News Scrapbook 1979
SAN DIEGO UNION SEP l 1979 T oreros Oppose Ai r Base Team Th University of San Diego, with a new qu rterback and a new image, open its 1IJ79 football ason tonight agah st Edwards ,\II' Foret Rase for the . ond straight year on USD s field at 7. The Torcro defeated Edwards in last season's opener 47-0 and v.£>nt on to a 6-4 season - their f1 ;t wirmmg JSOTl sl nee 1973. Thi y ar Coach B111 \'1lliams, a perenmal optlm st, expert even more "From now on, our goal is to win rather than Just being competitive. Agamst F:dwards, we're conl·crn d with two lhmgs: starting the Sl'ason with a wm, and g tm a good look al our personnel. ;\lost of the po 1tions are. till w1d · open " The Torero backfield appears set with newcomen; Tim Call at quarterback, Jeff \ eeder at fullback, and return- Ing starter Dave Maynard at t· lback. Will iams, who plans to run a mult1ple, pro yle offense, also expects wide receivers Mark Lenberg and Jeff Morgan to see mo. t of the action on pas plays Lehberg, a 5- sophomore with limited experience, caught hi first college pass for a touchdown against Edwards I year Morgan, at 6-0, 200, is one or the quickest, and most experienced Toreros. He runs the 100 in 9.7.
SEP 2 197~ New faculty appoint- ments at the University of San Diego business school in clude E. Elizabeth ~r~ol~, business law assist- ant professor ; James Dan- iels, accounting associate professor, James Evans, business administration as- sociate professor ; Don Mann, marketing associate professor; Greg Merrill, accounting assistant pro- re sso r, and Eugene Ratbswobl, business ad- ministration assistant pro- fessor. ______ __.
CLOBBERS EDWARDS AFB 38-16 USD Unveils Mini-Backs In Opener
University or San Diego unveiled its mini backfield last night &nd the Toreros crush Edwards Air Force Base 38-16 m the team's 1979 season football opener. USO rolled up 428 yards in total offense, 246 of them
on tie ground, yet the lead- mg ,an carrier was Dave Ma)1ard with 63 on four canes and a touchdown. 1"10 backs, sophomore Joe Henry and freshman Eri1 Gilbert, each had 55 yars, Henry on nine car-
ries, Gilbert on seven. Coach Bill Williams ran his little halfbacks in and out l!ke a tag team, and despite their stature they befuddled the Edwards defense. Maynard, a junior, is 5-foot-9; Gilbert is 5-0 and
Henry is 5-8. Quarterback Tim Call completed 7of 13 passes for 172 yards, including touch- down passes of 48 and 67 yards.
USO - Veeoor 2 run (Goldslone kick) USO -Veeder 1run (Goldslone kick) USO - Morgon ;a POSS from Coll (Gold· slone kick) Ed-Jackson 7 roo uo,ksoo run) USO - Morgon 61 POI> from Coll ( Gold· stone kick) USO - FG Goldst~ 19 Ed.- Bailey 17 run lrun foiled) USO -Maynord22 run IGoldstone kickI Ed - Sofetv, Reado lod EdworOsAFB USO I 6 2-16 0 1-31 l 7 21 zone Sunday, September 2, 1979 THE SAN DIEGO UNION F-12 SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO MAGAZINE SEP 1979 LECTURES Government: Hindrance or Help in the Cancer War- First debate in Law & Economics senes matches Dr. Eli zabeth Whelan, executive direct?' • American Council on Science & Heallh , wnh Ellen Haas , Consumer Di v., Community Nutrition Institute . Sept. 13 at 8. Salomon Lec1ure Hall , USD. ..~-~_;- '-.::-~..:..a,~ i;....;....:..~~... '-'"'"'"""----""'---~"."-' __ ~' -=_:-:_:':".::._ .;;;.;.'--..;,a,;......,;..._ SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE "THE MISSIONS " a $4 million student housing complex, has be;n completed and is owoitin~ the first student tenants at the University of San Diego. The complex is USD' s fi rst major on-c~mpus housing in 20 years. M.H. Golden_ ~o. built the 256-bed project which overlooks M1ss1on Bay and Tecolote Canyon. EVENING TRIBUNE SEP 3 1979 CITY SCENE: The Ga~lamp Quarter goes on display m an historical exhibition at the cen- tral Public Library tomorrow. It's a spinoff of the CETA-funded research project on the area led by Dr. Ray Brandes Cons uc ion Completed on Complex for Students SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE DAILY TRANSCRIPT <:J::p 3 1979 * • • The first major on-campus student housing in 20 years at the University of San biego has been completed. Called The Mlssiom complex, the $4-mlllion project features 12 three- story cottage-type structures and a central pedestrian mall with court- yards and panoramic views of Mission Bay andTecolote Canyon. Designed by the San Diego ar- ,.'litectural firm of Schoell & Paul Inc., The Missions also includes a two-story, 7,000-square-foot lounge with grill, laundry room, game room, student ofices and conference rooms. "As par of the overall goal to make· this compex different than most stu- dent houang, The Missions also fea- tures lhelatest in energy conserva- tion and iecurlty systems," said Den- nis Allislll, project manager for the M.H. GoHen Co., general contractor for the pl'lject. SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE EVENING TRIBUNE sr, a 1919 I An exhibit, the Gaslamp Quarter...Then to Now," will be displayed in the lobby of the central library throughout Sep- tember . The exhibit is part of the research project funded by the federal government and directed by Dr. Ray Brandes ol the University ol SanDiego. "A View / o Cal/ leads USO to opening win Tim Call made a succes- ful debut at quarterback Saturday as he led the l'ni- versity or San Diego foot- ball team to a season-open- ing 38-16 victory over Ed- wards Air Force Base. With the junior transfer from Dixie Junior College in St. George, uath, calling the signals, th Toreros jumped off to a 21-0 lead at the end or the f!rst quarter and never Iook!'d back Taking over for the grad- uated Jim Valenzuela, Call clicked on 7of 13 passes for 172 yards, including touch- down passes of 48 and 67 yards to speedy wide re- ceiver Jeff Morgan USD displayed a bal- anced attack as 246 of their 428 yards in total offensP came on the ground Daw• Maynard led all USO rushers with 63 yards on Just four carries. versity has experienced years and has had no in the past few years. major housing con- A year ago, 911 struction in more than students lived on 20years. campus, despite the fact The new complex, that the school had which will house 256 housing for only 730. The . students, will bring tbe extra students lived in a total available housing granduate center and a to close to 1,000 units. nearby motel, the Padre USD has a student body Trail Inn, said Tom of about4,000. Burke, vice-president The facility consists of for student affairs. a dozen three-story USD has grown by 63 structures. Each floor percent in the last seven has a common living whlch : will be room, two bathrooms and bedrooms for eight. Acenter lounge offers a grill, laundry room, game room, student offices and conference rooms. It is designed to offer a "community atmosphere," Burke said. The western buildings overlook Tecolote Canytk~:: Mission Bay, · them the most cJesirable choice among i;tudents. USD I offers a broad range 9f living arrange- ments, including apart- ment and motel-type complexes and the tranditional dormitories with a common bathroom and• small cubicles for bedrooms, Burke said. Seniors are the first ta select housing, and typically the apartment complexes have gone By GERRY BRAUN StaffWriter Construction of a $4 million housing complex has been completed at the University of San Diego, and with classes less than two weeks away, students are already moving in. 'lbe residence halls, named after California missions, ar-e expected t.o relieve the housing shortage which the W!i· first, but officials expect the "Missions," as they are called, to replace them in popularity. The complex was designed by Schoell and Paul, Inc., and the M.H. Golden Co. was the primary contractor. The university borrowed money to construct the dorms, repai~ with from student rent. Burke said. The cost of livinli on campus ranges frnm $900 ·to ·,1,2S1r ·• semester, depencJing 'fl the complex and meal plan the student chooses, 'B,.irke .saJ,d. ______ .., __ .... - . - revenue
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