News Scrapbook 1962-1964



TRIBUTt; PAID ORDIN. RY-The l\lO!>t Reverend Ordinary, right, I'! bhou n M 1te receln•d a, apontaneou o,·a.tion from prie•b and la,v peol.)le at a. luncheon In Hotel del Coronado. The o,atlon ua.s touched off by remarl,s lllildo by Rt. Rev. lll!.gr. I· rancls C. Ott, pa,tor of Ble•. ed Sacrament parioh, center, In hi~ "elcome on behalf of prie,t of the dioce,e to .\10 t Re\'. l rand J. Furey, new Coadjutor Bl hop, left. The luncheon wa ghen h.\' th 11rh,7t In honor of Bis Eminence Jame Franrl'! Cardinal McIntyre, .\rchbi,1101• of Lu nge[I':;, . • • • • • • • • • Msgr. Ott Welcomes Coadiutor On Behalf of Diocese's Priests

"In our heart we rejoice with our beloved Ordinary, Bishop Buddy, that strong and capable hands have come to assist him In hls tremen- dous work," Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis C. Ott, pastor of 1 Blessed Sacrament, said at a luncheon in Hotel del Coro- last Thursday as he wel- comed Most Rev. Francis J. Furey. Coadjutor Bishop, on behalf of the priests or the diocese. "\\'e verily believe the holy Father's choice or such an eminently qualified Coadjutor Bi.!-hop stands as a studied and glorious tribute to the leader whom he is some day de,;t ined to succeed!" M sgr. Ott's talk: Your Eminence. Your Ex- cellencies. My Brotl)er priests. Fnends all: It ls a distinct prh;Jege to witness history in the mak• ing. It is like some fantastic dream to have a personal part in it. Thus do I look upon the honor of welcoming-in the name of the clergy of this Diocese of San Diego-the iJ. lustrious prelate whom Our Holy Father the Vicar or Christ has sent to us. Il is as if the good and provident God permits us to raise, ever so little, the cur- tain of the future and peer therein 11. t bright snapes of coming events as yet knov,m fullv only to the Divine om- n,sc1ence. To us is given, this dav. to welcome into our midst e B • v of San Diego In o

with our beloved Ordinary, Bishop Buddy, that strong and capable hands have come to assist him in his tremen- dous work! Some day a. heed• less world la going to pause a.nd look back at the pontifi- cate of San Diego's first Bi- shop, and looking gasp with amazement! To us, bis priests who have falteringly striven lo keep up with his pace, Bi- shop Buddy truly represents the unsung hero of the Ame- rican hierarchy. His unpre• ,•edented record sustams our coin-iction. Glorious Tribute \Ye vei•ify believe the Holy Father's choice or such an eminently qualified Coadjutor Bishop stands as a studied ru1d glorious tribute to the leader whom he Is some day destined to succeed! Those of us who knew per- sonally John Cardinal O'Hara cannot help feeling that that saintly molder of the lives of so many of Our Lady's men- with his almost supernatural intuition for goodness and greatness-smiles down today upon his favorite son, Bishop Francis J . Furey. as he this day emplants his feet upon the foundation of future achievement. We native sons of Califor- nia-with due respect for the city of brotherly love-can boast, too, of our own herit- age. On that historic dav when Ile Libel'ty Bel Intoned t'he birth or our nation other 'bell ·ere already ringing in an Diego: The bells of San Diego de Alcala-the first of the 21 missions of Califor- nia-as they called down from the hills the timid Indians to kneel at the feet of our great Father Juniperro Serra. and submit to the message of Christ's gospel. Difference Noted There's quite a diffe1·ence. in this regard. (if I might be permitted to speak in lighter and facetiou~ vein) , between East and West. Have I not read, somewhere in history, that the settlers of the East Coast, having landed. fel) up• on their knees-and then FELL UPON' THE IN- DIANS7 Jn truth, we have had na- ti\'es of California who dared to conjecture that if Christo- pher Columbus had discover- ed, first, the \VEST Coast, no one even yet, would have taken the trouble to go and see what the EAST Coast look., like: All in fun-=of course! You see, we must begin right now the conversion of Bishop Furey! Let's make him a Californian in a hur- ry! A bright precedent has al- ready been set here in South- ern California typified by the

loyal devotion of the grand number of zealous priests who have come, throu;,h the years, from holy Ireland to devote their lives to the evan- geli.zation of U1i~ far-of! nm of Christendom. Theirs has been the startling answer to the psalmist's dramatic ques- tion: "Quomodo cantabimus canticum Domini In tiena ahena ?" 3 Lilting Songs Whal SOil of the "ould sod'' has ever forgotten the land or his birth 7 And )'et these sons of the land of samts anu scholars have chanted three lilting sons: To the Lord, lo Ireland, and to the !ai1d of their adoption, the Golden west ot California! I say, though a nat!rn Cali- fornian, and I say In the words of His Excellency Bl- shop Buddy ( a thoroughly converted Californian him- self) : God bless our men of Ireland! When I think of the coming of another Bishop to San Di- ego, my memory goes back 25 years to words which still ring in my ears a.s though they were spoken but yester- day. A great civic reception packed the stadium; words of g re e ti n g were eloquently ,·oiced; then came the time for the first Bishop of San Diego to respond. It wa,, his first public ut- te..anc&--a policy he has nev- er deserted, a vow he has kept Inviolate. He said: "I will work unceasingly; will devote my very life to the welfare of San Diego-sav- ing always the TRUTH OF OUR HOLY CATHOLIC FAITH!" No Mean Diocese You r Excellency Bishop Furey, I speak for the mag- nificent and loyal priesthood of San Diego. You come now to no mean diocese: you come to a. vineyard well tilled. well watered, well prepared for the harvest. May God grant you length of days with us so that, ";th God's blessing, you may learn to love us all, to love San Di- ego, to love California, to car- 1·y on ever upward and on- ward for the civic, the Intel• lectual, the spititual welfare of San Diego. And may I, In ~onclusion. recall my memo- ried words-savings always the truth of our Holy Cath- olic Faith! May Mary, the mother of bishops. stand ever at your ~ide, and obtain for you from her DiYine Son- the great High Priest-an abundance of graces that we all pray upon you: justice, charity and peace! "Specie tua ct pulchri- tudine tua, intende, prospcre precede and regna!"

TY Ql i:r.-,10,t R ,. J-'rand, J. Fure~, nen Coadjutor Bishop, \\as ru,hcd Into the T\ lh:ht 01100 hi arrhal Crom Philadelphfa at Li111\hrrgh Fiel,l last \\eek. Thi \\HS or. of the ,c~u ., T\i took o,·er in the air1,ori t~rminal, I r,lening Bishop :t·nrey i~ K -TV Channel IO' l'hilhin I\ hile the c.1mcraman i, busy filming the action.

Law School Will Honor 2 Students Two 11tudent.s at the Uni- versity of San Diego School of Law will be honored for achievement last year at & meeting of the school student body a.t 6 p.m, today (Thursday). The 11tudents, Edward Phil• bin and Gerald McMahon, will be presented awards a.s St. Thomas :'>fore Scholars at a meeting in the More Hall auditorium. The awards are for achieving a. minus or bet- ter grade average during the last school year. Twenty-three other stu- dents will be presented awards as Master of the Roll for obtaining B averages last year. Th& awards will be pre- sented by Maj. Gel)- George \V. Hicl

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