News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Offi ·er In talled t Wo1ne11' Colleg·e

Westerners Rap Aztecs, 5-1, Take Local Laurels CaJ We LPrn as urc>d itself cracked home runs for the of winning the city s unofficial WP tenwrs. L I' a t h e r- coll!'g ba eball title )Ps(Pr- wood' coming with a man on dav b) beating San D 1 "go m th1• s~c·ond Jnn!ng.. . Stat,• 5.J, at . tCRD's Be" on CnJ \\ ,. ·Jprn \I III PP ~C'llon FiPld. again torfa) , flldng usn a1 The \ ,CIOl'y ga\ ,. lhp \\ ,. t- Jl.111 . at B,•l'SOII FlPlrl . PTnl!l' • a 2-! ndgr OV~J thf' san Die10 stare 0 000 10 00 100 2 1 0 0 00,-J 1 · Cal Western - Azt,•r•,- to go along_ .\\ I h a Mlchool,,, ~~'if.,t'~~d i.r~;d L'k.~t/ 2-0 ma1 •in lil <'ompet1t1on \ll(h ~~• 1 .1-:· 'L,olherwood '{cw), 2nd, on• 1 tJin Uiii\ !'I' II\' of San Dl,•go on, Dvnmover, (LW) 6th, none on; St- ..,- • ' • wall (CW) 1'h, none on. 1 S1rong pild1lng h} Chu1•k 1 LPaf a11

• pe k rs· Bureau: Suzanna Cran t pre dent; ~artlyn :Puzo, l e pre !dent; and Joan W r, cretary. Operauon etJ n: Chris.· t = C nwc!I, p !dent; Pat- Knue, vie president, n lary D n ttc Scho n, a cretary . D ma club officers: Cliria- Une 011Jllu , presld nt; Kath- I ZaworskJ vice president; l' ela Ale ch, aecr tary; and Jeremie Owen, t1·ea urer. Women'1 Athletic A ocia- llon: Wendy l!!lseman, presf-

Alcala Guild Seat Officers !rs F· , O'Connor wns ln;tali°ed as president of the Alcala u d of the Umver - lty of S n Diego College for J\1en at t h fmal luncheon meeting f the s a n In the Catamara Hotel 'l'Ucsday. 0 t h e r officers ,nstalled are . !rs. John O Donnell, v ~c preSJdent Mrs. Harold Der- mody secretary; • {rs. Joseph Hfel, • treasurer, an d Mrs. Marguerite H. Sherry, cor- responding treasurer. A choral program was presented by the USD Glee Club. Mrs. Dominic de P Jetrl, out- g O I n g president, reported that the guild since its or- ganization in October, 1959, has contributed more than $ 9 OOO t O t h e um,·ers!t->'.' 8 scholarship fund and audio- visual department_

Cal Western Nips USD, 3-1 Larn Brow'l's basr•-empt~ lwo ot thrPe from San Diego home run in thP fourth inning State this season !or t~e un. U . official dty champ1onsh1p. powerPd Cai \\e tern n~ver- Chuck Leaf and Lee Mc- ~ity to a 3-1 win over Umvpr. Farland combinpd to limit , ty of San Diego at MCRD s SD to two safeties while Cal Beeson Field yest.;rday. . Westr.rn banged out seven oU It was thP -1st victory Pat Bern· Tom Goddard and against only four drfeats for l\Iike Hc-~ing-er the \Vesterners and g a ' e ca, wes1ern . . 200 lot =t: 3 7 •1 them a clean sweep in th ree ul~,, McFarland C61 ":.J 1 i,.,,.i, ~.,! uamps With the Toreros th!· rv, GOddard w. Hrmm,:n•~· m ccw1 ;eason. Ca! Western also won Y,i~•!,;,,:i,a~~oarten IS • rown _

Bands To Battle A • B11tt e of .Bands'' \\ 11 take pl ce at 2 pm. Sunday ,n hr Ha 1 \\ h n clg-ht parochial hool• "11. parti~1pate in tltr, h nnual mut Bands dlr•ct- M by Merli! G Coady an

IU-SD Rugby Team, : Bruins Vie Today 0 The Univer ·it:,, of San Diego rugby team will play host t~- rful l:CLA, at 2 p.m.. powe the l ' niwrsily High day on field. under coach The Toreros, 2 ! the d b g are 1- or Ed Ce er er ,- In Southern season and 1 1 r la . Califomia Rugby Jnlon p y


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