News Scrapbook 1962-1964
J f FERSON GALLERY ?/J:,J:J",~~:u::•,a,~~a: 01 ~i.o~:E~ ,t•,. Robert }Jervey: One-man ines. Through May BO
T FRAHCI CHAPEL Muttulll of Man, PIUI ti• <•llflfAiO, II ..,.••, tatllH Por1t -ieep of Prl5oner '; Christophe! Fry's drama about tile dreams of tour men rapped during wa1 m 1de a church . Ends at :30 tom&hl
FLIA MARKET WEST U}tuf:'r11~~;:; a!~ 1 Th~r:fq~ 1
W1dnudat. Painting ho
: The second ann 1el na Ilona] small paintings show, representing about 60 artl ts. Through June 10. FOOTHILL ART AS OCIATIOM :r1 !'n~•:~,~~~,~"lLo\t~•:on~::,hr!u!t 'Fr,rav. otur• l1m1h11r hip ho : The a so lation'a an- nual <'!Hppelitive shov. inL'luding oils, et r, color and other media. Throl!gh May 31 CHULA VISTA ART GUILD u, f'arl DRAMA GROUP BILLS 'MEDEA' Th k la OLD GLOH TH /,. TE North1ast of thl Paait 1111 Par\Gn'ID, El Pr11d1, lat... ,a,k, ar Countr '; The drama ot Sigmund Freud's early work with pbychoanalysl1. "ightly at :30, except J,ionday, through lay 24. Peter mllh left above, and Martin heratte star. ACTORS' QUARTi 410 l!tm 51. 'The l'rlnce nd the wlneherd': Chll• ,!ren's tlteater present drama a.t 2 and 4 p.m. aturda and 11.t 2 p.Jll. unday. 'Plnno<·hlo': Children's tory will be pre• sented at 4 p .m. today. MISSION PLAYHOUSE 3961 MOlotl St, 'Gigi': Comedy about a young French girl brought up by her gnindmother is present• I'd at :30 p.m. Thursday througll atur- day. ROOSEVELT JUNIOR HIGH Pork Boulevard and u,a, Strut. 'The \\'Izard of Oi': San Diego Jun101 Theater pi!! ent. the children s adventure tale at 2:30 p.m. today and next Sunday at 10:30 am. and 2:30 p.m. Saturday. ALPHA OMEGA PLAYERS Professor to Speak Dr. Maxinie Gundl'rson, psy• chology professor at the Uni• vcrsity of San Diego, will talk on "Individual Dlf!erences In Children and Parent..°'" at the c h i I d uldance ) discussion group meeting Thutsday at 7:30 p.m. in Mere -Guadalupe Clini . 4050 Sixth Ave. 6--1~ ~144 campus Aw•. ':IIr. Barry's tchings': Com dy by Walter atur• Bullock nightly at 8130 Friday and daj and May 22 and 23. SHERWOOD HALL 7DO Prospect Sf., La Jolla. 'P.S. 103': Drama about the quiet academ• 1c atmosphere of a philosophy seminar that ~ud 5'- /{
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