News Scrapbook 1962-1964

e Exercises Will Begin Today

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At Commencement For 53 (Continued front ,.,13) honk~. hr COl1(111UNl. Yrt 1h1s mall,· re,·ci rl 1 h Jr dC'gT('('S lities must be improvrd item was onl) $2,:;oo la~l yr:1r until hll thr 1\lexican state•~ indus- ind b<'forP I ta , nothing, "" T w O gr duatl'S, \,Villiam and <'r-onomy arP to move dN·lar<'rl Thoma Whit , and ::,il<'\·<•n l~r- r ard Desp1t" thP v<'rY ,.,, n rl c st nrst Bri , " "rr<' swo . • 'Thr• better of( our nrigh- sizr of the uni\'! rs 1y growl h . gg. • 1 m as hors are, thP. better off we has he P n tn!111rn<1ous. hr J\lai mr C'oi P r•nnd l1<'uf,,n. ai "he also. aid addrd. ant h\ \la Cen B A. Hoch Thr Universir~: of _Raja Cal, DEGREl:S GR.\, ·1 I· n orn1a the maJor msl1tut1on O • . . • hP . Jannr of h1ghcr learning in the state, 1. tlrn l D g1adua1< s, 11 10 sC'hools oprratmg, he rr,·1'1\·rd ha<'hrlo1 of art rlc• D<'pot 1 m<'d. grees, 16 recrl\·cd baclwJ01 of ,John MJC•harl Hugh,•s prr I• sc·irnrr rlrg ('{'S, and thrrr r<'- dent of 1h<> Associat<>d Studrnt OOL'- DIFJIE R ccived dcg1 ces in bu&mcss ad Body, was prC'sented t h p .Fl\e schools are prepara• mmistrat!on Thirtren sum-,Charlcs ~;. l<'ranklin :Mrmori- • ,milar 1o our high mer sl'ss!on graduak WCI<' al Award as the outstanding hools. whilr 1hr others are mt oduc d. but will not for• s<'rnor. profe ions with a total students. he continued.

YQl'k said the unh-er·lty ha acully of 94 but only fivc> P full-time. The total op- a ing budg<'t this year is 1.51 ilhon pesos, or ~350,000, he d ed. The federal and .!'late overnmrnts eontribuTP 40 prr nl each, students 15 p e r n·, and gifts make up the I r t,,·e per cent, York. aid., One item in the budget pro- es . .000 lo purchase

-Son Diego Union Staff P M1 .. Steph~n M. \Yhite, left, and Maj. Gen. B. H(?C~uth, nght, pm second lieutenant bars Wtlltam Thomas White at University of San Die USO Graduation Fetes Dr. York UCSD Chancellor Gets Honorary Degree, Addresses 53 Seniors Dr. Herbert_ F. York, chancellor of the University of Cali- forma, _San Diego, yesterday was praised for his "dedication to pubhc and private education." .The Very Rev. J,ohn Paul Cadden, president of the Univer- ~lty of Sa~ Di.egos Colleg~ for Men, hailed York as a re- search sc1ent1st, uruversi.ty administrator and faculty · member.

The praise came as York was prrsented an honorary doctor of laws degree by The Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, apostolic administrator for the San Diego Roman Cath- olic Diocese and chancellor and president of the Univer- sity of San Diego. York has devoted his life to science and education and fulfills the objectives of the University of San Diego, The Very Rev. Cadden told a commencement crowd at Al- cala Theater. The 53 graduates were told by York they have a "unique opportunity" to benefit by learning about higher educa- tion in Baja California. By learning about others York said, we can better un'. l derstand our own problems. York told the seniors Baja California's higher education (Continued on a-21, Col. 4)

Most R v. Charle F. Buddy hand. out de- to men and women in ceremonies at Univer-


awards law degree to

1ty of . an Die o. Left, h

A. Brue- leg, a Walter Degrees Conferred On In 2 Graduations At USD Fcl'gu. on, who broke hi

According to a friend, riding a skateboard. Bishop Buddy, as he did at e College for Women, hand- ut each diploma. e hundred degrees went omen in 3 p.m. ceremo- in the college's theater. but six were bachelor of


ephanie Ann Mayfield re- ved top honors, graduating ma cum laude. Those graduating cum ude: :Marita Anne Angleton, ranees B. Brescia, Patricia :\turphy, Ann M. Pecht Mary F. Polakiewicz. ' hop Buddy decried th~ "modern intellectual" from the "so-called prestige col- a who doesn't know a wise lvng." __ ,.,.,.. . e triangle of man at the ~nd God at the apex ts , .•u,.t.....,... .._1mple humanitarian ge- ry," he ~aid. l! L.,...,..-itre than 400 attended the n's graduation, the 11th he college. 1

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