News Scrapbook 1962-1964

iturgy Constitution Hailed s Gre~t by Bishop Furey 1---------~--~----

Document Rated Among Important Ones of Our Time The second session of the Vatican Council gave ri~e to "one of the most Important documents" of our time, Most Rev, Francis J. Furey said ln an Interview with The Southern Cross this week. The Bishop referred to the "Constitution on the Lltlll'gy" promi.lgaled by Pope Paul VI on the last day of the session, December 4. He stressed that part of the Constitution which deals w\th the uae of the vernacular and Its implications tor renewal of lhe inner life of the Church. A member of the Administrative , bunnl, His Excel- lency said the tribunal has to do with '1egal questions" sub- mitted to it by the council. Two Americans on Tribunal "Only two Americans are members of the tribu11al," the Bishop aaid, "and they are the only two English speaking members. Also, both of us are from the West. The other is the Most Rev. Floyd Begm, Bishop of Oakland. .l<'ransesco Cardinal Roberti ls head of the tribunal." Explaining the change from Latin to the vemacular, the Bishop said that in due time the vernacular will be used in parts of the Mass, In the administration of the Sacraments and in the Divine Office "as specified in the Constitution." When formal approval is given to official tran~latlons into English the Bishops of the United States will determine the date when the vernacular may be used, His Excellency said. "The decision of the Council on the vemacular was made to enable our people to take a. deeper, more active, more intelligent part ln the worship of. God." Priests May Co ntinue to Use Latin A1 regards the priest's office the Bishop said no one will be obliged to read lt In Engiish. He may continue to rll..-. chal'ge his obligation "in Latin which ls and must remain the official language of the Church.'' The Administrative Tribunal has b~en Instituted e.nd it• members appointed by the Holy Father himself. Bishop Furey also is a member of the Committee on Seminaries established by the Bishops of lhe United States to study the 'question of degrees for seminarians. "Our taak 1.8 to con~ider procedures and to coordinate methods in the country's seminaries for such degrees as Bachelor and Master of Arts, especially the latter," the Bishop said. "Many young priests are assigned to high schools u teachers soon after ordination," he continued, "and these must be properly prepared and qualified to teach," The committee is directed to Investigate and finally report to the Bishops the present academic facilities leading to these degrees. In addition to Bishop Furey, the Committee on Sem- (Contlnued on Page 8) • • • • • • Study of Liturgy Urged by Bishop In a letter to all priests of the diocese, Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, Apostolic Administrator, lauded the Constitution on the Liturgy and said "it should be read and studied by every priest and by all who are interested in the real meaning of the Liturgy in the life of the Church." The complete text will be <1>--------------,--,.,. carried In next week's Christ- thorough study of the text-, mas edition of The Southern, Cross. of the Constitution as so Bishop Furey>s letter: as possible. Monsignor O'Sb~

Cal Western Improved, :vs Coach Kloppenburg Cites Good Defense, Poise For Current Success

1USHOP WELC0.1E HOME-l\lost Jtev. Francis J. Furey, Apostolic Admlnlstrator, i~ wel• earned at LlndberJ!:h _Field upon his return from Rome where h

Seeond Chance USO Cagers Seek Win Over Loyola a o\ San Diego basketball team will take 8 p.m. this Saturda/eD~~~::;,:;c~ 4 ~~\J:'~la University at The much imp d T . e ons court. losses last we~ken:v~oac':;'.:~i~iv~g~ve g?od accounts in two a 70 69 h oo pert s Torero• dropped • eartbreaker to crosstown rival San Diego

paced the Torero frosh win over the Aztecs. scoring 21 points While brother Barry also 6-5, tallied 14 and for~ ward Larry Gaddy 15. Gaddy came back Saturday to lead scorers with 20 points. Alan Fay a.nd .John Emer- 111on had 13 and 12 points respectively, ' The Torero frosh received bad news this week With the announcement that starting guard Bill Ferree would be sidelined for the season, Fer- ree, who played at st. Ig- natius High in San Fran.' cisco, re-injured a knee in the Aztec match and was sent lo Mercy Hospital where he was operated on Saturday for the removal of cartilage.

State Friday before a home- coming crowd of more tha.n 1,000 fans. Satilrday, the 'l'oreros came back to wage a torrid battle Wi th the Loyola Lions before uccumbing, 77-66. The Torero-Aztec tussle saw Woolpert's squad ahead In the late moments but were unable to hold onto the lead as the Aztecs counted on guards Jack Shawcro!t B{ld Craig Nettles to put them ahead to stay, Three Toreros, guard Ly- mond \Yilliams, center Larry Jlfoyer and forward Mark 'I_"elsmann, were sidelined by f1'•e fouls while four Aztecs were benched via the foul route, Sophomore starter Cliff Ash- croft led the Toreros with 18 points, followed by Teismann with 16 and guard Mark Yavorsky With 12. WIIJlams potted eight points and Moyer six for the Toreros. Saturday's contest with the Lions saw USD pull from a 41-34 hal!tlme deficit to score nine points while limit- ing Loyola to a pair of free throws to knot the score at 43-all. But the more experi- r.nced Lion five forged ahead ai;ain to .win behind the shoot- Ing of 6-2 guard Dick Mc- Closkey, who scored 16 points ln the final half. McCloskey t Ok scoring honors ~ith 20 points.

Reverend and dear Father: On July 18, 1870, a decree of the First Vatican Council was solemnly promulgated. It had to do with the dogma of Papal Infallibility. History repeated itself on December 4, 1963, when our Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, solemnly promulgated a de• cree of the Second Vatican Council. It had to do with the Sacred Liturgy. The Constitution on the Li- turgy was approved almost unanimously by the Bishops of the Council. It is one of the most important documents of our time. It should be read and studied by every priest and by all who are interested in the real meaning of the Liturgy in the life of the Church, The Constitution consists of an Introduction, seven Chap• ters and an Appendix. Every part of it was written and rewritten before it finally appeared in its present for- mat. I earnestly exhort all our priesls to make a

in the Christmas _, THE SOUTHERN CR~~ . • In the matter of chant'"" in the Liturgy, It must be point- ed out that the Council states clearly that the direction of the Liturgy depends exclu- sively on the authority of the Church. This dirEJQtion of public worship belongs fi t , to the Apostolic See and t o •,the Bishop, according to the · norm of law; and second t o the various kinds of com p'etent territorial bodies o .Bishops, as lawfully estab- lished, in virtue of a pow~r conceded by law 1'within established limits." Therefore, no other erson, even if he be a priest 1 may add, remove or change any• thing in the Liturgy on his own authority. The Council's Constitution on the Liturgy makes a sharp distinction between: 1.-THE USE OF VERNACULAR. 2.-TH E REFORM OF RITES. ·, For the p1·escnt, \\ e are 'concerned only with the fit'l;t point, namely, the use of th,.. vernacular. The reform o! rites will come in due time, but it must await the a lion of a postconciliar commis- sion, which will aug;te,,t B tr u ct u r al and c xlnal changes of every so,:t, and make a report of it find- ings directly to the Popr. From a practical. pas1 o,·al viewpoint, there is only one type of cll1111-ge contempla1. (Con tinued OD l'are ') issue ',r I

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Toreros Host Aztec Quint Here Tonight The first big night of cross- town basketball play on the college level comes off here tonight, featured by San Di- ego State College at Univer- sity of San Diego. This is the second game of the SDSC-USD hoop s e r i es and the Torero gym, which seats in the neighborhood of 1,000 fans, is sold out. So if you don't already h a v e a ticket, try Go I d en Gym, where Cal Western is enter- taining NavRI Training Cen- ter. The Aztecs won their first meeting with USD last year, 6 -49, but should have a much · ~ugher time of it tonigh aga inst coach Phil Woolpert's improved club. State, which lost its only . tart to Pepperdine, 79-65, probably will start Tom Bell, Al Catlin and Bob Mackey in the front line, with J i m (Bones) Bowers and J a c k Shawcroft at guard. USD's lineup will have Tony Bind- er, Mark Teisman and Larry Moyer up fl"ont, Lymond Wil- liams and Matt Malcrich in the backcou rl. USO won its only previous start, 66-6 . over Whittier in overtime. Cal Western Is 1-1 and will be favored' to tack on a ~ec- ond vict_or~· against the Blue- jackets.' GJ me time in both gymsl is 8 p.m.

/ 0-.-3/

Five Toreros hit In double f ~res with Ashford again :pacmg the losers' attack with 12 points. Williams, Yavorsky nd forv. ard Tony Binder 11 h had 11 points whlle for- ward Matt Malerich followed with 10. The Lions controlled the 1:- s, 44-30. lll:q,ected starters for the ccm test are guards Cliff d (6-2) and Lymond 1 (5-9), center Larry (6-6) and forwards Telsmann (6-4) and Binder (6-5). A hford is gmg 16 1>olnts over the s D e t r o I t F1an,gan (6-2) and Mccloskey (6-2), center Milke Lawler (6-5) and forwards D I c k SchtendJer (6-6 ) anq Ilob D-:rns 6-4). The 'I:orero frosh captured both week ntl matches, down- Ing the Aztec frosh 66-62, and the Lion yearhngs, 63-43. Coa~h .John Cunningham's squall wlll accompany the varsi ty to Loa Angeles to play the Lion frosh again Saturday. Alan Far. a 'rll forward; thre games vpJa starters will be gu:



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