News Scrapbook 1962-1964
Cunningham Takes Post Ex-Saints, USF Standout Succeeds Mike Morrow By ROGfm < 0. LEE John Cunningham toda" was named baseball coach at University of San Diego, succeeding V<'( t·an Mike Morrow, who announced his rPtirPm nt last week. Appointment of Cunning ham, a St. Augustine High
I Pl'oduct, was revea led to- day by USD a th!eti · di- re<'tor Phil Woolp l'L Cunningham was a haseball and bask<'tball star a t St. Au- gus tinP and UnJv,..rsity o! San FrnnC'isc·o, where he play<'d 1hP latlPr sport unclc>r ½'ool- PN't. Hr was nampd USF"s mo,t-valuablc> a thlete i'l 1959. , HP was San Diego County ba . , ketball S<'Oring champion in · '55 1 Cunningham was signed by the Baltimore Orioles in 1%0 t and played for WenatchPe in the Northwest LPague that 1 season, th<'n played w i t h Stockton of thP California · LeaguP in '61. H<> coachPd , freshman basketball at USF • in 1961-62, then joined the USO staff last fa ll. ; Cunningham coached frosh , baskPtball and was director • of Intramural sports thi · vear at USO. . I He as Jsted Morrow in . roaching the Torero diamond , tc>am this spring. Mike's de- 1 parture endPd a 40-) ear ca- , ree1· which saw him produce . wmners at San Diego High, San Diego Junior College andj USO. - ·
Westerners Near Wire NAIA Tourney in Offing; Aztecs Turn Back USO Cal Western's baseball team, which yesterday di~ posed of Miramar aval Air Station, 8-2, wraps up its regular season Friday at Beeson Field against Pasa- dena College in a doubleheader. Coach Larry Potter's club has a 23-4-1 record and ----------1will enter the NAIA Dis- trict 3 playoffs-also at Bee- son Field-May 17-18.
If the Westerners win the d is tr i ct tournament, they would stand a good chance of being invited to the NAIA tournament in St. J o s e p h, Mo., next month. Only nine of the 32 district champions will be invited to the double- elimination event, but Cal Western's won-lost record ls one of the best In the nation among small colleges. Th e Westerners defeated the Fliers behind the three- hit pitching of four twirlers. Chuck Leaf, who hurled the first two innings, whacked a bases-empty homer for the winners In the third inning. San Diego State College kept pace with the Western- ers with a 4-2 win over Uni- versity of San Diego at Robb Field. The Aztec freshmen de- f e a t e d Oceanside-Carlsbad College, 7-3, with a :four-run rally in the eighth inning. Scores: ~wa~:r,.r~A• :: m J/!j : i Mac:Ooniel and Green; Leaf Barretto W, McFarland (6), Webb (SJ, Castro (9) and Leatherwood, Gnerre (5). San Diego State 000 040 000--1 .s e u. of San Diego 000 001 01~2 11 • 00~ 1 ~~g 0 ~:~ (5) and Force, Peoru i.°i>"'.'"rr.. 'i,~::od t: :: :i~:j 1: 1 Vasquez, Mota (4), Rosen (8) and Lopez; Powers and Severidg~ Russell (6).
I Cal Western Lands NAIA Playoff Spot California \\ ,.,ten. , ba;,e- b II team which ha "on 21 L f ii -'6 games thi sea. on. ha h en de lgnated as ho,t fo1 tt.e ational A. sociatlon < t lntPrcoll..glate Athletie 01 ti let 3 play
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