Team Member Handbook

Keeping Me Safe At Work

Health & Safety Everyone at work has a legal duty to look after the health and safety of colleagues and guests as stated by the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974 HASAWA). Failure to do so can lead to fines and imprisonment for any individual who deliberately causes an accident or acts in breach of HASAWA.

You will find a Health and Safety poster located on the team notice board which will give you full details of the Act.

As part of our responsibilities under the Act, we must: • Provide and maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health • Ensure chemicals and other substances are handled safely • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees • Maintain a safe and healthy workplace with the necessary facilities • Provide a Health & Safety policy In addition to this you must: • Take care of your own health and safety at work by following the training received and using work equipment and personal protective equipment as instructed. If you are in any way unsure you must speak to your Manager

• You must report any hazards or accidents when carrying out your day to day duties – this helps to take care of the health and safety of you and the team • Cooperate with your Manager, i.e. attend training sessions • Not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety purposes


You will receive your Health & Safety training as part of your induction.


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