News Scrapbook 1962-1964

IHSIIOP-\ rrJ R<·'- "othPr udet.\ or thP '."t\8t•rf"ll ,,t ,Jf' ... u , ,;re INI h) !hi, :\lo t Rf'\nen,I Bishop I, a Park Tut,da, for a canonkal ,Isita• ( oll<'gP for \\oDlf'n nbi<'h 1, ,talfrd b~ membPrs or 'abine d , aivn,

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• • • • • • Superior General Is Welcomed Here Greeted by flag-,,.avmg student of the College for \\omen who "er dressed ,n cap and gowns end hned bo h 1d of Marian Way ,n Alcala Park V I y R \. • lothe1· .:ab ne d \"alon supe110 g nerai of the • ·octet: of th Sacr d H art of Je u • \\1IS gh en a heart•\\ ar Ing ,,. ome here Tl.1, da •

USD, Aztecs In Crosstown Finals Today 'l'he University or San Die- go plays host lo crosstown Tival San Dlrgo State in th(' final game of the three-game serirs b e t w e e n the two school , today al 3 p.m. at Robb Field in Ocran Brach . The Aztecs def<'ated USD, 6-2 and 13-11, in games earlier this season. Stan Micharls will start on the mound tor coach Charlie Smith's Aztecs while Mike Morrow will send lcflha.ndcr John Pearce in quest of the Toreros' first win over their city foes. State will take a 19·11 rec- ord Into today's fray after sweeping a three-game set over the weekend from UC Santa Barbara. The Toreros, 8-14-1 In season play, will be out to break a four-game los- ing streak, two of those com- ing at the hands of Los Ange- le State, Saturday. Big bats tor the Aztecs this season have been centcrfield- er Pete Carrasco, first base- man Dave Flesner and left. fielder Dick Neel while the Toreros will bank on second baseman Ed Green, catcher John Baumgarten and short- stop Ron Cady. After today's match, USD will travel to Los Angeles to- morrow for a 3 p.m. game at UCLA and will wind up the s ea so n, Saturday, against Orange State in a doublehead. er at Robb Field. The Aztecs' next game will be Friday at Long Beach State in the first of three con- tests with the Forty-Niners. Saturday, the two will mix in a doubleheader.

The • lost Re\·erend Bishop g1 eeted . fother De Yalon n front of the Immnculata on her arriv I for her ranomcal vis! t to mem bcr, or th so- c1et) who staff the Colle e for Women. Jomlng In t'1e welcome we1·e a nt,mber of pzelates and pne, t and senu- nartan.S. It was the first W st Coast ,,sit smce 1914 of a upenor geneinl of the soc,et ·. The lost visit was made b) Yery Rev. ::11oU·er Janet Erskme !'ituart. :Mother De Valon. who bas been the perior general since 19~8. Heading member to wekome of the Orde1

·as Moth r Ethel T garden perior of the Order al the CollE>ge for Wmr r Ace omp nymg ::II other De \'alon were Very Rev. luther ::Ilana Josefa Bullo, assistant general chnrgert \\ ith the Sparish-speakmg hous , and . lother Gisela Posada I.J eas- The vi itoz s \\iii remain f1\'e days at the women's college, one of even m the l'nited . 'tates staffed by the Order, ,rnd th~n \\I I spenn five cta,·s at thE> A, ademy ot the Sacred Heart m El Cajon. 8tudenLs of the College fo1 (<'ontinu,•d on Pagt- S) urer general.

Loyola Glee Club To Appear l,;niver·11~ sponsor a concert by Loyola University Gle Club Fnday at 8 p.m. at Shenrnod Hall ·o La Jolla rt enter The hi "h cliool' Iothen u1ld in talled ne\\ omens \\'edn day afternoon at the unner 11 \Ir o ct nu I ccept,'1 he a el from oull(oing presirlent \!rs • rnolrl na11- do I o in tailed re .1me5, W1lharn Burkle , vice presi- dent, .Jo eph Rennelt, tar and .Joseph Piech, tre~~- urer The Rel ,John \ n1ckJP, pnnc1pal of 1hr hJ!!h 5chool. conducted a la~ m Imm~ culata Chapel precedin"' th m tallatJon. lhi!hhght of the ceremony was the presentallon or a &i.J. ver tea liervice to the guild by members of thf: high school's graduating class of 1963. San Dte"o High .School 1\11


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Superior G eneral Is Welcomed He re (Continued from .Page I) Women presented a program in honor of the d guished Yisitors yester ay, ll.nd the Most Reverend B" op of-

Society has 189 houses, In- cluding 34 in the United States. After lea.Ying here, the Superior General and her aides will travel to houses of the Society m San Fran- cisco. Seattle, \\'ash., and )fonlrcal. Canada, before re• tu111ing- lo Euro_pe in April

fered a S o I em n ,Pqntifical High Ma. s in the College for Women's chapel thi mormng IThul sdayl. Rt. Rev. M:.,gr. }.tic•hael J. Bvrnc, VG, "·as assisting' priest. and Ver~· Re\' John P. Cadden. president or the Col· )Pge for l\len, and Rev Wil- liam D. Spain were deacons of honor. Rev. LawrPnce Battle was deacon of the Mass, and Very Rev. l\1sgr. Donald F. Doxie, Bishop's seerctary, was first master of ceremomes. Very Rev. John Dickie was econd master of ceremonies, and Rev. Robert Nagler was thi1·d master of ceremonies. Founded in France in 1800 by St. M ad C I C i n e Sophie Baral, the Society. whose primary work is teaching, was brought to the United States m 1818 by Bies cd Philippine Duchesne. Conducting houses on every continent m the world, the

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