ENTSOG Annual Report 2016

Image courtesy of Gascade

Natural gas is easier and more affordable to store than electricity. Ongoing technology developments enabling the capture and sequestration of CO₂ (Carbon Capture and Storage, or CCS) gas are actu- ally more efficient on gas than on comparable fuels.


ENTSOG 10th Annual Public Transparency Workshop was held on 8 December 2016. The workshop was organised in three sessions dedicated to the following topics:

ACER presented its feedback on the platform and suggest- ed improvements in some functional and data publication areas. On behalf of TSOs, ENTSOG presented the status of the TSOs REMIT implementation, and provided feedback to current schemas in place for reporting under REMIT. During the session dedicated to the upcoming TAR NC, ENTSOG informed the audience about performed and upcoming activities relating to network code development as well as current discussions regarding the content of the transparency requirements in TAR NC.

\\ ENTSOG Transparency Platform

\\ REMIT implementation status and suggestions for schema improvements

\\ Upcoming Tariff Network Code Requirements on Transparency

As part of the workshop, ENTSOG demonstrated the new functionalities of the Transparency Platform and added a live demo about the usage of selected new features. The plans for future development were also shared and two rep- resentatives from Bloomberg’s energy division shared their user experience and feedback of the TP data and function- alities with the audience.

ENTSOG Annual Report 2016 |


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