
42 Male / Female Licensed Online Credit


1,361 Neuter / Spay

8,166.00 1,197.00

399 Neuter / Spay Licensed Online Credit

6 Kennels


Town Clerk’s Report (Cont.) July 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2017 Late Fees, 185 at $25 Each Police, Search & Rescue And Service Dogs 14 Replacement Tags 6 Transfer from Another Community 2




4,625.00 17,488.00


Other Fees 147 Birth, Certified Copies at $15 each 42 Birth, Certified Copies at $6 each 21 Certificates of Sole Proprietorship 47 Death, Certified Copies at $15 each 147 Death, Certified Copies at $6 each 20 Burial Permits $20 each



252.00 400.00 210.00 705.00 882.00 40.00 20.00 600.00

5 Dennett Map Copies Genealogy Information 12 Junk Yard Permits, Auto 71 Marriage Licenses $40 each

2,840.00 1,140.00

76 Marriage, Certified Copies at $15 each 79 Marriage, Certified Copies at $6 each Photo Copies, Faxes & Miscellaneous

474.00 875.36 207.50

Soda Machine

4 Special Amusement Permits

1,080.00 1,050.00 - 12,980.86

21 Victual Licenses

Voter Registration


Total Cash Receipts:




State of Maine Animal Welfare, Dog Licenses State of Maine Vital Records, State Share


7,093.00 1,093.20 8,205.00 14,077.66

Town's Animal Welfare Account Town of Buxton General Fund

Total Disbursements:



Please note that the Town Clerk is no longer the Agent for game licenses. David Anderson the Recreational Vehicle Agent is the Agent for game licenses. Please see David's report for game license sales for the prior fiscal year. Thank you for the honor to have served you as your elected Town Clerk.

Respectfully Reported,

John Myers, CMC, CCM, Buxton Town Clerk

185 Portland Road, Buxton, Maine 04093-6532 Email: tclerkbuxton@sacoriver.net / Website: www.buxton.me.us Phone # (207) 929-6171 / Fax # (207) 929-4730

Election Day: Polls Open 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM


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