News Scrapbook 1979




Son Die90, Wednesday, October 3, 1979

S IL II Debate National Foreign p hey Assoc , S~n Diego World A[fair, Council & USO ollegc of An, & ·cienccs ,ponsor verbal battle l 25 al 7 m C'ammo Tocaire , USD Info: 291-6480, e.i 44M1 Breakh•l emln a rs for Bu lness Pro: re lon•ls Speakers from USO School of Bus1- ne s condu t ,eminar-. Friday, al 7:10 am at Town & C ountry Hotel. MisS1on Valley . Oct. 12. " Qcl "Stm1cg1es for Managenal Success . . 19 " Real Estate ynd1cations Forms. Purposes, RISkS and 1-.,pected Return," ' Oct 2~·. " Motlv tion & Sattsfacuon Myth, & Rcahty Info 29 1 6480, c



With barely a hint of autumn in the air outside, 750 women filled the ballroom ·or Vacation Village Convention Center yesterday to take a look at what they could be wearing when fall and winter weather does come. It was the University of San Diego Auxiliary's 23rd annual fashion show luncheon to benefit IJSD's financial aid program for students. The fashions were from Bullock's and the show, with simulated ram and snow plus disco lights, was called "Discov- ery." . 'fhe event was such a popular attraction that it was sold out al 760 (there were some men there, too) a week ago, with a waiting list in case of cancella- tions. :\1rs. Eric Bass of La Jolla was general chairman and Mrs. John Porter McGregor, co-chairman. Guests were welcomed by Mrs. Edward T. Keating, auxiliary president, and the auxiliary's chaplain, :vions1gnor I. Brent Eagen, gave the invocation. The three women were among 26 individuals and groups sponsoring tables and there were 26 table patrons as well as eight "Angels," the latter donors of $100 or more. Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of USD, was seated with Mr. and Mrs Bass and Bullock's officials, Dudley Beckett and Jack Larson, and the Mmes. Robert D. Wallace, Sedgwick Williams Fraser and John Victor Smith. Mr. and ~1rs. Keating were joined by their daughters, Kimberly and Kara; Sister Virgima Mc~onagle, who served as university liaison for the committee; and the Mmes. William Boorse, William Pickett, Leonard Teyssier and Richard Woodhead. (Kara was one of the day's prize-winners; she took home a trip to Disneyland.) jion ignor Eagen wa<: seatrd with Mr ard Mn; James F. Mulvaney and Mrs. Mulvaney's mother, Mrs. Catherine Rinderer, at a sponsor table . Others there were the ~1mes. Simon Edison, Lynn Fayman, Deborah Szekely, Ballard Smith, James Smathers and Howard Morrow. Community organizations taking one or more tables included San Diego Bar Auxiliary (It will have a Bullock's fashion show March 3.) , St. Madeleine Sophie Baral Auxiliary, USD Auxiliary, Juniors of Social Service Auxiliary, Alumnae of the Sacred. Heart, La Jolla Committee for Multiple Sclerosis, Mercy Hospital Auxiliary and the Social Service Auxiliary. Mrs. John McBride Thornton was chairman of hostesses for the social hour and Mrs. John Athaide for the luncheon. Mrs. Thornton's committee includ· ed the Mmes. Teyssier, Wallace, Helen Anne Bunn John N. Comito, Henry G. Fenton, Emil A. Ghio, J'. Irons Guymon, Frank L. Hope, Thomas W. Keelin, Victor H. Krulak, Douglas Manchester, John H. azur, Jack Lewis Powell, William B. Rick and Earyle D. Woodard. Mrs. Athaide's committee included the Mmes. Luciano Brito, 'Maurice F. Correia, Anthony Ghio, Robert C. Howard, Edwin L. March, Charles W. Melville Jr., Joseph J. Mullen, Joseph B. Mullen, Daniel F. Mulvihill, John L. Power, Walter Slaight, John J. Wells and Walter Wilkins. Luncheon tables, arranged around the long T- ramp, were covered in gold cloths and centered with baskets of autumn leaves and straw flowers in autumn shades. Mrs. Ross G. Tharp was chairman of the committee which made the centerpieces and they were sold to provide more funds for student aid. Mrs. McGregor, who found her fashion choice for the day right on target with one segment of the show - Discover Red - introduced fashion commentator Robbi Kraft. Mrs McGregor's dress was red with a black brushstroke print. She had as guests some neighbors from Rancho Bernardo, the Mmes. Robert A. Gibson, Thomas Lewis and Sheldon Walker, and Mrs. James G. Ford of Poway, Mrs. Neill Cate of Point Loma, Mrs. Elvira Marquis of Coronado and Mrs. William E. Spicer of San Diego. The show opened with rainwear and closed with evening furs - in between were knits, suits, dress- e , coats and jackets, sweaters, ski wear, and evemng dresses.





Show- Bullock 's fash· luncheon Oct. 2 at


USO Auxiliary F~h1on

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V'I\ oe Info: 454.2886 .

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l I:30 at vacauon



OCT 4 1979 The Curr nt State of Dram.1 m Mexico will he the u1'Jcct ,1t ,, rrescnnuon an S1, n1 h bv Mcx,c m dram 11,t Fem ndo S 1nfh<1 May.ins, SunJay, Ocw\,c,r 7, 4 p.m , hc11ch l',irlour, U I), Alc,1).1 Park , San ll,ego 2'11 64~0 x4296


USD faces Poets ne,. University of San Diego, Call completed 18 4-1 on the season after a 27· passes for 305 yards 2 conquest or Occidental three touchdowns and , Saturday night at USD Sta· defense choked off dium, was lookmg to its Tigers with a minus toughest football test today yards rushing.


- a Saturdav meeting with Whittier on the Poets' grid- iron. The Toreros ran over the Tigers Saturday on the strength of Tim Cali's pass· ing and a rugged defense.


vention Center were, from left, a beige tweeded mohair and wool- knit coat over a beige Damon cashmere dress, an J.B. Diffusion two-piece beige tweed knit suit, and an irridescent brown sequin gown. - Photos by George Smith

STEPPING FOR STYLE - Fashions for fall and winter were unveiled yesterday by Bullock's for the University of San Diego Auxiliary's program for student financial aid. Among the styles on display at Vacation Village Con-




er·•_ ..... y,vgnun at :.s:30. USIU home; USD on road United States Intemational University will be at home Satur

Hatted And Gloved, They Squeezed In AFashion Luncheon "Look at me; laughed fashion mmentator Robbi Kraft. "Things have changed· I ha\e a hat and a glove on - the first time m eight years!" The occasion was the 23rd annual fashion show and luncheon given by the University of San Diego Auxiliary And out rn the capacity-plus audience the hat and the glove were not the exotic rarities they usually are Th show - staged with big-time dazzle by Bullock's :\fission Valley - y,as sold out a week in advance. (When Auxiliary pres1d nt Pat Keating y,eJcomed the 750 guPsts she offered special thanks to the patron, ho were kind enough to Jet us squeeze-in another person or t\\o at your table.") mong the hatted heads. were those belonging to Ruth Mulvaney, :\Hm Sally, Carol Smathers, Barba• ra Iredale, Marilyn Fletcher and Judy Comito. Chairwoman Betty Bass remained loyal to design- er Mary McFadden (even Betty's letter paper is designed by McFaddPn), and co-chairwoman Geor- gette McGregor wore a c·arlet dress with ''what Bullock's calls a 'nervous' hemline " In this case, "nervous" meant rippling pleats Applauding the fast-paced fashion parade were ringsiders Celeste Trepte, :\!ary Sadler, Michala Lawrence (taking note of those MisSOni knits), Nancy Starkey, Emmy Cote, Helen Edison, Deborah Szekely ('' ... the first luncheon I've been to In I· can't-remember-how-long"), Danah Fayman, Bar• bara Walbridge, Georgina Gale, Eileen Jackson, Dian Pe 'l, tarjorie To1lllan, Sally Thornton and Eleanor White. ( few men were persuaded to attend: USD pre Id nt Author Hugh s, for example, and :\1onsig- nor I. Brent Eagen, Eric Bass, Jim :\1ulvaney and Bullock's Dudley Beckett ) The stage .etting in the Vacation Vtllage ballroom was a triumph. Stretched and twisted pan or translucent white fabric were cleverly lighted to create flickers of lightning (for a collection of (Continued on D-2, Col. I)


LEMON GROVE REVIEW OCT 4 1979 USD' s Brovelli Adds Coach Aid John Cosentino has been hired as a full time assistant coach at USD and will assist head coach Jim Brovelli in the areas of recruiting and scout- ing. Prior to Cosentino's appoint- ment to the Torero staff he was a successful varsity bas- ketball, baseball and football coach at University High School in San Diego. John was also the freshman coach at usru. Cosentino, a native of San Diego, earned all county hon- ors in football and basketball at University High School. In his senior year at University High he was captain of the team that won the CIF bas- ketball championship, and won Player of the Year honors. After lettering In football and basketball at Mesa Col- lege in San Diego he went on to scholarships at · Adams State, Colorado and SDSU. John has acted on the CIF Basketball Advisory Board and has an intensive summer camp coaching and counseling for John Wooden and Sports world.





Workshop Set For Physicians SAN DIEGO - A two-day workshop designed to assist · physicians In private practice to manage more effectively will be held In the Universlty of San Diego's Salomon lecture Hall on Saturday, Oct. 'J:1, and Sun- day, Oct. 28. "Managing Your Sue· cessful Medical Practice" will cover office manage- ment and priority planning, time management, personnel problem solving, financial records and controls, pro- tective office posture, office location and design and solo versus group practice. For information, call 293- 4585.

School. In his benior ear at University High he WdS captain of the team that won the California lnterscho· olastic Federation basketball championship, and won Player of the Year honors. After lettering in football and basketball at Mesa College in San Diego, John went on to scholars ips at Adams State, Colorado and San Diego State University. John has acted on the California Interscholastic Federation Basketball Ad- visory Board and has an extensive summer camp coaching and counseling for John Wooden and Sports World. He is single and resides in the Pacific Beach area of San Diego.

John Cosentino has been hired as a full time assistant coach at the University of San Diego, and will assist head coach Jim Brovelli in the areas of recruiting and scouting. Prior to Cosentino's appointment to the Torero staff he was a successful varsity basketball, baseball, and football coach at Univ- ersity High School in San Diego . John was also the freshman coach at United States International Uni- versity. Cosen(ino. a native of San Diego, l!arned all county honors in football and basketball at University High



OCT 3 1979 Rare ~hairs on Display at U D erent eras and life-styles are University of Sa/Di u nd ay at Founders Gallery at the Th ego. San &~!';:;~r;r:a{rom a mission chair on Joan from the that came here·by YSocankiety to 1. an English Sheraton chair ee c 1pper. California chairs from diff on exhibit throu h S


Elvin Bishop to Perform at USO Rock. musician Elvin Bishop will perform in concert at 8 p.m. Fnday ~ong with guest Blue Steel at the University of San Diego s Camino Theatre. Tickets are $5 for USD stud~nts and $7.50 for others and are available al USD and all Ticketron outlets.

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