News Scrapbook 1962-1964
lay Subsides
Stm D1e30 Independent, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1963 ge xa s Slow Action; oTilts Set Fri y By BOB KING Sport, Editor, The Independent me ter llms-that necessary evil m an athlete' lif take o,·e1· the potlight this week as the nr a' college five::1 tone clown their chedule with only two game on the ngen Cal t mt Collegiate Athletic I tlon wllll a 3-0 mark, time out from league play take for non-conference match th Whitt! ,. Coll •ge, Friday t pm t F terson Gym. 'I h rno I m mPt earlier n th on on thl' Po t ' ourt \\Ith ttu, z \\ln• ning, 67-tH_ Cal W tem hooks up with thi, San Diego lltartne~. tomor- row at :15 p.m. at Golden G 'Ill 1 h, \\t· 11-nwr,, 11-6 for the a CAROL BARR Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. narr of La Mesa announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Lt. (J.g,) Dale L. Misclevitz, U NR, 11011 of Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. :.'\flsrlc>vitz of Jack- son. ThP bride-elect studied at Ro ary High School, was graduated from Gro smont High School and now is a sr.nior at University of San Diego Colll'ge to,· Women. Lt. Misclevitz is a graduatP. of Fresno Stat• College and Officer Candidate School in Newport, R.I. The W!'dding is h!'ing planm d for Novcm- br>r, 1963. Smarting USD five Girds For PhibPac Game By JOHNNY .frDONALD Already smarting from a last place 1ini h in its own basketball tournam('nt, t h e University of San Diego must look ahead to a tough assign- ment Friday night in Coro- nado when it fares PhibPac· · Invaders. The InvadPrs, now 14-3. walked off with the first an- nual Unive1· ity of San Diego invitational with an easy 80- 69 triumph over the San Di- ego :Marines last Saturday while USO dropped a 72-59 deci ·1on to Orange State in the consolation. f.lso, PhibPac's sailor un• doubtedly will be setting a many traps as possible to avenge a 73-54 beating handed them by the Toreros 1 a s t month. TUNEUP TO''.'iIORROW PhibPac will have a tuneup tomorrow night In its g y m whrn If fact' aval AirPac. The Coronado sailors were paced by outhpaw G er r y Feld and lanky Frl'd Mlm in fast-breaking past the S a n Diego Marines in last Satur- day's finale. After struggling on even terms through t h e first half, Feld, a 6-2 guard from Bates 1l e c o n- nected on n e !l!i b 11 ieId goals whil 11tn$ a 6-~ en- ter :from Fott W6't Ii tll! ed the boards and p \ d d ec- essary tip-,ins to v th In- vaders a comtortabl m gin in the second half. Feld finished with 29 oints while Mim added 19 a n d L u th e r Toson contributed with 14. I Forwards S c o t t Iverson (6-4) and Bob Mealey (6-5) p a c e d the '.'.farlnes' attack with 25 and 14 pointli, respec- tively. Mealey finished the two-day tourney with 55 points and high honors. The Marines, who appear to be improving unrtrr th e tutelage of Dale ~ho an, travel to orthern Cah!o nia this week tor a four-g a rn e road trip. They'll p p o s e Hamilton Air Force B a s e tomorrow night, San Fran- cisco State Wednesday, Alameda S t a t e Thursday, and Vandenberg Air F or c e Base, Saturday night. USO matched the T i t a n s with 22 field goals but lost the battle at the free throw line. Orange State had t h e The Toreros, considerably slower than their foes, made too many errors and w e r e forced into fouls. Against a team that rates as the na- tion's hottest in free throws, this was plain suicide. Although hindPred by four fouls much of the second half, Torero :!\iark Teisman» man- aged to take honors wlth 17 points. Larry Moyer and Jerry Halsey were forced to the sidelines with five per- sonals while Lymond Wil- liams and Russ Craves had to play carefully most of the final stanza with four per- sonals each. PhibPoc (IO) MCRD "') gfpt .,., Toson ~::fie~" Vdms \lcKnlghl Feld Ylosters 6 2 I l•Adams 2 0 2 4 1 o 5 2Anderson 1 1 2 :1 3 0 I 6Blackwell 2 0 0 9 1 3 19 Higgins 1 o 1 . ,H 8 ~t:.i;~~ g H oo 1 o Perry I I o 3 Sellers 1 2 3 4 Totals 36 I 11 80 Totals 31 7 12 69 Halftime scart-PhlbPac 3,, MCRD "· USO 15'1 G F P T Or. SI. (72) G F PT Nilllom 1 1 • 3 Brettman 5 , 2 14 Teismonn 6 5 .t 17 Clark 3 5 s 11 Mover 5 1 5 11 Ewart J l 1 7 Cravens 2 4 "' 8 Guinn 5 1 2 11 Jackson 3 0 1 , Gunson 1 1 J 3 Holsey o 2 S 2 Hermann , 4 3 12 Caputo I l 1 3 Robinson 111 2 13 ! Madsen 2 1 O 5 Roche O 1 2 t Kullbero 2 o 2 , ~~W/;'me 2 ic~~i~ 5 6roJ:~" 1 ltate 2!1'! ~si ,. big advantage, 28-15. TOREROS ERRED JIM HEFFNER Pacas Westerners ... r . DI T. l DI\IDl , IR . GOOD \RO Ilss Lynn Frances Brown the dl\ughtPr o! Ir ancl !rs. rthur F. Brown of 9254 ."hirley Dr i v e, La .:\le a. and Thomas Emer- son Goddard were marri!'d Saturday in ~ama Sophia Catholic Church The btide- groom is the Whittier Foe 0 Toreros In Pomona Meet I SN Western Faces Toreros, Eyes New Win String Cal We. tern Unive ity will attempt to start a new win- ning streak Wednesday night when the \\'esterne1s meet cross-town rival University of San Diego in the Toreros· gym. The Westerners suffered the,r first loss in . even games at Flagstaff, Ariz.. Saturday night when Arizona State claimed a 78-64 victory. The win gives tbe two teams a split in their two meetings this season, Cal Western hav- ing taken a 64-54 nod on its home court. Arizona State collected points in the final 10 minutes to pull the game out Satur- day night. The winners also rnjoyed a 70-31 rebounding edge. Lem Lemons led CW with 17 points while Ray Mo- lera led Jive Arizona players in double figurl's with 17_ Following the game with USD this week, Cal Western returns to its own gym to face> Pomona College Friday night. CAL WESTERN 44 ARIZ. ST. (Fla9)79 GFPT GFPT Treaster 1 2 3 .c Nash 5 l 1 11 ~~71~res ! 1 g t~;~s : i § H Hefner 3 .c J 10 Molera 7 J 1 17 Joerndt 5 o 1 10 Stevens , 2 .t 10 Cun'ghm 5 1 3 11 Henson 3 • 2 10 Martin o O 1 O Payne o 2 2 2 Crowell O O 1 0 D•an oo 2 o Totals 28 1S lt 71 Totals 2, 20 16 71 Halftime score: Ariz. St. 37, Col Western 32. (g4 /- 17
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