News Scrapbook 1962-1964

HAMPTON NERVOUS Knights Face 2 Loop Road Tests By CHUCK SAWYJm :an Diq;o City College faces fts lir~t two l'Oari tests of the Metropolitan Conferrncc, SC'ason at Ea~t· Los Angel<'s Frida~· and El <'amino Saturday in f<'alure gamPs of this week's ,area j11r,i01 collcgp C'age sla ti' Other Friday gamps f i n d Palomar meeting Imperial Central battle Saturday while Valley College at Brawley in SouthwC'stern 1s at Fu llerton a South . Centi al engagement, and Grossmont at Citrus in Grossmont at FullPrton and Eastern r·ontests, Palomar Southwestern at Citrus in meets College of, the Desert Eastern Conferen<'e play and in a non-leaguP game at Pal,m PhibPac at Oceanside.,Carlh• Springs. bad In non-league acl\on. I Coach CharltP Hampton of The 0-C 8partan~ trav<'l to SDCC is seriously ronsidPring Calexico to meet Imperial taking a bottle of nc-rve tonic- Valley In anothPr South- on thP weekend trip after the mannP1 in which his Knights wnn their opening two con- fer<'n<'e tPsls. After 3 double ovr-rtimP win nvpr Santa Monica Friday, SDCC bouncf'cl baC'k from an 18-

Long Beach Five, T oreros ·to Clash

IP.ft on thP 8'<'hM11le, ha,•e

point deficit In Pdge L.A. VaJ. l<'y, 71-70, at S9-n Diego High gym Saturday night OthPr Saturday action in- cludPrl: Riverside 95, Gross- mont 45; San Brrnardino 75, Southwestern 55; Antelope Vallry 103, Imperial Valley 82; USD Frosh 79, Oceanside, Carlsbad 74 and Palomar 66, San Diego State J:rosh 38. Trailing, 48-30, with about two minutes gone in the sec- ond half against Valley, San Diego CC roared back to gain a 62-62 deadlock with '.1:35 left in the game. Guard Dick Dowling contributed another great srorirp: and baJl-hand- • ling job for the Knights with 27 points including 23 in the s cond half and the final go. ahead hucket with 22 second~ to play. Ron KroPpel adderi 17 to the Knights' attack but Len M.c· Elhann


Westerners Find Going Is T ~ugher Cal Wpsfpm t:nh·pr~lty' basketball tf'am I~ winnin.1: more thesl' riay~. but i t <'Oa ch ~P,.m to he liking it 1"55, Saturriay night In C.olden Gym, thP WestPrners rtP• teated Pasarlrn,i Colkg:e , 62-5:i, for their J 5th win In 17 games this year and ninth in a row. Coach Rob J{]oppenburg, ~ddressing the Umon,Trih- une basketball writers in Kings Inn yesterday, ex- tolled the virtues or his WPIP happr tn gain • split l t h o 11 g h t WP rlid w P I l 11gainst a good FrPsno team. Ziegenfus1t lauded Frr~- no's fanricP T1tlbot, a big centPr. a,; a pla) pr he riicln't thlnk anybody could handle. Aztec guard Jim Bowers played man-to-man with San Diegan John Hopko of Fres- no . said Ziegenfuss. "a 11 d Bowers oulplayPd him all the wa~· "

who ar.ored a ~rnnle h, h tor the Torer thl nd had the hlghe t in- v,o- rtay tourney \\1lh 20 point., again t the Titans. Orange , tate had dt!!ealed Ph1b•P t 'avy 82-711 1n F'I I• rlay tourney opener while USU \ a d1spo Ing nf Lo!f , ng le P clflc, 72 60, the ame evenmg. In 'at11rc1 y s con oh lion game Pacific de_featert Ph1b- Poc, 73- 5 ThP tourney' most val11able pl yer award went to Orange Stat g tard Len Cumn who ored 25 pomts Friday and "7 Saturday to lead hi team Jr. both contests. faking the all-tourney t nm along with Guinn were Ashford and guard Lymond Wilham, ol USO Orang~ !;itate'.8 Rich Robinson anc.l Pacific's Keith Stroup. Other Toreros who per- formed Well included gun 1·d lark Y vorsky and forward f11rk Tel mann. .Ataln t Long B ach, llie 'forero~ w1i he rmnmg up gamst on~ of the taller teams o the coast ThP F'oriy 'Iner! Will off r a frnnt line or forv.ards John Rarn,roa t 6-~. a tid .fohn d1vtd11al output f the ea• or1


The Azlt>cs play Whittier here Thursday and Orange State hPTe Saturday. USD takes on Long Beach StatP at homp Saturday. "I thought we played well against Orange State. " said Woolpert, "and I was par- ticularly pleased with sopho- more Phil Price . It he can get his confidence, he'll help us a great deal. He's 6-7, and he is just I e a r n i n g. (Cliff) Ashford played a great hall game. and I be- lieve (Leonard) Guinn is one of the finest players on the coast." Ashford, of USD. hil nine of 27 shots from the floor, 11 of 15 free throws and had 11 rebounds. Guinn, w I t h whom Ashford attended high school in Hamtramck, Mich., hit eight o! 'J:l ~hot~ from the floor, 11 of 14 frpp throws and had 13 rebounds for the winners. San Die;:-o Cit3• Collegr mentor Charlie Hampton said he was happy to see his team win even with El- burt Miller out of the game. Miller had a cold n i g h t shooting-wise, being held i:o three points, but the Knights overcame an 18-point defi- cit in the second half Satur- day to defeat Los Angeles Valley, 71-70, in a Metropoli- tan Conference game. They visit EI Camino and East Los Angeles this week. Dick Pegler, coach at '\fa. rine Corps Recruit Devot, said the Devildogs· game in the North with Vanden- hurg Air Force was filmecl in color·_ 'Tm ~ure W 'l l t Disne~· ought to SPP it. .·:,id Pegler "Hp could m ke it into ;, full-lPngth conierty. · ThP Marin~• lo~ tha, onP. ~8-80.

club. but pointed out, "We still have 12 games to go. It':- nice to win, but it's get• ting toughe,r. "I "aid Pasadena would he a tough iame and thry were. 'Nell, we haw• thP Marines coming up a n cl Westmont," he said, "and thos~ will hp rough one~ Everybody in our district is shooting for us now. We have the best record ' IGoppenburg said three days of preparation and the performances of center Steve Crowell, forwa,rd John Carlyle and guard Jim Hef. ner were thl' big reasons for the victory. "It was our hPst defpn. ,iive game of the year," he said. "We were able to cut down Pasadena's shots. It's hard to single out perform- Prs; but Hefner did a good job on Cox. Crowell w a s fine on Lovl' and Ca,rlyle was outsla'}ding." Kloppenburg'• two roJ. leagues on the weekly pan. Pl, San Diego State College mentor Georg P (Ziggy I Ziegenfuss and Phil Wool- pert, University of San Di- ego mentor, were not as imccessful. Ziegenfuss' club lost In Fresno, 74-63, Saturday in California Collegiate At h- letic Association play after beating Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo, 84-72, Friday. mm. aftt>r heating L.A. P a c it i C•• 72- , Friday, howPd to Orange State, 71- 64 in the finals of it$ ~ec- oncl annual im·itation lour- namPnt Sat11,rclay. ' I feel very lurky." ,a i

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