Chapter one

Before The United Nations

Since the earliest days of recorded history , rulers of states, kingdoms, and other political bodies have negotiated with each other for the purposes of avoiding or ending military conflict. International agreements and treaties remained valid until they were rendered ineffective by subsequent violations or replaced by newer, more complicated treaties. Alliances were made in this way, through negotiation, sometimes through the exchange of tribute, and even through marriages.War also became an important means of defining relationships between nations, as the victors could then dictate the terms of surrender to the losers. In this way, the earliest forms of international law began to take shape. Wo r d s t o U n d e r s ta n d amelioration : to make something less severe. appeasement : a deliberate attempt pacify a potentially troublesome nation. conventions : formal agreements. fascist : relating to a system of government characterized by dictatorship, repression of opposition, and extreme nationalism. nationalism : the strong devotion to nation.


Chapter One

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