USD Men's Tennis 1999-2000




"Participating a.\ a Di– vi.\ion I athlete require.\ an enor– nwus amount oftime and dedi– cation. Each day, our Mudents face the difficult challenge of balancing their academic and athletic com111it111e11ts. The pur– pose of our academic support program is to assist with the university'.\ mission ofdevelop– ing well rounded student.\, Our program offers students a quiet environment where they can .\ttuly, seek academic advise, learn about different campus services and receive tutoring. "

Mike Matoso is in hi s first year as Coordinato r of Athl eti c Aca– demic Support at the Uni vers ity of San Diego. The USO Athl etic Academi c Suppo rt Program is des igned to ass ist and mo ti vate student-ath– le tes in th e ir j o urn ey a nd progress towards their academi c goa ls, and ultimately graduation. The primary obj ecti ve is to im– p rove the s tud e nt- a thl e tes ' study skill s, support them in their academ ic wo rk , and encourage scho lastic achievement. It is esse nti al th at stude nt-athl etes receive the necessary academic ass istance to continue normal progress toward a degree whil e pa rti cipating in ath letics. USO student-athl etes receive

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Mike Matoso

ass istance through adv is ing, prog ress reports, academic tuto rs, campus learning centers, such as the Logic, Math, and Writing Centers, and the Accelerated Study Prog ram . The Accele rated Study Program provides a monitored, quiet area open only to the student– athletes to ensure quality study time. These serv ices are ava il abl e to all USO student-athl etes. STRENGTH& CONDITIONING The USO strength and condi tioning program is under the direction of Steve Brown who is in his fi fth year. The Uni versity of San Diego athl etic department recognizes the need fo r all athl etes of all sports to engage in a comprehensive strength and conditi oning program. The USO strength and conditioning program has been designed to deve lop fun cti onal strength , speed, power and endurance. The deve lop– ment of these physica l attributes is ineffecti ve if the athl etes are not able to carry them over to the play ing fie ld . Adhering to a properly designed program of strength trai ning, conditio ning and nutrition ca n enable our men and women to become the best poss ib le athletes they can be, whil e simultaneously red ucing the inc idence of injury. The heart of the strength and conditi oning

"I look forward to training all Li SD student-athletes and hope to establish a sense of pride and commitment to the strength and conditioning program. Ttie area of strength and conditioning has become increasingly more scientific in recent years. I plan to utilize the latest research in this field to fully cultivate the athletic potential ofour athletes." Steve Brown

program is the USD Sports Center weight room. It is open exc lusive ly to student-athletes at spec ifi c times each day . The we ight room conta ins 5,000 square feet of Olympic pl atfo rms, free-we ights, se lectorized machines, dumbbe ll s and cardiovascul ar equipment. USD student-athletes rece ive intensive in– struction on proper we ight tra i.ning tec hnique; speed, power and agi lity deve lopment; and sport-specific conditioning. Th eir strength and conditioning pro– grams are spec ifi e to the nature of their sport or pos ition. Eac h athlete is indi vidually monitored throughout their program to ensure the greatest chance of athleti c progress.

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