USD Men's Tennis 1999-2000



SEAN COOPER 6'0" Jr. - Dublin, Ireland Sean enters his third spri ng season at the Uni– versity of San Diego and second fu ll year with the USO Toreros tennis program ... is projected to play both singles (#2-4) and doubles (#3 with Ted Burghardt) for the Toreros .. . had a strong 1999 Fall season w ith 18 w ins -- he

advanced to semi-fi nals at the Southern California Intercoll egiates; won the Conso lation at the Fresno State Bull dog C lass ic; and was Consolation runner-up in the Ro lex Regional Championsh ips, losing to Nick Rai ney of USC ... has a strong, aggressive game with an outstanding serve ... last year fin ished spring season with an 11-1 3 singles mark (6-3 at No. 5) and 14-8 doubles record (w/Burghardt) .. . freshman season fi ni shed w ith a si ng les record of 11 -9, includ- ing a solid 8-4 mark at No. 4 sing les ... he teamed w ith Mattias Tangefjord at No. 2 doubl es for a I0-1 1 record ... a na tive of Dublin, Ireland, Sean was one of the top three j uni ors in Ireland fo r the six years pri or to corning to USO .. . he was ranked # I in U I6 's and #2 in U 18 's .. . in 1997 won the frish Indoors, and [t.WL...,..;.....;..;,....-- teamed w ith Dave Mullins (Fresno State) to w in the Iri sh Se- ni or Doubl es ... he prepped at the Insti tute Educati on .. . bes ides ten- ni s, enjoys play ing the gu itar ... parents are Vincent and Margaret Cooper ofDublin,

Ire land . Major: Business Admini strati on; Minor: Eng lish.

RICARDO RIZO 5'7" So. - Guadalajara, Mexico

Ri cardo begins hi s second Spring season w ith the Toreros; he j oined the Torero squad and USO fo r the 1999 Spri ng campa ign .. . w ill play in upper half of the singles line-up and team with German Ma ldonado at No . I doubles ... last season as a

freshman during the Spring campaign, Ri cardo fi ni shed 8-1 3 in singles, and 14-7 overall in doubl es (9-4 with Mal donado) ... in the WCC cham– pi onship matc h w ith Pepperdine, Ri cardo earned USD's lone po int, defeating Eni Ghi dirmi c, 7-5, 6-2 ... pri or to USO he ga ined a wea lth of internati onal junior tenni s experi ence ... played in the U.S. Open, French Open and Wimbl edon ... was a member of the Mex ican team fo r fo ur years where he played in tournaments li ke the Sunshine Cup and World Youth Cup ... has a great all court game with outstanding foo t speed and bi g time groundstrokes ... chose USO fo r pri vate schoo l, great weather and excell ent student environment ... parents are Esther Ca1Tillo and Ri cardo Ri zo. Major: Undec lared . ,.....

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