News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Jbr ian 1Jlit!lO Inion








5011 Diego Un on.Stoff PllOlo left, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, Jame S. Copley, Judge Jacob Weinberger and Nat (Kmg) Cole.

:F..xnminin plaque. after ceremonies at National onfer!'n ·e of Chri ·tian and Jews dinner are, from CONCERN FOR FELLOW MAN

Singer, 3 S.D. Leaders Win Brotherhood Awards lh ,JOI:: RROOK ,\ na Ilona 11) known en tertaincr and three 'l DI gan la t night were honored for ar \H!rlng po ltivrly through their Jives n qu tlon th t ha vexed mankind for thou and ol ) ars. Bishop Buddy, Copley and Weinberger were presented Regional Brotherhood Awards by Dist. Atty. Don Keller on behalf ol the San Diego Chapter of the associa- tion.

-Son Diego Union Stoff Photo bY Al Sund Aztec third baseman Graig Nettles waits for the throw. San Diego State eventually won the rain- sh"1iened contest, 4-2, in six innings. ----------· -------~~ New Priest l(illed In U.S. 101 Crash

USD's Dan Wilhelm slides safely into third base with a run-scoring triple in the first inning of the Torero's game with San Diego State yesterday, as

Aztecs Score Early, Down Toreros, 4-2

The presentations were made before 225 persons at the second annual brotherhood testimonial dinner of the local chapter in the Palm Room of the U.S. Grant Hotel. Marks paid tribute to Cole for being both "an entertainer and a humanitarian." Marks noted that there is "a ring of sin- cerity In everything he does." In presenting the regional awards, Keller said they were expressions o! gratitude and appreciation of exceptional and devoted service, to men of tremendous in!luence and with tremendous re~~nsib~ljties.

Thr qurstlor:" m I my brolhrr·. kr p<'r?" T o who wPrc adjudged to have demon- 1alrd lh<'ir <'0nCf'l'n for lellow man I their daily living were at IKII Y) Cole, the noted ·mging ,tar. Io t Rev harlcs F. Buddy, bishop o! the an Dwgo Catholic Diocese. Jame,; S. Copley, C'hairman of the corpo- ration publi hmg the Copley Newspapers. US. District Court Judge Jacob Weln- h rgcr Coll' was pt scnted a i'iational Brother- hnncl wa•d from the National Conference o! Chri It n n Jl•w~ by Walter ·. Marks, .'outhcr r! C"alifc>rn a chairman for the con- frrN, •e

Chicagoan, 28, Ordained Here 5 Days Ago

San Diego State scored all of its runs in the first two inn- ings to defeat University of San Diego, 4-2. in a game cut to six innings by rain yester- day on the Aztec Diamond. The latter three innings were played in the rain. A double by Tom Cassie and singles by • Da\'e Flesner, Eddie Mende,. and Mike Murphy produced three runs for the Aztecs in the second innmg. State had scored a single run in the first frame on a double by Mendez. a single by Murphy and a double steal. The Toreros had taken a 1-0 lead in the top half of thl' inning on a single by R on Bennett and a triple by Dan Wilhelm. Bennett was the b a t t i n g hero for USO with a double and two singles in t h r e e trips with Eddie Green getting a double and single in three tries. Mendez had a double and single in three times at bat for the Aztecs while Mur- phy had two singles in threr appearances. Graig Nettles of State made the fielding play of the game when he went far to his right lo backhand Wilhelm's Io w liner in the third inning and stepped on third to double up Bennett to retire the side. Each team used three pitch- ers in the game. The Aztecs are now 10-5 for the season and meet the Air Force Acad- emy here in a single game Friday and a doubleheader Saturday. USO is now 4-9 and plays at Point Mugu Naval Air Station Friday and two games at San Fernando Val- .Jey State Saturday. USD . .. . • • • . 100 001-2 , 1 5 ~~ix inning,...roin) 131 oox~ 7 1 Gr~~~~n,G~~~s%'";r, 8l. f~rr:, U\ ~h-•-•-·--===="""'-====--=="'4 4-1

A young Roman Catholic priest who was ordained five days ago was killed today and two other persons were injured in a three-car acci- dent on U.S. 101 m:ar J ellett Street. Pronounced dead at the scene was Rev. Edwin Bruno Warych, 28, of Chicago. Deputy Coroner William Souza said Father Warych w a s identified by another priest, Rev. Edward Broclt- haus, who arrived at the scene minutes after the 6 :15 a.m. accident. 'Pray for Him' Father Brockhaus told po- lice he recognized the car and stopped. ''I can't believe he's dead," Father Brockhaus said. "Pray for him, pray for him." The two priests had been classmates at the Immacu- late Heart Seminary at the University of San Diego. Fa- ther Warych was to have re- ceived his first assignment Wednesday, Car Out of Control

Classified Adt




Page B-1


Car out of control

Sunrise Masses Set For Area's Catholics Easter Sunday Masses have sung at St. Therese of the been arranged for two Catho- Chlld Jesus Church on St lie parishes and another In Therese Way A 111' d G · National City lor the hour of den,. ' e ar- sunrlse tomorrow. These serv- The Easter Sacrl!lce Mass ices will be !n addition to will be offered at 6 am to regular Sunday :\tasse . morrow. In St. Mary's ·c~tho: A low Mass will be cele- Ile Church, Eighth and o bratrd at sunrl e In the church streets, National City by th at Mission San Diego de Al- Rt. Rev Msgr Thom ' E e cala, California's first mis- pastor · · as gan, :on, ..yn Friars Road, Mis- At Nazareth House, 8 chil- on alley. The IncUanettea dren's home adjolnln Mis ~7° 1 r 0 6·llr Unlw,slty of San slon San Diego de Alc:la th~ . ego o ege for W,pmen will choir wlll chant a Hlgh Ma Slfl1 ymns. at 7 Th ! A sunrise .Mass will b . a.m. ' • group will sinf e again at a Mass at 9 a.rn.

America's most famous miser lived up to his name. At least to the reputation he has made for himself as a showman. l\trs. C. P. Lee of La Jolla wanted her father, William l\liller, to have a happy 82nd birthday in Herrin, Ill. So she wro!e 130 per-


sons, asking them to send him a. bnih- dav card. Sixty-one of them received a dollar bill each with the request that the money be enclosed with the cards. The 61 included a dozen celebrities whom Mr. Miller has admired from afar. Lyndon Johnson and George Burns sent cards but returned the dol- lar bills to Mrs. Lee, and so did Bob Hope. But who sent an autographe~ picture and kept the buck? You knew 1t

Carlsbad Chula Vista Coronado Del Mor El Caion . . O fmperial Beach o I La Mesa •.• 2 . . . . o National City 1 .. l Oceanside • a 1 San Marcos . 1 In San Diego .................. 25 In rural areas .... ..... ... .. . l 7 County traffic deaths by this date last year, 47. Vista o

MRS. SMYI.E Mrs. S1nylc Heads USD Unit Event Mrs. Ada Smyle has been named chairman for a ''Night at Sea World" benP• fit slated April 18 by the Woman'.s ~uxllil!l'Y__jQ_t he University of S"anl>iego. Tne event, f~7 p.m. to midnight, will include no- host cocktails, a tour of Sea World, buffet supper and dancing. Mrs. Joseph' B. Mullen Is cochairman. Others assist- ing include Mmes. Francis J. Burns, Ross Tharp, Pat- rick Enright, A.J.C. For- syth and Charles Baumgar- ten. '-I - I

1219 Coast Blvd. in La Jolla,

Souza said the victim was Souza said southbound, en route to Bless- p O 1 i c ed Sacrament Roman Catho- lic Church in the 5700 block ych's car apparently went of El Cajon Boulevard. Th(' out of control, skidded across two priests had visited at tt1e center lane and was hit said F'ather War-

all the time: Jack Benny. 1:: t; :::


Eddie Schultz, who won $65,049.20 on the Caliente 5-10 during the weekend, owns a beer bar in Old To\\'.n that is said to sell more beer than any other spot m Southern California. It's the Dutch Mill on Taylor Street, where 225 pounds of peanuts are served f~ee to customers each week. (He had to split the 5-10 with his neighbor, Harry Parker.) * * * One of the most unlikely losers in the history of th_e town-if not the whole history of golf-was Denms Bentley. He scored an ace in the hole-in-one tourna- ment for charity at the Stardust Country Club, where he is an apprentice golf pro. (The contestant got three tries at the 120-yard iron shot for Sl.) The Sl,000 cash prize looked 10 times that big, because young Bentley is the father of a brand-new baby. But be- fore the day was over, Humpy Aldridge, ex-boss of the musicians here, dumped one right in the cup and they split the $1,000. (Oh, well, Humpy needs dough, too; he's going to Hawaii for a vacation before open- ing a theatrical booking agency.) * ::: * Business & Professional Portrait: Bill Cramer, 25 years in the auto business in L.A., heads a c.-orpora- tion that just bought Herb Watkins' Dodge City in Pch Bch. Stockholders include Roque de! la Fuente of Tijuana and Mexico City who enjoys diversified holdings. (Four years ago, he built a toll bridge over the Colorado River, between Mexicali and San Luis. Before the Mexican government built a bridge a year ago. it made "Rocky" $15,000 a 11:onth. r.Iis m~st pressing problem yesterday was buymg a suit of tails to attend a reception in )iexico City for Juliana, queen of the Netherlands.) ... Frank Harris and as• sociates wanted to sell the Red Fox Steak & Chop House, and the bartender, :Frank Salas, didn't want to work anvwhere else. So he just up and bought it. His partner is Hugh Forbes, who owns a trucking business. . .. Banker Randy Williamson's step. on, Collin Bennett, 24, decided on a public relations ca- reer and is a new man with the Sexton Co. He for- merly was a Big Man on USD campus, and bears a remarkable resemblance to amon Navarro (accord- in to Bob Se ·ton, who is 40 and can remember ilent movies). " _.;.....:.!!.::t____,_-----

by a northbound car driven by Lewis Mueller Jr., 22, Marine stationed with the 7th Engineer Battalion at Camp Pendleton. Mueller and his passenger. Elvira D. Nannini, 23, of 38.27 Wilson Ave., were taken to Doctors Hospital. Mueller suf- fered head and facial cuts, and Mrs. Nannini suffered possible Internal injuries. A witness, Ron Light, 19, of Long Beach, told police he was southbound on 101 when the priest's car suddenly swerved in front of him. Light said he swerved to avoid a crash, and was un- able to see what happened aft- er that. Light's car also skidded across the highway. One of his passengers, Bob Lofing, 18, of Lakewood, suf- fered a head cut. Another pas- senger, Deems Morricni, 18, also of Lakewood, was unin- jured. ---•---


Tue .. )lar. 31, 1961 , SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA

DEADLY - Numbers in- dicate fatalities which have occurred over the last two years in the "Death Alley" stretch of U.S. 101 in the vicinity of Tecolote Bridge. The sec- ond number from the top on right shows location of oday's fatality

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