USD Women's Tennis 1997
Steffi enters her third season with the Torero tenni s program where she is pro- ..........-...-. jec ted to team with Mi chell e Smith at #2
doubl es and pl ay at #5-6 singles . Las t season she fini shed 27- 18 overall ( 15-10 singles; 12-8 doubl es) and pl ayed mostl y at #6 singles ( 12-6) and #2 doubl es ( 11 -6 with Juli e Baird). She won nine of ten singles matches las t season fromMarch 16th th rough April 27th. Her freshman year she fini shed 24-14 overall ( 19-1 2 dbl s) . That season she advanced to the NCAA Doubl es Championships (w/Lindsay Bl anckensee) and fini shed with a fin al national ranking of #34 (#9 west reg ion ). She enters the 1997 spring campaign with an overall record of 52-33 (20-12 singles; 32-21 doubles).
,. Prior to USO, she played for the TC Bendes torf club team l__ i;::__J~·•-~.,-------;::~ in Cell e, Germany . She attended the John Newcombe/ l Owen Davidson Tennis Academy in Texas for two years. Major: Biology .
BRIGID JOYCE 5'11" Jr. - Los Angeles, CA
Bri gid enters her junior campai gn with the Toreros. Last year Bri gid ended up with an overall record of 22- 16 ( 15-8 singles; 7-8
doubl es) and 57 .9 winning percentage. She fini shed 14-4 at #5 singles and teamed with Mi che ll e Smith at #3 doubl es (4-7 record ). Her freshman yea r she fini shed 19- 11 overa ll ( 18- 10 sg ls; 16-8 at #4). Aga inst Indi ana in the firs t round of the NCAA Team Tournament, it was Bri gid's come-from-behind victory that kept US D's hopes ali ve and pushed the ma tch into doubl es play. She enters the 1997 spring season with an overa ll record of 42-10 (11- 19 singles; 9-11 doubles) . Prior to USO, she prepped at Marymount High Schoo l in Los Ange les where she earned fo ur-varsity lett ers and was a two- time MVP. Heav il y rec ruit ed out of hi gh schoo l (UCLA, USC), Bri gid was ranked 12nd nati onall y ( I8's). Major: Engli sh
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