News Scrapbook 1962-1964

USD Rally Falls Short In Tourney Loss, 69-67

USO Cagers Travel North Univ r 1ty ot San Die 0 ' bnsketb II t m 1 nvcs thl morning by car !or th Jlorth wh r It wlll "omp te In thr & 11 m e tarting tomorTow n, ht at le 1 llnn A r Fore B

3Upport Our AC1vert1sers-They Support Us

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CHECK PRt. 1,500 rhe<·k na prr'>('nted to the l\fo,t Rnt'rend Bishop b)' the l'nth r Serr,1 C'lub at llw dub' annual dinner for Hi, E,cellency In Imma1·ulati• H1·11rt Semi- nary la,t nt•f•I,. The cllll1 pon,or~ \IK'a lion, to the pric~thootl. After bf-In:; presented the 1'11t'ck by Har,·t'y ,Ja,•k,,m, dub r•re,idt'nt Ntled lt'ft, His Excellency, rl;:ht, i sho11 n prrst'ntin~ the t'hed, 111 ltt. II,·,. ,i-i:r. William \ lkri:;ln, rector of Immaculate Heart "t'minari· and Srrra Cluh <·Implain. for lht, at tht- ,pnJinar,·. ·

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USD Frosh Edge Cloiremont, 51-43 B)' LARRl' sen.. EIDER CkJ~r,monl HiDh Schoof corresPOndent Clairemont High stayed m contention until midway of th!' final quarter before losing a 51-43 Vl'rdict to the Unh·er- sity of San DiC"go Frosh yes- terday on the Ch1C"itains' floo Trailing mo t of the game Claircmont urg d h::ick tn within tw point at 41-39 early in th fourth period but could not quite clo · the gap Bill Case) and Jim lichael scored 12 and 'l point , rc- ·pectively, fu Clairemom. :',tatt ;\lalerich h11 11-i and Phil Price 1:; for the USD Frosh. Cloriemont (43) USO Frosh Ull G F P T Molerich 9 0 2 18 Cosey S 2 2 12 Pr;ce 7 I 1 15 H'nd'rsn o o 2 0 Flax , 2 2 10 Mason " o 1 a Hensel 4 o l A Michael .4 2 0 10 Zilbroi, 0 0 1 0 Peters 0 0 2 0 Peterson '2 1 I s Serafin 2 1 1 6 Zimnv 1 o o 2 Totols 18 7 , • 3 Total$ 23 J J SJ ,Clairtmont 9 12 u '-41 USO Frosh 13 14 14 10--51

USD Cagers Bow In S ason Finale

Torero Five j On Road Trip F'our 111ggPd games in si,c days await Coach Phil Wool- pert and his Univcrsily o San Diego basketball squad now on a trlp through North- ern California and Nevada. The Toreros, who took a 2- 10 record into last night'11 game With McClelland Air Base near Sarramenlo, will rest tonight then tra}•cl to Woodland, Calif.. wher.. they will play the University of California Da,la (Cal Ag- girsl in lhR! orea'5 annual lllarch of Dimes benefit g-ame tomorrnw night. aturday, the Toreros cros over to Reno, where they will lake on U1e Unh·ersity of Ne- vada Woltpark, recent con-

6 6 and Ken Kullberg, 8-7. Fro h players expected to nt ke a bld for the V rRlty ln- rlude guards Mark YavoMtky, 5 10, and Rich VerlaRky, .~-lO: center Phil Price, 6-7, and for• ward Joe Flax, 6-3, and l\latt lalerlch, 6-2. Coach John Cunningham's ro•h quad wound up with a 10-11 1ecord, lo rlng to Ro r Aircraft, 69-57, 1n , tonday·~ prehminary \'erlasky 1rortd 16 Ya,·orBky 13, and Price 12 ou1ts.

iprlng. Behind throui;-hout most of th contut U D ra!Ued trom deficit to overtake 8·43 remaining on a torw nu Crnv


quero1~ of Portland Univer- sity by 77·69 nnd 49-46 counts. \Voolpert·s c1·ew will return home Sunday night for a da y"s test then will lake to the road again n xl Tuesday for the Pomona Cla. le. The Toreros drew a fast-moving I\ hillier Colfege five for their first game Tuesday, starling at 9:30 p.m. The host Cal Poly of Pomona tPam wlll open lhe tourney at 7:30 p.m. again t San Fernando Slate College.

4 RUNS IN 3RD Early Aztec Bu I Rocks USO, 6-2 San Diego Statr came up with four runs in the third inning ye 0 terday anrl went on to defeat the Univer ity of San Diego baseball team, 6-:l, at Robb Field In Ocean Beach. The Aztec ·, who now own a -----===- 3-1 record, were paced by

Davp Flesner, Pete Force and Bob Estev1llo. Force dro, e in a pair of runs in the third v.ith a triple and ~cored on Fle,ner's homrr 1''lcsner also collected a double in !our trips. T h e Aztecs u. rd three pitchers v. ith starter Larry Kramer and middle rellefer tan . Ilchaels being most ef- fective. Kram1>r ·truck out eight batters ln three innings of hitless pitching while 1U- chael.· didn't allow a hit in the next three. San Diego Stair will face Redlands Univer1Ht F1 iday in ii next home game while hr Toreros. now 1-2, will en- (ertain cppcrdine at Robb Field. ~an Diego State 00-4 000 c11-, I 2 USO 000 000 DI 1-2 5 2 Kromer, Michaels l4 .. Morr (7 • and lt~Gr:;:~~tl!n;emJ~:r• tforryHR!!iles~~ SOS), 3rd. one on.

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