News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Drama 'Miracle Worker' In A New Light Dromot1c lighting wil be a pri ncipa l stage tool at the Un1vers1 ty of Son Diego when students from ,ts College for Men and Colle_ge for Women, present the f, 1g orged drama of Helen Kelle r s ch_1ld- hood 'The M racle Worker' Stark pools of light focu~cd on different portions of the stage will be used to provide the scene changes The play will be given at 8 15 p m. April 24 a nd 26 and a t 2 p rn April 25 in the College fo r Women's theater. Ann Gray w II play the und1sc1pl ined He len, and Kathleen Zaworsk1 will portray her nurse-teacher, Anne Also starring will be Maureen Pecht, os Mrs Keder, Jomes Fitzpatrick o-s the son, Jomes, and Frank Sturz) as Capt, Keller.

COLLEGE DRAMA : Stars of the Uni- ve rsity of San Diego's 'Miracle Work- er,' include, from left, Kathleen Zaworski, Ann Gray, Maureen Pecht, Jame1 Fitzpatrick and Frank Stun:1.

by Ted ~Inf ~Id

San DI 10 Union Pl'\oto

University Bene To Aid Library Fund The Japanese pearl divers will be 8 special attrac- tion at the benefit ''Night



Stephen King, Thomas J. Begley, Richard P. Phillips, Elaine Casey, Robert R. El- dridge, Remo Downs, Italo Lavorini, Edward L. Kelly, Ronald A. Thiel, W. M. Wil- kinson, M. Emmett J\loran, Earl R. Keller, Kenneth R. Whitnev, J. R. Kerns, War- ren L. Burkhalter, Robert T. Strrd, Maurice P. Turner and Joseph E. Bennett Mrs. Patr,ck Enright is chairm of reservations which will close Tuesday. M . rancis Burns is in- ,,Jtation chairman, assisted by Mmes . John Athaide, George Wolf, Leo Durken, Charles Ragan, John O'Brien, Bess Wilks, Emil Gh10, A. L. Barr, Harry Col- lins, R. Fred Griswold, Ber- nard ::\laloney James Mul- vaney. Ros< Tharp and Ben- jam in Klein

at Sea World" planned April 18 by the Woman's Aux il 1- ary of the University of Die Mrs. Ada Smyle 1s chairman for the project which wlU raise money for the library fund. A n -lios cocktail party. buffet supper and dancin,g a e included in the evenmg s entertainment from 7 mtdnighL Mrs. A. J. C. Forsyth hostess chairman and · l be assisted by Mmes. H .

BUOTU};R RAPHAEL . . . rwuks tomorrow

USOTo Host Workshop On Catholicism Per onn 1 or Parish H 1 g h 'cl-tools ot Reltgion In the San Diego area will attend a work- hop at 2 p.m. tomorrow In lore Hall at the Q.niversity j f San Diego In Alcala ParJs. Guest speaker will be Broth- r Jul!an Raphael, an lnstruc- r In the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine program of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago. He will discuss "Ap- • proaches to Teaching Religion in the Pari h High Schools of Religion." Brother Raphael spoke yes- terday In Palm Springs at the first of a series of lour work- shop~. He Is to p ak at an- other today ln San B ardmo an at the last In the area a t 7: .m. Tuesday J St. :\f I I Cen-

GEN. GEORGE W. HICK:\1A1' Featured speaker Gen. Hickman To Address Law Gathering Annual Dinner Event Schedu led Here on May 1 EVENING TRIBUNE Disoatth OCEANSIDE - Maj. Geo. George W. Hickman, USA, ret , will be keynote speaker at the "Law Day USA" din- ner to be held May 1 al thr EI Camino Country Club. Hickman is a former judge advocate general of the Army and presently serves as act- ing dean of the Law School of the University of San Diego. He · is a former manager of Committee Services for the American Bar Association. "The dinner program ls an effort to demonstrate to all Americans the greatness of our system of libertv under law " aid Willia A Crav- en, chairman . The event will hegin with cocktails at 6 :30 p.m . Dinner will follow at 7·30 pm. --- . 1--{ - l(p

:Meeting Planned By lcala Guild T monthly meeting of the Alcala Guild of the Uni- versity of San Diego College for Men will be at 8 p.m. April 20 in the faculty din- ing room of the Arts and Science Building on campus. Mrs. Frank O'Connor, pres- ident, announced that elec- tion of new officers will be held. Rev. John H. Cloonan, pro- fessor of speech and dramat - ics at the College for Men, will be gue t spe s topic "ill be "No Directions." Refr e&hment erved by club hostess Mrs. John \Vllper. t{-/{p

. The University of San Diego nipped Pasadena College 6-5 m the I:! P e n e r and 'then dropped the second contest of a_ doubleheader. 6-3, at Robb Field yesterday. . The Toreros opened with a five-run spree in the first game with John Baumgarten who went four-for-seven fo; th_e day, rapping a three-run triple and Dan Wilhelm pro. vidmg a run-seormg double B_ob Ahern was the winning. pitcher. _Pasad~na bunrhed three t,,o-run mnmgs in the second game as Mike Hazlett scat- tered eight USD hits. one a solo homer by Paul Toumai- ne_n. Stephen DeSa!es went 1 '' 0 ·for· four, including one RBI for the losers. Ron Ben. nett was the loser Pa!-adena's Rick ~arrison hit a two . r un blast m the fourth. ~SD meets Cha n in a twm bill at 1 p od MCRD 's Beeson Field . ay a t ~~S8dena CoU~~:sT GA~E 221 C-5 • 5 G;!~~~lav ond Workin~ ~~e~n" 0 10 J Pasadena !t(Oftd Gom" 11$0 000 222 0-6 , 3 Hazlpft and C 000 111 0-J I s .. ) and Vobef ~Per; Bennett. Borrv Jl1e on. Tuomain.en {5(}~o6r~5.°~ 0 ,:!n 4th,

Cal Western on in Beam Again l!Vl!NINO TRl ~UNE Dlspatoh It didn't Saturday's twin bill at MCRD take Cal Western University against Redlands Un iversity. long o regain winning form Jim Mottershaw led yesler- on the baseball diamond. The day's 21-hit barrage with a Westerners came on fo r a triple and two singles. How- 23-4 victory over Claremont ard Maynard added a double College yesterday. and a pair of singles. Sc·ore · . CW had bowed to Univer- ~r:!,.~!'~F'" ug ti :C 2 J 2l J :SI ,. of San Diego Tuest, It Rulhorford, Groash C6l and Motter- .. show, Shriver (6); Rusk, Holka (3), and - --..;.~...:=------1carlson. HR-Cal Western, Love" 2nd, none on. --- 4-1~ will take a 17-5 record into CLAREMONT

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