News Scrapbook 1962-1964
Ordination Set for Sat., February 9 (Contlrm ·d froro 1'111:e l) A r c ptlon will be held In St. L>lcbcua parish hall after th • ! 'l'ho H v, !\Ir, Phlllipa b the BOn o! .\!r. ILlld Mra. W. 1''. l'llllllps, Sr., of Pueblo, Colo., wh re he waa born March. 13, 193t. He was educated in Pu blo roehlal 8C:hool1 and r c vcd a Bach lor of Science and Comm rce d gr e from th Univ ratty of Santa Clara n 11166. He w a f1rat II ut nant United tatea Army, l J.'ort Carson, Colo.: Fort Ill, Oklahoma, and Hovey, Korea, In 1957 and 195 . Prior to hie en• tra.n e tn Immaculate Heart emlnary ln 1959, he taught and coach d at thr e Pu blo • chools and also erved on the al f of Pueblo Cathollc High chool Th R v. Mr. Phil lips will ntt r hi r t olomn Maas alurday, February 16, In SL I' tr!ck'a chur h, Pu blo. The Rev. John M. Sproul, 11<>n of tr. and Mr • William Sproul, was born tn Gins ow, cotlund, June 1, 1034, H w LIi ducn.ted at St Conv,,ra l'rtmi,ry ch ol antl Holyrood ntor condary School In ,I g w b for nt rin th mlnary In 1953. Aft r ap ndlng one y ar In Irel nd with th Sal Ian J.'ath rs, he w nt to England where he pent th next five y ,,rs In alP. I n acholnstlcat s. H ent red Imm culate He rt Semlru ry here January 1, Ill O to comp! te hi atud es !or the prle thc>Od The Rev. ,\1 r. proul will or!er his F tr t Solemn M>t at 11 a.rn. t ht& 'unday, ~•et,. ruary 10, In the ln1111ac11lata. Th H.ev. tr. M wkke Is th nn of • tr and Mra. H. J. Mawlckr or Chicago, where he wu born March 12. 1936 He alt nri d St Matthias and St Margaret tary gram"lnr Rchools nn Miss Susan Pagliuso Weds Dennis Shields . Mt s Susan Pnglluso became the bride of Dennis Shields In recent nuptial rites In Bies.sect Sacrament church. Rt. Rev. hll!gr, Fr&nCIJ C. Ott, pastor, ffitlated. Tho bride the daughter of .Mr. and MrR, !<'rands A. Pagliuso, and the bridegroom ts the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mll.rt1n Ill da. '' Tho nowl}weds w e on- ored "Ith a papal I sing from His HoUne'.SS Pope John XXIII. for 300 gu stt< w· held In the La Me e, Women's Club, The bride Is a gracluale ot Rosary High School and at- tended the University of San Diego Co' I e g c for Women. the University of San Fran- cisco, completing work on a degree In biology. Attending the ordination will be members of his fam- ily, Very Rev. Victor M. Leon• ard, OSM, prior provincial of St. Joseph Province of Serv- iles, and Rev. Raymond ::It. La Bate, OSM, uncle of the Rev. Mr. Gaglia and prior and rector of St. Joseph Min- or Seminary, St. Charles, Ill. Father Raymond will be the , ssistant priest at the or- dination. He will offer his F i rs t Solemn Mass at 7 a.m. this Sunday February 10, In Our Lady of Riverside Seminary Chapel, Riverside. The Rev. Mr. Romero. son of Mr. and Mrs. Romualdo Romero of Xochlmilco, Mexi- co, was born July 5, 1936. He entered • fary Co-Redemp- trix Mmor Seminary in Xo• chimllco in 1951, w he re he took high school studies and three years of philosophy. The 1exlcan Comisariate of the Servlte Order then sent him to Our Lady of River- side Seminary, where he com- pleted his theological studies, He hopes to return to his native Mexico soon, where he will pursue his priestly duties. The Rev. Mr. Vala, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Vala of Charles City, Iowa, will be the first Conventual Francis- can priest to be ordained in the Diocese of San Diego as well as the first In California. He attended Campion Jes- uit High School, Prairie du Chien, Wis., and made his novitiate with the Convent- ual Franciscans in Lake For- est, Iii. He attended Loyola University, Chicago, and for reasons of health was trans- ferred to Our Lady of River- side Seminary to complete his philosophical and theological studies. The Rev. Mr. Vala w;n of- fer his First Solemn Mass at 10 a.m. this Sunday, Febru- ary 10, in Queen of Angels church, La Sierra, Calif. As• sisting as archpriest will be Very Rev. Edwin Banach, OFM Conv., pastor; Very Rev. Ladislaus Surak, OFM Conv., secretary and assistant provincial, will serve as dea- con, and Very Rev. Victor Leonard, OSM, Servile prov- incial, will be subdeacon. Rev. John Chrysostom Syzmkowi- ak, OFM Conv, instructor at B is hop Montgomery High School, Torrance, will preach. Very Rev. Matthias Bied• rzycki, OFM Conv., minister provincial ot the Conventual Franciscans, Province of St. Bonaventure, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Smith, pastor of the Rev. Mr. Vala'a home parish, will be in attendance. attended St :\lary's Grammar School there. After being graduated from St. Augustine High School. he attended San D ego S e College two yea1 He rcc·c1 v d a bache• Jo, a d gre n phtlosophy Crum V llunova 111 I !159 and is pill u,ng tJ,lies which wlll lead to a master's degree In religious e d u c a t I o n from Cath lie Unlverslt • of Amer- ica and a n as er's d gree In gulda c from Villanova. He will off r hts First Sol• m. M1s at noon l'lls Sun- < y ebruary 10. m St. ,\lary church • 'at10nal City Rt. Rev t. gr Thomas Egan, pastor, will be the as:ilstant pr!Mt, Rev..James Thurman, OSA of the St Augustine tacultv, v.111 be deacon, and Rev. iohn Peck. OSA of Sl. Rita's High School faculty, Chicago, will be subdeacon. Rev. Rohert Gdswold. OSA, of the St. Augu ·tine faculty, wlll preach A reception will be held In the parish hall after the Mass. The R v. Mr. Mahedy Ls the 110n of Superior Court Judge William Mah e d y and !>1rs. Mahedy o! 2~15 33rd Street, San Diego, He attended St. Did a cu II and St. Patrick's grammar schools a.nd we., graduated from St. Augustine High School. He attended the University of San Diego and received his bachelor's degree from Vil• Janova in 1959. After his or- dination, he will return to Catholtc University of Amer- ica where he will receive a master's degree in religion in June. He a Is o is pursulng studies which will lead to a master's degree in philosophy at Villanova. The Rev. Mr. Mahedy will celebr>1te his First Solemn Mass at 2 p.m. this Sunday, February 10, in St. Patrick's church. Very Rev. Vincent J, McGarvey, OSA, commissary provincial for the Augustin• ian Order in California, wlll deliver the sermon. Very Rev. John Costigan, OSA, pastor of St. Patrick's, wrn serve as assistant priest, w it h Rev. Michael D. Alcaraz as deacon and Rev. Ed w i n Scanlon, OSA, assistant at St. Thomas parish, Ojai, as subdeacon. A reception will be held in the parish hall after the Mass. The Rev. Mr. Vogel was born in Encinitas, where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Vogel reside. He attended Stella Mar Is Academy, La Jolla. He received a bache• !or's degree in philosophy from Villanova in 1958. He is working for a master's de- gree in religious education at catholic University of Amer- ica and a master's in mathe- matics at Villanova. He will offer his First Sol• emn Mass at 3 p.m. thi Sun- day, F e b r u a r y 10, in St. John's church, Encirutas. Rev. John Murphy, pastor ot St. John's, will be assistant priest: Very Rev. John Glynn, OSA, principal of Villanova Prep School, Ojai, will be deacon, and Rev. Jeremiah O' ulllvan of Colton wlll be sub-deacon. Rev. Patrick Keane, OSA, principal of St. Augustine's, will preach. A reception will be held Ln the parish hall after the .Mass. The Rev, Mr. Gaglia, who will be ordained as a Servile l<'ather, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaglia of Denver, He attended Mt. Carmel Serv• ite High School in Denver and entered the novitiate of the Servants of Mary in Rlver- s1de in 1956. Whil at the seminary, he has b e e n organist for the seminary choir. He attended summer sessions at Loyola Umvcrslly, Los Angeles, and The bride wore 11, gown o! ivory sheath w It h an over- skirt edged in heavy lace form Ir • a brush Ir~ in. Her veil was held together with a rolled rose ot the same mate- rial as the gown. .1iss Marcia Moran of New York City, co us In of the bride, was ma i d of honor, Bridesmaids w e r e JI[ i s s e s • farllyn Borgerding, Betty Jo Jensen, Susan Wilkenson, and Connie Paglluso, sister o! the bride. Joel Shields, brat her of the bridegroom, waa beat man. Ushers were Sebastian D'Am- ico, Paul Na COZY, RobPrt Stangle, and Emmett Pagll- uso, brother of the b11de. After the rites, a reception The bridegroom Is a grnduate of St. A11gusline Illgh School and attendee! the University of San Diego. After a honeymoon trip to Santa Barbara, the newly- weds went to San Francisco where the bridegroom is con• tinuing his M tu d I e s at the "G niverslty of San Francisco. They are home at Apt. 34, 191 Fredick, San Francisco. I Strenuous Sl'hedule USD Cagers Face Two Rugged Tests Two rugged basketball contest~ will greet Coach Phil Woolpert and his University of San Diego squad this week as the Toreros continue their strenuous schedule, tonight, against cross-town foe Cal Western Universlt and Saturday at Orange State College, The \Vesterner contest, postponed from last week be- cause of an out b re a k of measles ln the Pomt Loma school's camp, will be played in l'SD gym, &tarting at 8 p.m. Frosh learns from the two schools wUI mlX In the 6:15 p.m. preltminary. Cal Western owns 11. Ii-I ad- vantage In the ser1es, having dropped a 64-63 contest to the Toreros in the first of two games la t season. Coach Bob Kloppenbug'a Westerner squud came back to top the Toreros, 86-50. In the 19.,9.50 season, the Westerners won, 64-49 and 64-53, and in 1960-61 scored 77-61 and 53-48 wins over USD. The Toreros will pit their 4-14 season mark against the \Vesterners' 12-8 record. Woolpert's forces dropped their foutth straight game last Friday, 77-68, to the ·San Diego Marines. Ahead 16-11 early In the first half, the Toreros committed numerous playing errors to g i v e the Devildogs a decided advan- tage w h i ch they parlayed along with a 50 per cent field ,. goal figure into a 34-31 half. time lead. Forward Mark Teismann, a 6-4 Cincinnati, Ohio, product, continued to pace the Toreros \\ith a 20-point effort, Teis- mann was followed by 5-9 guard Lymond Vi'illiams who scored 19 points while team captain Russ Cravens a 6-3 s e n i o r forward. tallied 17 points. Both Teismann and Williams are 11ophomores. Former Manhattan College cager Bob Mealey continued to plague the Toreros with a 31-point spree for the Ma- rines. Mealey scored the same amount earlier this season in leading the Marines to a 64- 61 win over USD. Wayne Adams and Scott Iverson s c o r e d 19 and 16 points to aid Mealey. Teismann will take a 13.2 average into the Westerner tilt while Williams follows \vith a 12.7 average and Cra- vens has a 10.3 per game mark. Cravens leads in re- bounds with 132, Williams continues to be Aztec Ruggers Top USD, 13-6 Bob Prahl, Joe Rockhold and David Lay paced San Di- ego State to a 13-6 victory over University of San Diego yesterday at Aztec Bowl in a Southern California R u g b y Association conti>st. The three A z t e c s each scored three-point trys while Be_nny Wise collected two two- pomt conversions. Joe Mathews scored all of USD's points with two penal- ty kicks. The Aztecs will face Fuller- ton Athletic Club at Aztec Bo_ w I Saturday afternoon w!11Ie USO will meet the San Diego Town team at Universi- ty High field. The Rev. Mr. Pozza, one of a family of 10 children, Is the 11 cond to be ordained to the pne. thood. Hts brother, Rev. Carlo Pozza, waa orl1'1.lned two years ago Three brothers studying for the priest· hood with the Verona Fath• rs, while two sisters also are Jn the religious life. The imotto or his priesthood I. taken from the Gospel of t. John: "l have chosen you that you hould go and hear fruit, nnd th t your fruit rem m." (Jnhn lfi•16) He wlll offer his First Sol• emn Ii. s at 10 a m. this Sun- /lay F'ebrnary 10, In Sarred Heart church, Coronado 'rhe Rev, Mr Daleo I the on of Mrs M ry Daleo, .,21 J Avenue, Natwnal City, and the most productive from the !' I e Id with a 43.7 per cent shooting average and Tels- mann is the top free throw shooter \\itb a 75.9 per cent mark. Other Torero starters are 6-6 center Larry ?.foyer and 6-5 guard Jerry Halsey, The Westerners, 74-70 los- ers to Chapman College last Saturday, will start Lem Lemons and Joe Treaster at
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