ENTSOG Annual Report 2016



The Network Code on Gas Balancing in Transmission Net- works (Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014) was published in the Official Journal of the EU in March 2014 with a first implementation deadline as of 1 October 2015. The second implementation deadline for countries which applied transitory option passed on 1 October 2016. During 2016, the BAL WG focussed on the implementation requirements set out in the BAL NC in preparation for the application of the Network Code in the respective Member States. Following its monitoring obligation set out in Article 8(8) of the Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 and in order to assess the implementation plans of the individual TSOs, ENTSOG elab- orated its first BAL NC monitoring report, in which the im- plementation status of the BAL NC by 1 October 2015 was identified. ENTSOG Report was published in June 2016, followed by a joint ACER and ENTSOG Workshop on Balancing on 7 November 2016. In addition to this, Business Requirements Specifications for the Nomination and Matching Procedures (NOM BRS) was updated with the relevant common data exchange so- lution for the respective data exchange requirement. Continuing its monitoring tasks, ENTSOG developed indica- tors that aim to assess the effect of the BAL NC. A question- naire to the ENTSOG members for the implementation and effect monitoring process was launched at the beginning of December 2016 in order to ensure timely publication of re- sults in the 2017 Annual Report.

The Tariff Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas (TAR NC) was launched into the formal adoption process by the European Commission, entering into the Comitology Procedure in March 2016. The TAR NC passed through the final Comitology meeting on 30 Septem- ber 2016, with validation by the European Council and the European Parliament expected early 2017. The Official Journal of the European Union is anticipated to publish the TAR NC on 17 March 2017, and it will enter into force 20 days later, on 6 April 2017. ENTSOG provided continuous support throughout the Comitology Procedure helping to deliver a positive outcome. This included regular discus- sions with the EC and ACER and gathering expert feedback from Members. The TAR WG started developing the TAR Implementation Document (TAR IDoc) in October 2016. The TAR IDoc will be a non-binding document, prepared for information and illustrative purposes, and offer a set of examples and possi- ble solutions for the implementation of the TAR NC. The 29th Madrid Forum in October 2016 invited ENTSOG and ACER ‘to support and monitor the implementation’ of the TAR NC ‘and report back to the Forum’. The TAR IDoc is part of ENTSOG’s response to this invitation. This is the first time that ENTSOG will produce such an extensive and de- tailed document to support the network code implementa- tion throughout the EU. In December 2016 the TAR WG established Knowledge Sharing Sessions to help TSOs with the implementation of TAR NC. These are internal sessions for TSO cooperation related to specific issues of the TAR NC with the aim of pro- viding a forum for improved knowledge sharing amongst TSOs. Tariff related activities during 2017 will focus on the imple- mentation of TAR NC. Workshops are planned to inform and help ENTSOG members, stakeholders, and the wider market, about implementation itself and the collection of data for implementation and effect monitoring reports.

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ENTSOG Annual Report 2016

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