News Scrapbook 1962-1964
1, I
NTC Cagers Trip USD's Freshmen Naval Training CPnter ovPr-1 came a 29-point scoring sprcc-1 by Mark Yavor:sky last night Lo bPat the Univ rsity of San Diego freshman cagPrs, &3-70,j in the collc>ge gym Dan McGh!'e wrth :!4 points and Dan Smith with 20 were the top scorC'rs for the Blue- jackets, who ]Pd 14. 1 t the half and Wl'rl' !]('~ r l'l"l()U. ly thrPatPnc-d tht•rra fl,·r HTC cm G F P T U50 FltOSHG(~O~ T 9 6 1 2• Maferlch 9 J 2 191 • • 2 12 Price 1 o 5 21 92 20Flox -44417 3 1 7 Hen!,el .c 0 , 8 J 1 ! 7 B llbrav o o J a ? i J 'Yovor,ky IC 9 J 29 0 t 2 I a 2 , , 3119 14 II Scort-NTC Torals 211, 11 7()1 U, USO Frosh 34, McGhee Robert, Smllh Netlv Wailers Gordner Nibbs Trocv Huctson Totals Halftime
Toreros Rock Pasade , 6 -2 1an O•
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USD Quintet Faces PhibPac University of San Diego's haskelball ·t!'llm, hl'aten nine times in 11 outings, face an- other stiff ass1gnmPnt tonight when it plays PhibPac on the Coronado Sailors' ('Ourt. The game starts at 8 o'C'loc-k. PhibPac, winner of thf' re• cent USD invitat1onal and run- nerup in tbP Cal WC'stern Hol- iday tournament, has C'om- pilcd a 15-:~ record. Oddly Pnough , on,• of thPse lossPs was a surprisE> 73-54 !aPing hy 1hP Tornos on an unusually hot night for the c•olkglans. The InvadPJ'S will bP pac•c>nter Fred :Mims f6-51. Rounding out the sailors' ·tarting unit will he Luth<'r Toson (6-6\ and Bob DeE>gan <6-3\ at fon\'ards anc.l J i m McKnight (6-0l at the othe)' guard. USD coach Phil WooipPrt is expected to open with "Mark TPismann (6-4 l anrl Russ Cra- vens (6-3) at forwards, Lar- ry Moyer (6-6) at center, and Jerry Halsey <6-51 anrl Ly- m o n d Williams (5-9) at guards. The Toreros will not return again to th<' hardwood until Jan . 2·1 against ?\1cC!elland Air Force Vase in the ti rst gamP of a five-stop road trip.
PhibPac Tops USD, 71-58, To Avenge loss one or its a on b) turning back I nl\ Pl ty ors 11 Diego. 71-. . In t night at tl1e PhlbPac gym Th Torero , who have . cored only two "In. ·o rar, beat PhibPac earlier 7:l-54. The a ilori1 lted a II the \\ ay en route to thteir 16th victory of the campaign. They µlekec.l up a 28-14 E'c.lge during the Cir t half and made it 6:i~,u with three minutPs to go 1< fouls pr0VPd costlv to l'SU The Torero "'ere l'hargt•d with 27 fouls to PhihPac' 13 In the preliminary gam CALEWO defeated the U D frosh, 71-58. PhlbPac 171J U50 (stl Toson r: Wllharm Ff ; 0Hton 4 I • 9 Jackson 1 o 3 2 i1:n:v 1 ? : ! ! 7Y l McKnight , 8 0 16 Moter J 1 l 7 Feld 9 6 J 2<1 ll'1f'Jd en O O 5 0 Totals 15 21 15 71 H~~r~r, 2' \J 2~ si Haltllme: PhibPoc 39, USO 29. J-12, 1,3
lUSD To Test ! Orange State Special to The San Dino Union FULLERTON - Universit) i of San Diego's basketball team will be seeking 1evenge for a 72-59 loss In the recent USD tournament when t h e ' Toreros meet Orange State College in the Fullerton JC gym here tonight. Game time is 8 o'clock. USD dropped a 7'.!-57 nod to Cal Western Thursday night in its last outing and will be hoping to improve its 4-15 sea- son record.
The host Titans are led by1 1 6-4 Little All-American Edgar Clark, a high-scoring center, and 6-2 forward Len Guinn. ii
End in Sight For USO 9 University season Saturday against o r a n g e State College after absorbing a 5-2 loss yesterday at UCLA. The Toreros will face Or- ange State in a doubleheader at Robb Field, starting at 1~:30. The Bruins used four pitchers and stroked 11 hits m their victory at Joe E Brown Field. · In college baseball tomor- row, San Diego State travels to Long Beach State at 2 to start a three . game weekend series with the 49ers. Cal :-Vestern entertains Pasadena m a doubleheader starting at 1:30 at Beeson Field. USO- UCLA score: .. ·... • .010 010 000...2 l l Barry ff ·"·"· · 002 000 OIX-5 11 2 Soumga'rte~,m,~~:~, C-fi> _Go~dord (7) and t4), Brown {6) 8 ft oey, Spencer McQuarn, Gershon' (6). o oms (8) and of San Diego closes its baseball
Aztecs Beat Toreros, 4-Z San D i e o tale expkded for four runs m the fifth _1~- ning ye f'rday to_tlef~a t : m- versitJ of- ::; pwgo base• ba11 tl'am, 4-2, on t 1 1c Tor• eros· diamond,. A single by bick ~errai:io and a douhle b) Bill : 1arce1l- les, spliced with three To~·ero l'rrors. a walk and a f·eld· er' s choice. accountoo for the Aztecs' four-run fifth inning. USO raked two Aztec pitc' · crs Buck :',!ichaels and • or- man Illarr--for 11 hits b u t spotty support made the rlif- fprpncr. USD pitcher J o h n p e a r c e went all the wa ·. yielding five hits, striking ~,ut four and issuing four w~' ·s San O,090 Stole &°.8 g:v t1 u .Mf~nJ~1~. (S) and Force: P~orce and Baumgarten.
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