at for. wards with Lymond Williams /5-9J and Jerry HalsPy (6-5) at the guards. Cal Western's tallest regu- lar Is center John Carlyle at 6-3. Forward Lem Lemons and Joe Treaster are 6-1 and 6-2, re pectively, while guards Ashley Joerndt and Jim Hei- ner are both 6-1. 'l'EISl\lANN SET PACE Sophomore Tei rnann con- tinues to pace the USD in- di\,dual scoring with 230 points In the 18 games for a 13.2 average. He.fner ls the leading Westerner s e o r e r with 282 points in 20 games for a 14.1 average. USO suffered a 77-68 game to MCRD In its last outing while Cal Western lost to Cal Poly of Pomona, 86-69, in its last star! Tuesday night. Following tonight's g a m e USD travels to face Orange ,State Collegp and CW is home to Nevada Southern, b o t h games ct for Saturday night Tonight's probably starting to /;;; - 3 /- C, 2 lineup,;. USO (4-14) ~elsmon~ (Ml J:"::'f w't> w11Y1ams ($-9J Haley IH) (13-1) Cal-West. (~I) Lemom (6·2J Trea11or f6-3/ ca, yle t~{/~t~~: • Gro M0nt <' o l I I' V ,, aull Southwe li•m College launc-h Eastrrn C"' lo t'l'IH'P itc·lion Friday lliJihl. T/w Cnftms n ·,, at Ful!Pnon and t Apaehes at Citrus. Thr t<"at11 ~,1 itl'l1 oppo1wnls l';aturda utgh1. Grossmunt bo \·pt] tr, 'DSC Frosh, 6.'5-5:l , lu1 d,11 night South\\r,t,•1·11 S;inta Barba1a Cit.1 Olien!' 70-ti9 Palo VPrd,, Colh• ,, >rwn, GoldPn C'•onfp1 ""''" 1,1a, a r Palm D, ,Prt Vrida1 °n[,,]Jr and pta at Rars101i· S:it711. day night
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