News Scrapbook 1962-1964
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Lady is giving the Roi;ary to st. Dominic and St. Cather. ine of Siena. At the base of the laluea is the plaque with the etei·. nal ftame.
Page 2 Flashes From Everywhere Columbans Have 586 in Missions OLU 1B NS, Neb. (. 'Cl With 22 new mission lntm nta the Columb n Fath 111 now have 586 memlx'n tlv In ml on fl Id. which cover seven countries. Father Dn.nlel Bo! ind, ·sc, director, Raid there now are 8~6 priests in th s lcty's total m mbershlp o! 1.004, Th.- new appointment~ I Jd 12 to the Philippine I land , sevcp to Korea and three to South m rtca. University to Honor Shriver PITTSB 'R H t:N'CJ R. S rgent Shriv r, director or the P c Corp , will give l.h principal addr and receive an h norary d &re a.t the 86th Duquesne University commence- m nt May 31 at CIVIi Arena h.-re. Coadjutor Archabbot Rem• b rt G. W klnml of St. Vincent Ar habbey, Latrobe, Pa , and WWI St lnberg, Pitt burgh Symphony conductor, also wlll r c v • h r1orary degree . Gronouski Heads Polish Day !UC CO (NC)-Po tmaster Gen ral John A. Gronolll!kl, th fir t p rsnn o! Poli h anc try to serve In the U S. Cabinet, w JI b th keynote ep aker at the observanc,• of Poll h Con- tutlon I) y h re lay 3. Archbishop Bernard J. Sh ii Auxil- 1 ry Bl hop o Chicago will give th Invocation ,,l the outdoor rally in Humbo t P rk. A p rade to the park wlll be preceded by tass t H ly Trinity church. K churl'h s Priest-Pianist on Concert Tour A Dominican pnc t ,.,ho plays the pl no to It Ip upport hi monastery In O lo, Norway, now 1 m In h tlurd con rt tour of the United States. Father Tho a Norhelm, OP, 02, a convert and the first • orweglan to b D mlnlcan pri t since th Reformation, will give rt h May 2 In the auditorium of Dunba1 ton Col ege of th Holy Cro •• Norwegian mbassador and Mrs. Kri. tian Engen h d th list of 011 ors for the concert. Twins to Mark Golden Jubilee LEWI TON, • I ine (NC) - Sister Mary Adele a.nd Sis· dehna Id ntlc I twirui, \I.ill observe their golden Jubilee nurui of the S1ster11 of Mercy August 31. Raised in San- ford, M ne the • i ten joined th a1 ·terhood 1n 1912 and took their fin I vows In 1914. Fire Destroys Historic Church • N Jo'R. CISCO (NC) Hlstoric All Souls church h re burned to the ground a.q the pa tor and school children I k d on help! ly. l gr. Et.~ene G lle.ghor, pastor an fund. ThP sile selected was ., plac,• beforP an existing out· door hrine of Our Lady of Peace. The :;hrlne consists of a statuary group In which our Fishermen Light Flame To Honor JFK SA."< PEDRO. Calif {. 'CJ -An eternal flame has been lighted here m memory of the late Prt's1dent K nnedy. 1 It burns at the center of a marblr and bronze plaque be· fore a shrine to Our Lady of Peace outside :\lar , Star of the Sea church on a hilltop overlooking Los Angeles Har- bor. The p 1 a. q u e bearing the !lame ls lru crlbed: "In Mem• ory of John Fitzgerald Ken- nedy. 1917-1963." Msgr. George '..'\I:. Sc-otl, pas- tor of tl-iis pnnsh which in• cludes members of the San Pedro fi.5hing fleet, told the story o! how lhe eternal !lame came to b placed thete. "It all started," he Eaid, "with the mo t ordinary re- quest a priest ls n pt to get "John P. DiMaesa, the son of a local fisherman and a. fish wholesaler himself, came in one dav and said he and some friends wanted to have a candle a week lighted for the next two years in mem• ory of the President." Msgr. Scott a gr e e d, bul added tMt there should be something more Identifiable as a memorial to the mar- ty,red pre ,dent. The two men discu ~ed the Idea and as they talked they !lnally c.'lme to consldet the po ibllit:v of in• stalling an eternal fl!Lme slml• lar to that which bums at Arlington Cemetery over the I 1 Encyclical Noted I By Protestants TAIZE, France NC)-Pro- testant •nonks at the Taize monastery hem held a religi- ous service to mark the first anniversary of the is .iing of the late Pope John XXIII's encyclical P.llcem in Terris. Prior Roger Schultz led the service in the community's Church of Reconciliation. The prior announced that its largest bell \\111 be named for the encyciical. ACADEMY OF Ol:R L.\.DY OF PEACE San llit>go, (':1.llfornla !f~~n::f{1lri~n:r~ftg; I President's grave. Di!\.lassa agreed to start a - ttkttrltk HOTEL -"'--- lit & Ji.roa.dwa7 234-0IH A.t. Greybound Dt"pot "CLOSE TO ST. JOSEPH'S CATHEDRAL" • 2,0 ROOMSB"TR ALL WlTli n e DRlVE•IN GA~AGE- GUl!llTS FRE~, e DOWNTOWN FAC!LlTIUl ·=w==hat To Give Your M ther DAY JS l\lAY 10th-NOT QUITE TWO WEEKS FRO!\I NOW • , • ARE YOU WONDERING what to dve yo11r MOTHEI ' Mas~ and the sacrament! to the poor- e t of Christ's poor Un Iran, Iraq. Tb, Ho/1 F,1h,,'1 M,mon Ai,I Jordan, Lebanon).-What gifts could few th, OritnlRI CbNrch please your mother more? •.. Whea 7our mother receives the .\fOTIIER'S DAY GIFT CAR fOll tell us to send, she'll know that omcwbere, in her name, hlil1laa ml,ery is not what it might have been. She'll know that, thankA to yon, she has a part In the work of Christ; that she Is benefittlna 1pir1tuall7 • • • Rellglou6 gifts are selfless they're be I for mother • on l\lotber's Day. OUR '.\IOTHER' DAY GWI' CARDS ARE ATTRACTIVE, ARTISTIC, INDIVIDUALIZED. T make It easy for you to shop •.. Simply select a gift from tho we have listed below - and send us, with your donation, yo mother's name and address. We do all the rest. We send yo mother a GIFT CARD promptly, explaining what you have don HEHE ARE SOME GIFTS TO SELECT FRO:1<1: 0 FEED A FA~ULY FOR A ~O;';TH The Palestine Refugee (Arabs e,clled by the Arab-Israeli War of 1948) live In refugee camps In LEBANON, JORDAN, SYRIA, and GAZA. They need food, clothing, medicine, a place to sleep . . . TO FEED A REFUGEE FA:\1ILY FOR A MONTH COSTS $10 ... To show our thanks to you, we'll send you an Olive Wood Rosary from the Holy Land. • GTVE A BOY A HOME. In Cairo, Egypt, Falher Leone Poggl gathers abandoned children and gives them a home. Tr> pay the e,cpen SCHOLAR HIP \VJ~NER -Fhe, girls took top honor, in rl'<'Pnt entranre t~,t, nnd \\ere awarded scholarship~ to Academy of Our Lad1 or Praee. They are, left to right, Durk<' . Jur- r.i.i Holy "ipirit • chool· Kathryn Marika, St. Rose of Lima; Cynthia Franley, St. ,1ary lagdalene; Frane HP'rb, t. Edward's, and ~lar~ ;\llller, "ianta Sophia. The ·l•holar,hip are renewable ea<'h year If the student maintain., a B a.ver_a_g_c_._______ High Court Gets Marriage Issue WASHINGTON (NCI - The lJ.S. Supr me Court has agreed to examine the validity of Florida's laws forbidding interracial marriage and making it a crime for a rouple of different races to occup: habitually the same room at night. The appeal was brought to the court by Dewey McLaugh- lin, described as a Negro, ,; Guards Asked to Halt Desecration Episcopal LI..EPEY Indl (.NC) - Keiala t.D.te Catholic lay ' s· h J • 1 d r urg 11 at a lly prote ting the d eCl'lltiOn of three I Is op o Ins chi.reh that n httlm guards he posted at churchc to prc- v nt r curr nc 9• K. ;vr, Jo •ph, g,•neral ~ecret.&ry to the All• I B kf t IA,y C tholl Congres , al o appealed to the people to rea a$ t ntion o! the central government to what he DORCHEST E R. Ker I n "In 1tfe nee" of local authorities to the a sault on JI[ a s s. (NC)-Episcopal Bishop An- son Phelps Stokes of .1assa- chusetts In a talk before a Knights o! Columbus Com- munion breakfast h e r e de- tailed from personal experi- ence the closcne!ls in present Catholic-Protestant relations. The Bishop aid hi• father, who was ,;en-etary or Yale University spoke at a K. of C. social meeting in New Haven. Conn., about llO years 1 ago. The Bishop with a. &mile added that his father "was not Invited either to a Mass or breakfast." but his son attended both. In a tribute to the late Pope J oh n XXIII. Bishop Stokes said he helped Cath- o!il;;~ ll,nd Protestants ''to see that we have a common heri- tage with one Lord, one faith and one Baptism." He said Protestants and Catholics can v,·ork together seeking "more common knowledge of our common heritage." The brealcfast followed a Ma•s In St. Ann's church here. At the Bishop Stokes was presented with an autographed photograph of Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, inscribed: "To my dear brother In Christ • , • With love, blessings and the highest esteem to you and yours." Cardinal Cushing in recent weeks has spoken be- fore a number of Protestant groups In their 'Churches an(! church halls. Catholic Parish Joins Council TULSA, Oki . (NC) - The Church of the Madelene here is the first Catholic pari~h to become a member of the Protestant-dominated Council of Churches of Greater Tulsa. Rev. Jack Batten, council president, and Rev. 0 r r a. Compton. ex:ecutive director, said as fa.r as they know the local Catholic parish is the first in the country to be· come a f! 11 i ate d with a branch of the National Coun- cil of Churches, composed of Protestant and O r t h o d ox groups. In recent years Catholic and Protestant groups have united in such programs as religious observance of Holy Week, especially Good Fri· day, race relations and sev• erll.l civic projects. Priest Honored mon law marriage would nor- mally be a defense, but Is un- available to the couple be- cause Florida bars interrn cial marriages. The appeal asked the high court "whether a state oa.n forbid parties from contract- ing a Jawtul marriage within the tate be~ause of their race and then convict the same parties for entering Into 'unlawrut' cohabitation." (In November, 1963, the 75-member advi,ory board of the Family Life Bureau of the National Catholic Wel- fare Conference adopted a strong statement a.gainst laws prohibiting interracial marriages. (It said: "We deplore the attitudes and cruel behavior of our society, which penal- izes and ostracizes those per• sons who exercise their fun- damental human right to a f1ee choice of marital partner by entering into a racially mix:ed marriage. We condemn as immoral, and seriously question the con tltutionallly of, those state lnws which p r o h i b I t interracial mar• riages.") and Connie Hoffman identi- fied as a white woman. They were a r r e s t e d in ? !ia mi Beach in February, 1962, and sentenced to 38 days tn jail and a 150 fine afler <'onvic- tion for sharing living quar- tera. A Florida welfare worker testified at the trial that the woman stated she had be'c'n living with the man as her common law husband since 1961. The appeal said that com- Christian Unity Meeting Slated BALTIMORE (NC) Bal- timore's Archbishop Law- rence J. Shehan will be the principal speaker at the Na- I tional ·workshop on Christian Unity scheduled for June 16 and 17 In the Sheraton-Bel- vedere Hotel here. Other speakers will include Father Gregory Baum, OSA, theology professor at St. Mi• chael's College, Toronto, Ont.; Paul :Minear of Yale Univer- sity Divinity School; Father Bernard Ha.ering, CSSR, pro- fessor a t th e Redemptorist Theological A c a d e m y i n Rome; Thomas Stran• sky, CSP, member of the Vatican Secretariat for Pro- moting Ch r ls ti an Unity; Father James J. Killgallon of Chicago; Father Titus Cran- ny, SA, director of the Chair of Unity Apostolate, Garri- son. N.Y.; Father Robert J. Walsh of Alexandria, Va., and Msgr. Joseph M. Nelligan of Baltimore. Sponsored by the Baltimore Archdiocesan Commission for Christian Unity, the workshop will center around the Sec- ond Vatican Council and the ecumenical movement. Historic Chapel Being Restored Resident and Day ·tutlenh Accredited by the University of Califontia - Cond11cted by iHler, of St. ,Joseph of Carondelrt Address the Registrar HOLY CROSS BROTHERS SERVE GOD AS A BROTHER IN • Teaching • Foreign )tlssions • Youth Work • Clerlcru. Work • Fanning • Trade Write for literature to: Bro. Gilbert Burke, CSC Notre D1tme High School • 13665 Rh·erside Dr. Sherman Oaks, Calif. - Since 1869 - Catholic Personnel To Serve You Johnson - Saum & Knobel MORTUARY 4th at Ash Street, San Diego 232-6168 MACKINAW CITY, Mich. (NC)--One of the first par- ish churches in the American Midwest is being restored here In the reconstruction of Fort Mlchllma.ckinac, an old French fur-trading post. The original building was constructed In 1743, and was dragged over the ice to safety of Mackinac Island when an Indian raid almost wiped out the post In 1779. As St. Ann's parish on the island, it was the first church dedicated to St. Ann In the U.S. and has the oldest parish records in the Midwest. Support Your Own Catho ic Relief of the Poor • • • St. Vincent DePaul Center (Formerly Wayside Thrift Shop) LOS ANGELES (NC)-Fa.· ther Patrick Payton, CSC, founder of the Family Rosary Crusade, received an award from the California Federa- tion o! Women's Clubs in rec· ognition of his worldwide pro- motion of family prayer. The a.ward wa.<1 made at the fed· eration•~ 61st annual conven• tion here. REQUIESCANT Your Used (and reparable) furniture, appliances, clothing, shoes, etc. TRADE IN ON A BLESSING gilio Pa.ixao, mother of De• lores S. Hicks, Mary, John, and Virgil Paixao; also eight grandchildren and one great- grandch!ld. Requiem Mass April 23 in St. Joseph' s Cathedral. Goodbody'a Ivy Chapel. .Jerome. Husband \ o! Margaret Peripoli, father of Jane Elliott and Robert Peripoli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Segala; al o three grandchildren. Requiem Mass April 20 In Blessed Sacra- ment Ch 111' Ch. Goodbody's Blvd. Chapel. TRADA, Lo1ll;. Husband of Catherine N. Strada, !a.ther of Charles D., Donald G., and Luis C. Strada, Jr.; also six grandchlldJ•en and one great- gran,lchlld. Requiem Mass April 25 In Our Lady of the Rosary church. Goodbody's Ivy Chapel W. sSER, ,111rl, Wit e of Nathaniel C Wasser, Jr., mother o! Virginia S1ruth. daughter of Corinne Lee Al• Ian. Requi m Ma.SR Ap111 22 AJt:U ;THO. 'G, Thoma , Fath· er of , trs. Lucienne Rank- horn, brother o! John Arm· i;trong; also three grand- chlldrcn. Requiem MMs April 23 ID St. Didacus church. Goodbody'i; Blvd. Chapel. COLLI ·s, France • Wife of Robert E. Collins, mother of Robert F. Collins, sister of, a r y Tronlone, Margaret I Plgn tara, Catherine Hebb, Daniel, Anthony, and Michael nuazzo: also two grandchil- dren Requiem M April 22 1n Ble d Sacrament church. Goodbody'a Blvd. Chapel. DOE l'Ll.'Gl.;tt, Oarol ln. loth r or Marvin E. Decker, gr-anrlmoth r or Jeanne M. all(i Bev rly J. Dccke1. Req- uiem ~n s April 25 in Our Lady or Sacr d H rt church. Goodbody' Blvd. Chapel. l'A 'II\. ' ,Jo ei>h, Husband or 1' ran E. P chyn. father of V r inla P&ch ·n brother tlf lrs S !ma Gran: Req- 111 1 April 22 In St. I 1d 118 chu ch. C':oodbody's Blvd, Chnp I These Stores Serve You in Coronado Proceeds Go To Lodge, Feed and Clothe the Poor VOLUNTEERS WANTED ••• To Help Sort For Pick-Up and Further Information 233-7677 630 4th Ave. San Diego 428-2323 138 W. San Ysidro Blvd. San Ysidro MASSES - 6:$0, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11 PERIPOLI, Where Service Is Personal CORONADO MORTUARY l\ffiton Pinkham 171 "C" Ave, CORONADO FEDERAL SAVINGS Save with Safetr 1there 11our inaured aavings at this Friendly avlnga Institution etLrn 11ou more Current Rate of Dividend~ 4.6% per annum and paid qunrterlJ 1110 Orange, Coronado '35-4141 73.l l'alm, Imperial Beach '2&-8196 Phone 435-4114 CORONADO Travel Bureau Coronado, Call!. Airlines Steamship 824 Orange Avenue C. A. Turn••• Agent 435-4111 These Advertisers IJlerit Your Support TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE SOUTHERN CROSS - gnes church. Good- t In body's Ivy Chapel. ,mlocm, Wife o Vlr 1 0 1
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