News Scrapbook 1962-1964
Priests Fete Bishop on 25th Jubilee (Continued from Pai:-e I) p1·iests lo man them, the mul- tiplication of par o ch i a I schools, the development of education at all levels, the annual crusade for souls, the establishment of the Parish High School of Religion, the organization of s o c i e t i e s, clubs and associations for the promotion of the lay apos- tolate - all these preface the pastoral zeal of a Borromeo, the intrepid courage of a Paul and the missionary spirit ot a Francis. The physical facilities the Bishop has provided for the development of religion and education in his jurisdiction are in themselves an achieve- ment unique in the church in America. The University of San Di- r;;u has no counterpart any- whei·e in the land. Oth~r dio- c-e,an colleges there are, it is !rue. But none, so far 11s we know, so complete acactemi- cally, so attractive arehite<-- lm·ally, as this magnificent in.,titutlon. Think of the fo1·e- 1<1ght, the genius for a busi- ness that involves millions of dollars, the courage, and the resolution that lie behind thiR truly great venture. Not so easy is It to assess Its spiritual and educationAI values. Suffice it to say that these are immeasurable in . time and in eternity. Likewise can it be said that not only the inauguration of 107 parishes and the con- struction of their premises, but His Excellency's program to bring the church lo small, very small and isolated Cath- olic communities argues his keen appreciation of the value of even one human soul. Here we see clearly the chief shep- herd's tender solicitude for each individual member of his flock. The crusade for souls in the· diocese is an event of profound significance. Con-
"}!;very intelligent citizen has a great work on hand - the solemn duty In restoring the old American principle of fair play: to live and let live. I<'rom those in public posi.• tions we must demand hones• ty and courage, together with respect for the rights of a 11 men."- Bi. hop Budd)'I • 1951, !Thoughts, PP. 136-7)."
The Im aculata! Glori us Place For Renewal of Weary Souls
re t churches
One of the
the d1cx·rsan new~p per !ol- Jows: The University of San DI- ego's lately church laal Mondtly entered Into the re- llglo11a h!e or the diocese when thr, fl1st Mass waa of• fer I at its altar. Th~ hi tone occ ion in- rludPd ceremonies at which the comer tone was laid, the church ble8se<.I, and the great it honor• protectress; it 1·e- ml11<.is th world that the an• rienL !aith or her Son, or Peter 1rnrl Paul, of Augustine a nrl Hildebrand, ot Boniface and Falt wk, of and Pi UM anll John will be pre11.ched an/1 pro.l'liced thcrem. Under the blue dome ot the the o( Mary Immaculate d In Its place atop the statue proclaim the or the Church'a pa- 1 roness; Church'
Imm culata stands the htgh altar upon which Christ's sa- crifice dally will be renewed ror the glory of God and the 1alvat1on of His creatures. Thither daily will come the seminarians, trained near- by in the tl!lCred sciences, lo be moulded 111 the Divine pat- tern which properly completes preparation for their mission. And when their seminary 1 course ts run. they will kneel at its high altar lo receive the powers or t h e sacred priesthood, thence go forth to Jnbor tor the santiflcation of souls. Th 1the1•, too, will come the other students on the cam- pus, the young men and wom- en educated in the univer- aity's colleges for the life they must lead as husbands and wive and parents, as lawyers, scientists, teacher Journalists, doctors, nurs and busineasmen in the world. They Will visit the Imme· culata to partake of the pi• ritual refreshment es entlal lo the leadership tor which h i g he r education prepares them, essential too, to the spread of that culture which always hae been the hall• mark of the Church'• school . And thither will come men and women from the busy marls of the world to rest a.nd pray, to renew and re- fresh their weary souls, to drink deep from the fount In ot Life. Countless Cat.bolt in recently dev~lo~ every aid, or, d !.it to, Alcal or lh 1hocese '" the Imm • rulata on the Un,vr,-sity nr Sa.n Diego Campus. It lofty lower g111des hip• al ea and nh,p. in lhe 1ur ll I• n atlract1011 ro, lourlats trom all p rts or the count< y whn Invariably photograph It rve1 since Ila complelton In th tall or 19~8. 'rh !ir t Ma wa offe1
USD ALCALA GUILD SETS TE1\ PARTY The Air.ala Guild of Uni- versity of San Diego Col- lege for )ten will we!• come new members at a tea at 8 p.m. tomorrow In the Lark Cafeteria of the Arts and Science Building on campus. Mrs. John F. O'Donnell, chairman, will give a progress report on "Ro- man Honeymoon," lunch- eon anrl fashion show to be prPsrnterl by the guilrl Oct. 13 at ~c,eanHouse. Proceeds from the show, which is open to the pub- lic, have been pledged to the College for Men. Tak- I n g reservations a r e Mme~. Paul A Ve~co and John L. Wilper. Ladies Of The Immaculata Plan 'Night In Ha,vaii' The Ladies of the Immacu- lata, of the Immaculata par- ish at the University of San Diego, will sponsor a "Night in Hav.a11 Luau" from 6 p.m. to m1dmght tomorrow on the BarbPcue Tnrace at the uni- versity. Tb£>y will be assisted by the, men's council of the parish. Mrs. Walter Sellers, chair- man for the event, said a Polynesian buffet will be served, and there will be dancmg tc a Hawaiian or- orches ra Gu INSTALLATIOX RITES-ThP Mo,I RP,'Prend Bishop Is ~llo"n knef'ling beforp thP HIJ:'h Alf ar In ·t. Jo,Pph'• CathPdral during rltt•, l'Pbru,uy 8, 1937, In whl<• lt he wa, ln,tallPd •~ thl' fl r,t Bl,hop of tlw Dlor,,,e of S:rn m,,go, Arf'f11Jl,hop ,John ,f. Canh1t>JI of 1..o, Ang,•h•s, who in, tulled Hi, J<;-,,·ell,•nc)', ,t,.nd, at rl,::lil. l'eived in the apostollc mln
these young stu- to whi<-h colloquies prayer nn d•nts the hands or purely secular edu- cation. Builder of A strong, vig- orous rhurch, huilder of A lhriving spintual life, In the four rounties of his jurisdi,•, lion, builder of parishe. and schools, of colleges 11nd clinic• and hospitals and a.saocia• lions, His Excellency is pre- eminently a builder of men. And if we would seek the . ecret of his conspicuous suc- cess, if we would search for the source of his zeal, we should find it in the man him- self, in the daily life he leads, and in his private, commun- ings with his God. From early morning until late at night his days are full of anxieties and cares, his hours devoted to the dis• charge of weighty respon- sibilities. Yet he finds time for daily v1Sits to the Bles- sed Sacrament, for private are exposPd at He daily consults Spll'lt for light and g uldancP. He ls wont to say should any- one of us touch upon the wis• dom of hi" works, that all must be attributed to the Holy Spint. There is more ln this statement than meet8 the rye. For anyone who takes an honest look at His Excellen- cy's achievements must con- clude that they bear the mark of the miraculous. The Bishop doesn't daim the gift of miracle~. nor do I claim it for him. Never- theless, the mil·aculous is there in some form. Do we not read of it in the service of a Bishop's consecration'/ It is manifested RR God wills and as occasions 1·equlre. Certainly. to make so much out of so little, and .this is what His Excellency has done in the Diocese of San Diego, calls for more than human power. It suggests that the finger of God is hern, th, God whose aid he invokes ill<'es- sanlly. Builder of men, kind, gra- cious, considerate and com• passionate father, exemplar for his priests and his peo- ple, may he abide with us, and for the sake of us, unto the age of the patriarch8, \ 9- 7- ~-;;.. • • q i-t,J- , Ten Priests Rec-eive New Assignments Clencal chan es announ~ed this week by the Most Rev- erend Brnhop include 1v assignments for pastors and assistant pastors. Father Anthony G1e.sing has \ieen promoted Irom as8islant pnslor at St. Charles Borromeo Church, Loma 1 Dr. Neuman Named To Law Faculty A vete,.an attotney who has practiced law in N'ew Jersey and tau ht Jaw in Cabfomia ha, joined the faculty of the Univ rstly or an Diego School of Law. Th new faculty member la Dr. lllilton David • ·euman, who has he n a profe sor outlrn estern U11lve!'Hity in Los Ang les since JO Ii vc,.y Rev. l\larlln tc- Manu , dean o! the law ·ho m a d the an. Portal, to the pastorate of Our Lady of Soledad Church, Coachella. Father Alfred G. Mateo of Coachella I. the new pastor of Our Lady ot Guadalupe Church, Chino. Father J'oseph Diez e I, chapla1 at Mercy Hospital, has been ass gned as ass1s- lant pa$tor to St, Charles Borron.eo Chu re h. I•'ather Francis Jor e, ad- ministrator of Christ the King Church, San Bernar- dino, also will take care of patients in San Bernardino County Hospital. F at h er Dominic DePasquale becomes assistant ch a p I a in at S\ Bernardine Hospital, S an Bernardino. Father R ob e r t Merikle, assistant p as tor at SL Charles Borromeo has been assigned as instructor at the College for Men, University , of San Diego. And Father ::lfarcel Matley becomes assis- tant librarian to Father Charles Dollen at USD's gen- eral library. Father Lauro Goce has been assigned to Aquinas High School with residence at Holy Rosary Chmch, San Bernardino. Father Paul Hatch has been appomted spiritual direc- tor at Immaculate H e a r t Seminary, A I c a I a Park, Father Otto K. Kaiserauer replaces Father Hatch as pastor of St. Anthony's, San Bernardino. HOUSE OF STUDIES-Newest structure on the Alcala. Park campus Is the House of Studies of ~he Sons oj th~ Sacred 1:feart, more familla.rly known a.s the Verona Fathers. Here bemuta~":s are trained for missionary work In South America, Afrlcn, and among the Indians fn the {;ruted States. The Verona Fathers are in charge of Mission San Antonio de Pala, Santa Y,,a,bel, Barona Indian Reservation, and others 1n the Diocese of S8ll Diego. 9- 7- (,J._ Alcala Guild Slates Fashion Show, Tea The Alcala Guild 6! the University of San Diego's College for Men has anno ced its first fall event, a tea, to be held Monday, September 17, at 8 p.m. at the Lark Cafeteria In the Art.I and Science Building on campus. [n,, Dominic De Pietri, president, will welcome new members and present the the and Neuman was one o< ix members of the • ·ew Jersey Bar selected to c Ii rate on a revision of the la of Xew J rs y, which accom- pll h d In 1 1 1~7 "Dr. Neuman h tlngm. h d cure rs practicing lawye1 and as a t acher o law," F lher Mc- Manu Id. "We at the Un!ve1 ty of , an Diego Sc-hool of Law re extremely happy h 1t hP Is joining our !acuity. We believe he ,t,m mnke a mnterrnl con1t;1iut1on to 0111· training of p1·0 p ct1ve lawye . ' Dr. cun an will re Ide In They ave 11 mnrrl daughter fn the Ea t ___ ...; Workshop On Tithing S.D. Diocese Schedules Day : Of Recollection 1 A Day of Recollection tor I members of tlte Parish High , School of Religion will be held from noon to 6 p.m. to- I morrow In five cities of the San Diego Catholic diocese. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Franklin F. Hurd, diocesan coordinator o1 the program, said the pro, gram will be in Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Ballard and Red- wood Streets, El Cajon, and More Hall of the University of San Diego at Alcala Park. In Imperial County, it will be conducted in St. Mary's Church auditorium, 428 S. Fifth St., El Centro; in San Bernardino C o u n t y at St. Anne's P a r I s h Hall, San Bernardino, and in Riverside County at St. Francis de Sales Church, Riverside. ------- Plie ts of the Diocese of San Diego wlll attend a work- 8hop on tithing next Tuesday In University of San Diego's More Hall. E perts Will d USS the origins, the nature and the advantages of tlthtng and an- swer que.i;llon from the floor. '!'he program mdudes a dis- cussion of "Tithing, Past, Pr sent A n d ~·uture'' hy ~·ather Jose , A. JeMings of lltoblle, Al "Practical 8ug- g stions In lntroducing Tith- I ," Father David Sullivan of Mobil , Ala.; "Practlcal Suggestions In Using Tithing Material. ," by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Don Hughes, Tue on, Ariz., and "A Laywoman Looks At Tithing ' 4ity .Mrs. Genevieve Kakacek The workshop " i l l be opened at 10 a.m. Luncheon Is scheduled for noon. Very Rev. John Cadden, pres- ident o! the college and mod- erator or the Alcala Gulld. The Guild li81.s amongst its members mothers and wives of present and past students and WIVes or the faculty members. A progres~ report on the "Roman Honeymoon" lunch- eon and fashion show to be presented Saturday, October 13, will be made by Mrs. John F. O'Donnell, chairman. The autumn collections of leading Italian designers w111 be pre- 1en ted by Fashion Quartere to a capacity audience o! 1,000 women In the Fleet Room of Ocean House for the afternoon event. Decor, food and music wl11 carrv out the Italian theme for this third annual benefit luncheon and !B.Bhlon ah ow. Rex May, popular television personality, will be guest commentator. Proceed ltave been pledged to the men's college. The showing is open to the public. Committee chairmen to be contacted for re1;ervations are Mrs. Paul Vesco, CY 5-7222 and Mrs. John L. Wilper, BR 6-0879. I /L I I / ~---~-- z •· /-----==· AL"""c"'A"L_..A ...B"~o~-WL--Another eenter o~ campus activity 1s the Akala Bov.l outdoor amphitheater situated bctueen the Arts e.nd Science 'Building, left, aml the School of Law's l\101·e H~- 1'he Jmmaculate Heart Semiuary Building btands in the bac • ground. Graduation exerche!> are held In the amphlt~ealt'r. Commencement exercises have nitnessed the presentation or honorary Doctor of Laws 9- J3--(,J-
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